Urban Witcher

Chapter 1513 Ointment

Xie Yuqing said: "I don't understand, but isn't corpse oil poisonous?"

"Ghosts are not poisoned."

"But, at this time, you still think of this, you are really good."

Ye Shaoyang gave her a blank look and said: "When is this time? I killed Fei Zang alive, what's in the way, Li Suzhen is dead, and I can't survive."

When Li Suzhen was mentioned, the three of them were a little bit embarrassed. They spent thirty-three years of desolation guarding the tomb of their beloved here, and finally ended up being skinned by others.

After waiting for a while, Ye Shaoyang felt that it was almost done. He lifted the flag of Tianfengleihuo, and saw a human face underneath. Rain or shine.

"Take it as evidence, I know you can use it."

Xie Yuqing had seen quite a few corpses, but she still felt a bit shocking when she was actually holding a human face, so she put it away carefully, and then looked at the ground, where the Tianfengleihuo flag had covered before, there was a piece of dirt that had turned into a dead body. black.

Ye Shaoyang scooped up this piece of black soil with the Mie Ling Nail, kneaded it into a ball, carefully wrapped it with yellow mounting paper, and put it in his backpack.

Looking at the ground again, there was only a pile of charred and burnt-like things, Ye Shaoyang poked around for a long time, and found a bunch of kelp-like plants.

Hell Demon Heart Grass!

"I should have thought a long time ago that this kind of plant is causing trouble." Ye Shaoyang explained, "This Hell Demon Heart Grass is originally an evil spirit. As long as a little bit of true spirit enters, it can condense them into a kind of entity. control."

Xie Yuqing said: "What do you mean, this is not Wang Mansi?"

"Of course not! If she can be wiped out so easily, I'm really going to burn the incense."

Ye Shaoyang explained: "It was Wang Mansi's ray of true spirit that came just now. Using the evil spirit of the magic heart grass, it condensed into a zombie entity."

Xie Yuqing was startled, and said: "Where is the true spirit, was it destroyed by you?"

"Yes, but it has no effect on her real body and soul, but it can be regarded as a big gain. At least her true spirit can't run around outside and kill people in phantom."

Zhang Xiaorui sighed: "It's a pity that Auntie Li Suzhen died." He gritted his teeth and said, "It's all because of that Yang Chenwu who caused trouble with me, lured you all out, and gave Wang Mansi a chance, and it's also my fault for being arrogant..."

Ye Shaoyang said in relief: "No one can control this matter. If Wang Mansi wants to kill her, there is a chance at any time. We can't protect her 24 hours a day. Besides, have you ever thought about why Wang Mansi didn't do it before we came? "

When the two heard this, they were stunned on the spot.

Xie Yuqing said: "Yes, Wang Mansi can strike ahead of time. Firstly, it can kill people to relieve hatred, and secondly, it can prevent her from telling us the truth. Why should we attack after we see her?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I was thinking about this just now. I was thinking that maybe Wang Mansi deliberately wanted us to know the truth back then. She wanted... Let us revive Xiang Xiaoyu."

"This...to see him again?"

"It's probably to kill him completely and appease his anger. After all, Xiang Xiaoyu sealed her for thirty-three years. Although he himself died, because he used the power of the curse in advance, his soul is unharmed and he still has a chance to be resurrected."

Zhang Xiaorui said: "This Wang Mansi is indeed pitiful. He was deceived so badly. If it were me, I would definitely not let that man have a better life. I would strangle him to death even if I am a ghost!"

Xie Yuqing said: "I wouldn't have changed it. I was deceived. I only blame myself for being infatuated. I am willing to be deceived. It has nothing to do with others. Even if you let him be smashed to pieces, so what?"

Ye Shaoyang was shocked in his heart, and said: "I really can't see that you can say such open-minded words!"

Xie Yuqing said: "What, you look down on me!"

"No, no, I just always feel that you are the kind of person who must revenge."

Xie Yuqing snorted and said, "Feelings are not hatred."

Ye Shaoyang didn't understand feelings very well, and he didn't want to get entangled in this issue, so he said, "Let's go back first. Someone died, why don't you find someone to investigate the scene or something?"

Xie Yuqing said that she had notified her colleagues to come.

The three of them returned to Li Suzhen's home. Ye Shaoyang checked Li Suzhen's body and found that he was infected with the corpse poison, so he treated it with medicine. I searched again in the hut, but there was nothing more useful, so I took the photos in the dressing box.

At the bottom of the vanity box, there is a yellow notebook with a plastic cover and the words "Work Notes" written on it. It looks like it was a product of the 1980s. On the first page, there is a note from a great man. Quotations.

On the yellow paper, there are dense and elegant handwriting, and it is a diary. The date on it shows a certain day of the year. The first line of the first page of the opening reads:

In response to the call of the proletarian revolution, xx said that the future is an era of integration with the world. What our country is short of now is translation talents. With this great ambition, I applied for the xx College of Foreign Language Translation and became a member of it...

The corner of Ye Shaoyang's mouth twitched, even the most intimate diary had to start like this, and it was only in that era.

After reading it quickly, the front is written about my mood after going to college, and some novel things and feelings I came into contact with.

Ye Shaoyang looked quickly, and finally saw Xiang Xiaoyu's name. The diary recorded the process of their acquaintance, which was similar to what she had dictated before. The following diary no longer has any great feelings, and the whole story is about Xiang Xiaoyu...in a language that is more nasty than Qiong Yao's drama, telling about my love for Xiang Xiaoyu...

Turning to the middle, there is a yellow photo, which is a group photo of Li Suzhen and Xiang Xiaoyu. The two of them stand together, looking a little reserved, but Li Suzhen's eyes, even after decades, can still be seen through the photos. of excitement.

Zhang Xiaorui also saw the diary and photos, and said, "No wonder she is willing to sacrifice herself. She probably thinks that if Wang Mansi is solved, she will have a chance to replace her, right?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "You have the idea of ​​killing people and killing your heart, which is not advisable, but it is hard to guarantee that she has such a motive."

Looking at the photos, two young people, a man and a woman, looked youthful and bright. Thinking that both of them were dead, Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but feel a little bit sad, and said to Li Suzhen silently in his heart: Aunt Li, no matter what, I will definitely end this Everything, let the past things become your past memories.

After giving the diary to Xie Yuqing, Ye Shaoyang asked her to check Li Suzhen's identity information, while setting up an altar in the outhouse.

I have something to do during the day, two chapters first, and another chapter at night


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