Urban Witcher

Chapter 150 Makeup

Xu Yajuan didn't know anything, thought they were in the toilet all the time, and wondered: "What are you doing in there for so long?"

"Don't worry, it's not gay." Xiao Ma said.

Ye Shaoyang glared at him, and asked Xu Yajuan, "What's the matter?"

Xu Yajuan said anxiously: "Just now, the two security guards who were on duty near the morgue suddenly fell asleep, but the old Wu who was guarding the morgue woke up and got into the morgue, and he couldn't be seen from above. What are you doing in there?"

Ye Shaoyang was startled, and said: "Go down!"

The three of them ran down the stairs quickly. As soon as they reached the first floor, Xu Yajuan suddenly limp and fell to the ground, about to fall asleep. Xiao Ma was surprised: "What's going on?"

"Ghost energy," Ye Shaoyang looked up, "the whole building is filled with ghost energy, which has the effect of instigating souls. The effect is not strong, and it will not be affected in the room, but as long as you go out and come to the corridor, it will definitely Go to sleep."

"No wonder after so many days, no one saw what happened," Xiao Ma murmured, suddenly startled: "Why didn't I pass out?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at the faint golden light shining from the clothes on his chest, and said, "You have an amulet that I consecrated on you, and there is no such concentration of ghost energy for you."

"So good?" Xiao Ma proudly touched the amulet, remembered something, and asked again: "Then why did that infant spirit kill me?"

"Damn, do you think the amulet is omnipotent? Don't be too wordy, okay?" Ye Shaoyang looked at Xu Yajuan who was lying on the ground, "You can't let her lie here, you carry her on your back, follow me, and pay attention to concealment!"

Quickly drew two hidden qi talismans, handed them to Xiao Ma, and asked him to paste them on himself and Xu Yajuan, and ran out of the corridor quickly, using the Xuanqing Mountain volley, and ran towards the morgue almost without touching the ground. First, the speed is fast, and second, it can be done quietly.

When he came outside the door of the morgue, Ye Shaoyang felt that the ghostly aura was getting stronger, and there was a ghostly sound like a scream, which stimulated people's minds. Tone will also faint. This ghost sound is strong enough to make ordinary mages unable to resist.

But fortunately, neither the mother-in-law nor his infant spirit rely on killing people to cultivate, and at most absorb some yang energy, otherwise this hospital would have turned into a hell on earth.

Under the moonlight, Ye Shaoyang looked into the morgue, a thin man was standing in front of a freezer, the freezer was opened, and the body of a young woman was drawn out.

Ye Shaoyang took a look and determined that this man was the caregiver of the mortuary, that is, the old Wu that Xu Yajuan said. Old Wu pinched the face of the female corpse with his left hand, and with a "poof" sound of his right index finger, he pierced the eyeball of the female corpse and stained it. With a little melanin, he carefully daubed the female corpse's eyebrows.

This disgusting and weird scene made Ye Shaoyang feel a little uncomfortable and frowned.

Sensing the change of the airflow behind him, Ye Shaoyang looked back, Xiao Ma was walking over with Xu Yajuan on his back, and both of them had hidden air talismans on the back of their necks. Xu Yajuan was still asleep.

Ye Shaoyang made a silent gesture to the pony, stepped back under a pine tree, then called the pony over, and hid together under the canopy of the tree. From here, he could also see what was happening in the morgue.

Seeing Old Wu dipping the eyeballs of the deceased and drawing her eyebrows, Xiao Ma was both shocked and chilled, and murmured, "What the hell are you doing? Is this man a perverted necrophilia?" ?”

"Keep your voice down, now is not the time to discuss."

After drawing the eyebrows of the corpse, Old Wu laughed twice, opened the lips of the deceased, pulled out his tongue, pricked it with his fingertips, made blood, and applied lipstick and blush on the deceased...

Xiao Ma put Xu Yajuan on the ground carefully, and waited slowly. After about a quarter of an hour, Lao Wu finished these two things, and then used fresh blood to slap the deceased's left eyebrow, then picked up the upper body of the deceased, and carefully observed Get up, nod, a satisfied smile on your face.

Xiao Ma only took one look at the female corpse, and couldn't help feeling sick, and couldn't help muttering: "He seems to be very satisfied after painting such a virtue, the taste is really strong."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Stop talking nonsense, he's coming out soon, hide first." He ordered Xiao Ma to hug Xu Yajuan and hide in the bushes behind him. After a while, Old Wu really walked out of the morgue with the female corpse on his back In the room, Old Wu's eyes were cloudy and his expression was dull, even more like a corpse than the female corpse on his back.

He walked towards the hospital building without haste, and the ghostly aura became stronger wherever he passed.

The three of Ye Shaoyang followed closely, all the way to the obstetrics and gynecology department on the third floor. Old Wu carried the female corpse on his back and came to the door of the operating room. He pressed one hand on the door, and the door lock opened with a "click". Old Wu dodged and walked in.

Ye Shaoyang told Xiao Ma: "Let's go over and have a look, be careful and listen to my orders."

Xiao Ma panted and said: "Do you want to put this girl down? I'm so tired that I don't even want to take advantage of it."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Xu Yajuan and said, "Put her by the door and watch her, lest she be hurt by something coming from behind."

When they came to the door, the two looked inside through the gap in the door. Old Wu had already placed the female corpse on the operating bed, squatting aside, holding the female corpse's hand, and talking slowly.

Seeing this scene, Ye Shaoyang sighed.

"What the hell is he doing, can you tell now?" Xiao Ma leaned over and said in a low voice.

Ye Shaoyang took out a bottle of seven-star grass liquid spray, and sprayed it on the pony. The pony rubbed his eyes, opened his eyes and looked, and was shocked. He saw a dark-bodied baby sitting on Old Wu's shoulder, with one hand Grabbing the female corpse's hand, looking around, what was in the eyes was not the evil spirit of being a ghost, but a sense of sadness.

Ye Shaoyang sighed secretly, and before Xiaoma could ask any questions, he took the initiative to explain: "This is also the baby spirit controlled by the mother-in-law Jieyin, but it died not long ago. Although the soul is controlled, it still has no isolation from its mother's body." It misses her. It secretly knows that its mother is dead, so it attaches itself to Old Wu every night, finds a female corpse that is similar in size and age to its own mother, and puts on makeup to look like her mother."

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the face of the female corpse, and said softly: "Its mother must have liked to wear makeup when she was alive. As for the point on the eyebrow, it may be a birthmark or a cinnabar mole. After the baby was formed in the mother's body, it had already formed The soul, able to see and remember the appearance of the mother.

It also remembered that he was born on this operating table, so he dressed up the female corpse as his mother and sent it here to summon the soul for his mother. Although it is naive to do so, it is the only way it can think of with its IQ..."


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