Urban Witcher

Chapter 15 Please sleep

"When I was lying on the bed, I always felt that someone was looking at me, and even blowing wind on the back of my neck..." Pony touched the back of my neck with one hand, "But when I opened my eyes, there was nothing."

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him, "You can't be nervous because you saw too many ghosts tonight."

"No, no," Xiao Ma waved his hands again and again, "That feeling is very real, if you don't believe me, go to my room and try to sleep for a while." After speaking, he couldn't help but drag Ye Shaoyang to his own room next door.

Ye Shaoyang checked around, and there was nothing wrong with it, so he told Xiao Ma, but he just didn't believe it, and insisted on letting Ye Shaoyang sleep for a while to try.

"Anyway, this is a big bed room. One person sleeps on one side. What are you afraid of?"

Ye Shaoyang was helpless, and he was also sleepy, so he had no choice but to go to bed and sleep.

Xiao Ma said, "Looking at your reluctance, I guess if Zhou Jingru is looking for you, let alone haunted, you might go to the morgue!"

"Can you stop talking nonsense?" Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought, if Zhou Jingru came to look for her tomorrow and saw that she was not staying in the room and came to squeeze a bed with Xiao Ma, would she be delusional?

The two of them slept on one side of the bed, and shortly after they lay down, the pony snored loudly, Ye Shaoyang was depressed, and even said it was haunted, and you slept so soundly after being haunted.

After tossing around in the middle of the night, Ye Shaoyang was also tired and exhausted, so he covered his head with the quilt to block the snoring, and fell asleep after a while.

The dark room fell into a dead silence.

There is an oil painting hanging above the bed, the scenery of the lake and the mountains, the scenery is beautiful, suddenly, a white light flashes, and there is one more person in the painting, a young man in a nightgown, walking on the path by the lake, looking left and right, walking stop...

"Where is this hell!" Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked, on the left was an endless field covered with green wheat seedlings, and on the right was a lake, the water of the lake was so clean and transparent, with countless fish and shrimps swimming around, he had never seen it before. Such a beautiful scenery.

But Ye Shaoyang knew that something was wrong.

Not far ahead, there was a vague figure, walking and stopping like himself, Ye Shaoyang walked over quickly, and found that it was a pony, wearing a white nightgown like himself.

Seeing him, Xiao Ma greeted him happily: "Little Ye Zi, you are here too, the water here is good, go swimming!"

Ye Shaoyang sneered and said, "Swimming? How the hell do you know where this is? This is a dream!"

"Dream?" Xiao Ma was taken aback, looked around, and murmured: "It's so real, how could it be a dream?"

"Of course the dream is real. If you don't believe me, answer me a few questions. First, where is this place? Second, how did you come here?"

Dreamers, if no one is reminded, will not think about these issues at all, thinking that they are in the real world, but no matter how real the dream is, the loopholes cannot be made up.

Pony opened his eyes wide and muttered: "Yes, what kind of place is this? I don't seem to have been here before. How did I come here...I really don't remember."

"Recall what you have done recently."

The pony pondered for a moment, then suddenly slapped his forehead: "Ah, I took a shower with you and slept in the room together!" Looking around for a while, he was terrified, "Why are we here, is it really a dream, is it true? ...You are also a fake, an image I imagined?"

"Don't talk nonsense, the phantom won't ask you these questions." Ye Shaoyang took a breath, and said an unacceptable fact: "The two of us have entered the same dream."

Xiao Ma was stunned for a long time, and said, "How is this possible!"

"It's the first time for me too. It may be because we both sleep in the same bed. You are right, there is a problem with that room."

Xiao Ma frowned and said, "How do you know this is a dream?"

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him: "Can you not ask such an idiotic question? I am a Taoist priest. If I don't know this, I don't know how many times I have been killed by little ghosts."

"Then... what are our bodies doing now?"

"Of course still asleep."

Xiao Ma swallowed, this feeling is very strange, obviously the person is here, but the body is in another place. Xiao Ma scratched his head, and suddenly punched Ye Shaoyang on the cheek. The punch was so hard that his jaw was crooked.

Ye Shaoyang straightened his chin and said angrily, "What the hell are you doing!"

"It is said that people in dreams don't feel pain, hehe, let me try."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless.

"Little Ye Zi, what shall we do now?"

"I don't know. Generally speaking, once a person realizes that he is dreaming, he will wake up immediately, but we didn't wake up, and the two of us were in the same dream. It's very strange."

"Then don't think about it, someone will wake us up."

The pony went down to the lake, looked around, and said excitedly: "The water is so clear, I have to go down to play, I've been to the Maldives once, alas, there are no beautiful women."

His eyes suddenly shone like a wolf, "Hey, you said Xiao Yezi, if there is a beautiful woman here, I can do whatever I want with her. It's a dream anyway, but it feels real. Damn, why are there no women!"

The pony took off his clothes, swayed his fat white body, jumped into the lake, did not swim for a while, suddenly a strong wind blew, and the calm lake surface violently rippling, the pony was a little scared, and shouted at Ye Shaoyang: "This is Dreaming, if I drowned, nothing would happen, maybe I just woke up?"

"How can there be such a good thing, you come up first!"

The pony swam to the edge of the lake and was about to go ashore when suddenly a huge wave came and swept him into the water. After a few waves passed, no one could see his shadow.

Ye Shaoyang said inwardly that it was bad, but facing this situation, he had no choice but to turn around in a hurry, and suddenly thought that he and the pony might be trapped in a dream by some magic, and he still had a way to deal with the magic. He groped towards his waist, and found that the belt containing the magic weapon was not on his body. In desperation, he bit the tip of his tongue, and as soon as the blood gushed out, he shuddered. The scene in front of him distorted and gradually darkened. A few seconds later, he Sensing the existence of the body, he opened his eyes and found that he was still lying on the bed. Looking to the side, the pony's limbs were convulsed, his face was livid, his head was sweating profusely, and he looked suffocated.

"Little horse! Little horse!" He slapped him hard on the face a few times, but he didn't wake up. Ye Shaoyang made a decisive decision, scratched the fingernail of his right thumb on his middle finger, and blood oozes out. He pressed Pony Yintang, and recited the soul-returning curse. In one breath, "Fuck, I'm suffocating!"

After taking a few breaths, he said to Ye Shaoyang, "I'm right. If you drown in a dream, you wake up."

Ye Shaoyang sneered, "What do you know, if I hadn't saved you, you would have suffocated to death." After telling the story, Xiao Ma turned green when he heard it.

"So, if one dies in a dream, the person also dies in reality? Why is that so?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure it's some kind of sorcery." Ye Shaoyang turned on the light, got out of bed and searched around. He believed that since the other party was able to control him into a dream with sorcery, it must be nearby. in the room.

"Little Ye Zi!" Xiao Ma Li yelled.

Ye Shaoyang raised his head and saw him staring blankly at the top of the bed, then looked over and saw the painting: green lake water, green wheat field, yes, it was the place they had just dreamed about.


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