Urban Witcher

Chapter 1487 The Truth About Building No. 5

A day later, there was a riot at the school, not because of anything else but zombies.

Zombies bite people everywhere, and those who are killed will also become zombies. Fortunately, the school was closed management at that time, with high walls and locked gates, which restricted the leaving of zombies, and the school discovered it very early. He was also caught off guard and reported to the detectives.

The detectives had no choice but to report further. Later, the special agents rushed in, armed with flamethrowers, and surrounded them layer by layer. At that time, mages also came to the scene and cooperated to force all the zombies into Building No. 5.

I heard from my father that blood was seeping from the outer wall of Building No. 5, and the entire outer wall was covered with ghosts crying and wolves howling. It was like a hell on earth. , also died inside.

At that time, a cloud of black air appeared above the roof of the building, covering the entire building like a mist, and then subsided a little bit, and finally formed a vortex, which gradually disappeared, and then all the visions also disappeared.

In Building No. 5, there was a dead silence. Someone dared to rush in, and guess what? "

Xie Yuqing said: "Everyone is dead?"

Liu Ming shook his head.

"They're still alive?" Zhang Xiaorui guessed backwards.

Liu Ming still shook his head, and he didn't hold back any more. He took a deep breath and said, "There is no one. There is no one in Building No. 5. There is an old saying that no one is alive, no one is dead, no dead."

Ye Shaoyang's heart skipped a beat. It was the first time he had heard of such a mysterious situation. If it was true, it could only be described as "Arabian Nights".

"Could it be time travel, or group wear!" Zhang Xiaorui guessed boldly.

"I don't know, this matter, until today, is still a mystery."

After finishing speaking, the three of them looked at Ye Shaoyang together.

"Don't look at me, I don't know how it happened, but the only thing that is certain is that they must have gone to another time and space."

Zhang Xiaorui suddenly called out: "Master, the space we have been to! Those zombies, have they been brought to that space?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. There was no way to speculate on such illogical things, so he simply stopped thinking about it for the time being and asked Liu Ming, "What happened later?"

"After the incident happened, the officials didn't know how it ended, because half of the students who stayed in the school at that time became zombies, and the other half disappeared out of thin air. Among the mages at that time, there was an expert, that is, the monk. I came up with an idea to put all the killed zombies into Building 5 and set them on fire

One is that the corpse aura is spreading in this building and needs to be cleared with fire, and the other is that the fire can also be used to cover up the spiritual truth."

When the three of them heard this, they suddenly realized that the fire was actually man-made!

In this way, it is understandable that there are no survivors and no official investigation results.

"No wonder the information you gave is endless." Ye Shaoyang glanced at Xie Yuqing and said.

Zhang Xiaorui frowned, and said to Liu Ming, "Don't you think it's cruel to take those corpses to the building and burn them again?"

"How could it be burned again? Those zombies were burned to death by a flamethrower. It is no different from a normal burn. They are just placed in the building for show, otherwise the parents of the students can't explain it."

Liu Ming spread his hands and said, "I'm not trying to excuse the authorities and the school board where my father was at that time. No one wants to hide the parents' right to know, but for the sake of social stability, there is no other way. And this is an emergency situation. , the matter became out of hand in an instant, and the school tried its best to remedy it."

All three nodded.

Ye Shaoyang said: "I can understand that supernatural events are not something you ordinary people can handle. I can only say that those mages are too weak, or the other party's evil things are too powerful. By the way, what happened later, I didn't investigate further ?”

"The government also investigated, but everyone is missing, and there is no way to find out. We only found these few pages of records, and this metal box. At that time, the government took away all the files and did not leave them in the place, so you don't know. May be found.

Furthermore, the media at that time was not as developed as it is now, and the matter was handled in a timely manner, and not much news was released. Afterwards, we demolished Building No. 5, as if it had never existed, and did not leave any files.

Then the Zen master said that the box was not safe enough, so he added a seal. He said that in the future, if this matter becomes turbulent again, there must be someone with magical powers to turn the tide, otherwise it is better not to investigate further, so as not to harm others and ourselves, so "

"So you didn't want me to know before, you were afraid that I might not be able to handle it?" Ye Shaoyang smiled.

"No, I have a mentality of avoiding diseases and avoiding medical treatment. I wishful thinking that the incidents I encountered before have nothing to do with that year. After all, it has been silent for more than 30 years. I thought there would be no more problems. I really didn't expect it."

"Why does that monk think that there will be another disturbance in Building No. 5? Otherwise, he doesn't need to keep these things."

"Yes, I heard from my father that the Zen master felt that there must be some reason for those people and zombies to disappear out of thin air. The most likely thing is to avoid the edge temporarily, and maybe they will make a comeback in the future."

"Cutting the weeds does not eradicate the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. If the evil things are not destroyed, they will definitely come back to cause trouble. These things are very vengeful and extreme, and there is no reason at all."

Ye Shaoyang put one hand on Liu Ming's shoulder and said, "I don't know what kind of concept he is talking about. Anyway, if I encounter this incident, I will fight to the end. In the end, either it will die, or I die."

Liu Ming nodded heavily. "Mr. Ye, I believe in you. Now I'm counting on you. If this matter can be resolved, I will pay you a large sum of money."

"Hey, if you can't solve it, you can burn paper money to me."

Seeing Liu Ming flustered, Ye Shaoyang immediately patted him on the shoulder, "Just kidding, my daughter-in-law hasn't married yet, I don't want to die, the evil thing that can kill me in the world is not born yet."

Liu Ming's narration helped Ye Shaoyang solve a lot of doubts before, so he couldn't wait to read those pages of information.

This is in the form of a diary, recording what happened:

July 21.

Although the recent spiritual incidents were successfully dealt with, I was deeply disturbed, and there was always a premonition that disaster was about to happen.

Sisi has been missing for several days, and I can't find her anywhere, but I know that she will definitely come back. I believe that what she said is by no means a child's play.

But what I am most worried about is actually not myself, because I know that she is a vicious person, and she knows that I am a mage

Signing during the day. So I wrote it a little late, and I will post two chapters today, and I will make up for it tomorrow. Signing photos will be sent out one after another. . .


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