Urban Witcher

Chapter 1501 I Created Me 1

"Master, who is he?"

Zhang Xiaorui cried out timidly as she looked at the crooked thing.

Ye Shaoyang leaned on the window sill, looked back, and said: "I don't know if you remember, that time I set up an formation to deal with Yu Xuanji in that warehouse for Xiaoyu. At that time, to help Xiaoyu kill the spirit, I made a Paper figurines are used instead of small fish..."

Xie Yuqing was also there at the time. Hearing him say this, she immediately said: "Yes, I remember that when you practiced the method, you could have let it die, but in the end you let it go or something. At that time, your master trained you , is this the matter?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "I didn't expect it to become an evil spirit so quickly after going through an adventure. Although its cultivation base is very shallow, it has spiritual wisdom after all. Not long ago, I was watching in the sky, and it saved my life... ..."

Then briefly described what happened at that time.

What happened later was that when its spirituality was about to die, I used Y-shaped mirrors to put it away. At that time, I didn't know what to do. Later, I met Master in Xuankongguan and asked him for advice.

Qingyunzi taught him this spirit raising technique, which required some materials, but Xuankong Temple didn’t have any. He planned to cast the spell immediately after returning, but Qingyunzi died, and then went to the funeral. Ye Shaoyang didn’t think of it until he returned to Shicheng. Immediately let Lao Guo prepare a red clay jar and some materials, and prepare the water himself.

Then put the paper figurine's remnant soul in the magic water with tinfoil, and after sealing it, use the secret method of Xuanqing Mountain to create a small Zhoutian nourishing Hunyuan, and let the paper figurine rest in it for five days. According to the spell taught by the master, use your own blood to add spirituality to the soul of the paper doll, and then use the method to help it regenerate in one fell swoop...

It sounds easy, but in fact it used Secretary Xuanqingshan, coupled with Ye Shaoyang's strong mana, and the blood of a celestial master as a guide, otherwise it would never be successful.

After all, the paper figurine has already lost its spiritual power, just like a terminally ill person, no matter how good the medical skills are, it cannot be saved.

Ye Shaoyang brought it back to life again, which meant taking away the good fortune of the world. Fortunately, it was just an evil spirit that had just opened up its spiritual wisdom, and there was no name in the book of life and death. Otherwise, Ye Shaoyang would be punished by heaven for doing so.

When Qing Yunzi taught him this spell, he told him that this is a forbidden spell, and if it is performed once, it will take 50,000 years of virtue to offset the karma generated...

But Ye Shaoyang did it without hesitation.

Back in front of the paper figurine, Ye Shaoyang looked at it with a smile, and said, "I promised you, I must save you, I can't let you live and die for no reason."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out a hand to him and said, "Welcome back to the human world and join the Ghost Hunting Alliance."

The paper figurine stretched out a hand tremblingly, and grabbed Ye Shaoyang's outstretched hand.

"Boss, you are biased. I begged you for a long time before you agreed to my joining. You are still here to invite others to join. The baby is not happy." Xinxin said with her mouth flattened, pretending to be unhappy.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and touched her head, and said: "It's different, it's my soul regathered with my own blood, born to be my spiritual servant, itself an evil spirit, and I can't reincarnate even if I don't have enough virtue. I can join the Ghostbusters League and hang out with you."

"You said, he was recast with your blood?" Xie Yuqing knelt down beside him, looked up and down in surprise, and said, "Well, does he look like this?"

"Didn't I just make him, now there is no gender distinction, what does it look like there?"

Speaking of this, Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and asked the paper figurine: "Then what, do you want to be a man or a woman?"

The paper figurine knelt on the ground, shook its head, and had no mouth on its face, but made a very neutral voice, "Follow master's orders."

Ye Shaoyang rested his chin on his hand, and when he thought about it, an image of a beautiful woman with black silk and long legs quickly appeared in his mind. If it was replaced by such a girl, kneeling in front of him like this, obediently waiting for him to order, it would be quite fun.

"Otherwise, how about you be a beautiful woman?"

"The subordinate is willing to be a beautiful woman and serve the master."

Serving the master... Ye Shaoyang coughed twice, "Well, think about it clearly, because you are reborn from a gathering of souls, so you have the opportunity to choose this time. Once you decide, it will never change in the future."

Evil spirits, like ghosts, are ever-changing, but the deity will never change.

"The subordinates all obey the master's orders!"

Ye Shaoyang chuckled, and just about to agree, Xie Yuqing said: "Be a man, you must be a man, be a handsome guy!"

Ye Shaoyang looked at her puzzled, "What do you mean, do you have any ideas?"

"You have an idea." Xie Yuqing tapped him on the head and said, "There are so many beauties around you, including people, ghosts, and vixens. You still need beauties, can you bear it? You! "

Ye Shaoyang blushed immediately, and murmured: "What can I eat, I don't touch others, you are so beautiful, have I touched you yet?"

"You have to be able to touch it! I think it's better to be a man!"

Guagua didn't feel well, so he didn't follow up, but he kept listening to the movement in the room and knew what they were doing. At the critical moment, he sat up from the sofa and shouted loudly: "Don't make a man compete with me!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Have you heard that, some people disagree."

Xie Yuqing said: "Then one to one, Xiaorui, tell me."

Ye Shaoyang complained helplessly: "I'm taking a spiritual servant, why should I listen to your opinions?"

Zhang Xiaorui rolled his eyes, and said something that almost made Ye Shaoyang spit blood: "Since it's one-to-one, how about being a human demon, no one is male or female, no one needs to argue."

"Get lost!" Ye Shaoyang waved his hand, and said, "I'm not joking, let's be a man, you can change your appearance...well, what do you want to change?"

"Yang Yang, become Yang Yang!" Zhang Xiaorui suddenly became excited.

Ye Shaoyang waved to the paper figurine and said, "Whatever, you decide for yourself."

Then he took out the Tianfeng Leihuo flag, unfolded it, and put it on the paper figurine.

The body of the paper figurine collapsed in an instant, and then rose up little by little under the eyes of everyone full of surprise and expectation.

"1.8 meters!" Zhang Xiaorui compared his height, "Yang Yang doesn't seem to be that tall."

"It's time to witness the miracle!"

Ye Shaoyang walked over and pulled out the Tianfeng Leihuo flag, and a brand new image appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone was stunned:

It wasn't Yang Yang, nor was he a handsome guy, but... Ye Shaoyang himself! Even the clothes he was wearing were the same, obviously changing according to himself.

Before it takes shape, it can only be changed once, and the changed image is its own deity, which cannot be changed.


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