Urban Witcher

Chapter 1475 The origin of the heart grass 2

So I remember very clearly that in the past month, the few of us had only such a group activity, and now that I think about it, it is indeed a bit weird. "

Ye Shaoyang nodded, and asked, "Did the two of them have any abnormal reaction after eating that food and going back?"

"I don't know. I've moved out of the rented house now. When I went back that day, we had a drink together, and then I went back to the city. You can ask Lin Dan and Chen He."

The corners of Ye Shaoyang's mouth curled into a helpless smile, and he didn't tell the truth that these two people were dead. Then he asked him some questions, but he couldn't provide anything, so he asked him to take him to the scene where he discovered "Tai Sui" have a look.

"Can you go now, or do you need to rest for a while?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"I'm fine, let's go now."

The group left the hospital and took two cars to the School of Foreign Languages.

Xie Yuqing drove Ye Shaoyang along with the others.

"Aren't you going to University City? Your route is wrong." Ye Shaoyang asked hurriedly when he saw the car turning into a commercial street.

Xie Yuqing glanced at him, and said: "Look at your body, you are like a dog in the water, I'd better take you to buy a suit of clothes and change."

"This..." Ye Shaoyang looked at her with hesitation.

"Don't say thank you, Ruma."

"No." Ye Shaoyang chuckled, "I want to ask, do you pay?"

As a result, Xie Yuqing directly bought him a suit of clothes and shoes at a roadside stall, including inner K, and then got out of the car by herself, letting him change into clean clothes in the back seat, and then drove to the foreign language institute.

After getting off the car, the two groups gathered together and went to the place where "Tai Sui" was found under the leadership of the boy named Zhang Bin.

Passing through the campus, I entered a cypress forest. There was nothing here. It really was a wasteland. Ye Shaoyang asked Liu Ming to know that this so-called wasteland was more than ten acres in size. It was bought by the school a few years ago for planning purposes, but It was useless, so I simply planted trees, and no one took care of them at ordinary times, and it was no different from the real wasteland.

Zhang Bin led the way, passing through an artificial lake—Liu Ming said that it was simply a pool of water, and then turned over a mound to come under the wall.

There are tall sycamores and paulownias planted here, and the ground covered with fallen leaves is deeply sunken and somewhat damp.

Covered by branches and leaves, the light in the woods was dim, without a ray of direct sunlight coming in, and the air was filled with a hazy mist-like presence.

Ye Shaoyang smelled something wrong, took out the Y-Yang plate and tested it, and there was a strong Y-qi in the depths of the woods ahead.

Zhang Bin finally stopped at the edge of a stream and searched for it from memory.

Ye Shaoyang stared down at the ground.

"What's wrong?" Xie Yuqing asked after noticing his strange expression.

Ye Shaoyang didn't make a sound, and stepped on the thick fallen leaves on the ground with his left foot, revealing the real surface, only one side was red, which looked like a layer of red moss.

Ye Shaoyang pressed it with his finger, and a blood-red Y body immediately leaked out.

"Blood moss! It can only be found in places with strong Y energy!"

Looking at Ye Shaoyang's gloomy eyes, Xie Yuqing and the others felt extremely nervous.

At this moment, Zhang Bin stood under a tree and said with some frustration: "I saw Tai Sui at that time, it was here, but I couldn't find it."

Ye Shaoyang rushed over, observed carefully, and found that the stream water was turbid, containing yin, and the soil beside the water was also dyed into a black and red abnormal color, which definitely did not form within a day or two.

He took out the Yang disk, pinched his fingers and calculated for a long time. This place is not a wind outlet node, and the Y Qi will accumulate because of poor breathing, so there is only one possibility: the Y Qi here is artificially made!

He searched with Zhang Bin for a while, but he couldn't find it. Ye Shaoyang asked Qi Chen to send him back. At the same time, he also recruited Guagua who had returned from Huangquan, and asked him to follow Zhang Bin to guard him for a few days, so that he would not come out again. whats the matter.

I walked along the creek and finally found the pond, which is a tributary branched from the pond.

Ye Shaoyang inquired Liu Ming and learned that the water in this pool is in summer and autumn, and the spring water on the mountain comes from the high water season, and the spring water and rainwater flowing down from the mountain will accumulate and dry up after late autumn.

Ye Shaoyang stood by the lake, observed it carefully, and asked Liu Ming, "You said this lake will be dried up every winter?"

Zhang Bin nodded.

Ye Shaoyang walked around the lake, and looked downstream of the stream, and found that it had entered the underground waterway.

Xie Yuqing followed all the way, and when he finished reading, she couldn't wait to ask: "How about you say something?"

Ye Shaoyang found a tree stump and sat down, and the rest immediately gathered around him.

"Now it can be concluded that the matter started because Wu Le and Chu Xiaolong ate that kind of fruit, but that kind of thing is definitely not Tai Sui."

Xie Yuqing said: "What is that?"

"It should be a kind of fruit of stagnant yin energy, like being poisoned. After eating it, the body will be controlled by yin energy." Ye Shaoyang said, "Have you noticed before that whether it is on the soil by the stream or the lake, There are many horizontal stripes, and in some places, the moss has been scratched."

Xie Yuqing said: "I saw it. Isn't this the trace of the water rushing out during the wet season?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "The traces only appeared recently."

"Yeah, summer is just over."

Ye Shaoyang rolled her eyes and said, "I mean, the last day or two, the last day or two, is not a wet season."

Xie Yuqing was stunned.

Ye Shaoyang didn't make a fuss, and continued: "This kind of mark is very similar to something like rattan, which has been drawn across the sand..."

"Rattan!" Xie Yuqing was startled, and said, "That kind of plant!"

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "If I'm not mistaken, the lake and stream must have been covered with Hell Demon Heart Grass at that time. I even suspect that the so-called Tai Sui eaten by Wu Le and the others is the fruit of Hell Demon Heart Grass!"

As soon as this remark came out, several people were too shocked to speak.

Xie Yuqing immediately called Qi Chen and asked him to ask Zhang Bin for help. As a result, Zhang Bin remembered that there was indeed a kind of vine growing by the stream at that time...

"These two people ate the fruit of the magic heart grass, so they died?" Xie Yuqing asked, "But why did they die in the water room?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, and suddenly thought: "The cistern may be the corpse lair for the zombies to cultivate, and they were brought there to kill them for the convenience of self-cultivation."

"Zombie? Where did the zombie come from?" Xie Yuqing was puzzled.

Ye Shaoyang briefly explained what Xiao Yiyun had told him before, and then said: "No matter how evil the magic heart grass is, it is only a wood-type plant with half-wisdom, so it is impossible to plan such an elaborate event. The source of corpse energy is the mastermind of all this."


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