Urban Witcher

Chapter 1515 Together 1

Aren't you worried that I'll kill someone? Okay, then I'll kill you! Make you regret everything you did. If there is no Xiang Xiaoyu watching, then all this would be meaningless - she really has no reason to massacre human beings. "

After hearing Xie Yuqing's words, Ye Shaoyang and Zhang Xiaorui nodded.

Zhang Xiaorui said: "By the way, Wang Mansi just said that she wants to kill everyone. What does that mean? Kill all the world?"

Ye Shaoyang gave her a blank look, "Do you think it's possible? Even the Ghost King Wuji would not dare to massacre all human beings."

"Even if it's... how can she do it, keep killing people?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and said: "It's not as easy as you think. Now it can be concluded that although she can move with her spiritual consciousness and use the magic heart grass to transform herself into a dead body, her true self is still sealed in that space, otherwise she would directly Just come out and kill people, it is impossible to use such a complicated method. Moreover, when I called Li Suzhen's soul before, I could feel that her soul was in another dimension."

Xie Yuqing pondered for a while and said, "Then what should we do now?"

"Now the situation is clearer: as long as I find the entrance to this space, I will go in and collect her."

"It's that simple?" Xie Yuqing frowned.

"I'm talking about the purpose. I don't know what dangers and accidents will be encountered during this process. Also, since Wang Mansi is the younger sister of Nuba, and Nuba is also out of trouble now, Wang Mansi can release part of her cultivation. , With the help of the magic heart grass to gather spirits, it is very likely that the female demon also helped, and we still have to watch out for the movements of the corpse clan. Fortunately, Xiaojiu is supporting me in the Qingming world."

Zhang Xiaorui said: "Master, what should we do now?"

"Try to find a way to enter that space." After a pause, he said, "Xiang Xiaoyu arranged the seal, so our first step is to revive him."

"That's right." Xie Yuqing slapped her forehead, "Then you have to get Li Suzhen out of the mirror and ask her where Xiang Xiaoyu is buried."

"Just this ray of remnant soul, I'm afraid it will melt soon after being summoned. It's better not to torment her. It's not difficult to know where Xiang Xiaoyu's bones are buried."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Li Suzhen said before that she moved here to help Xiang Xiaoyu guard the spirit, which means that Xiang Xiaoyu must be buried not far away here. For so many years, she went to worship or something, and she must have been seen, right? If you don’t ask, you’ll know.”

While talking, a team of detectives rushed over, and the leader was Qi Chen. Xie Yuqing asked him to investigate what Ye Shaoyang said just now, and the rest of the team inspected the scene, in fact, they just took pictures and went through the motions. It was not a homicide case, and the files still had to be declared.

It was meaningless to stay in the house, so the three of Ye Shaoyang came out and came to the town, waiting for news from Qi Chen.

They have been busy all day, first at school, and then went to the countryside. After tossing for a long time, the three of them were very hungry. They found a Hangzhou steamed stuffed bun shop on the side of the road. Ye Shaoyang had a special liking for steamed stuffed buns, so he went in immediately.

Xie Yuqing and Zhang Xiaorui are both female men, and their appetites are no worse than men's. The three of them ate twelve cages of steamed buns and five bowls of porridge in one go. The boss was stunned and shocked.

"The taste is average." Xie Yuqing said after coming out of the bun shop.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Yeah, no. It's delicious."

Zhang Xiaorui chuckled and exclaimed in surprise: "Master, you have eaten!"

Xie Yuqing punched Ye Shaoyang in the stomach, "What do you mean?"

Ye Shaoyang was already full of food, but after being punched by her, he almost spit out, so he hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands and ran to the side of the road.

Xie Yuqing wondered: "This person is really weird. I hit his stomach. Why is he covering his mouth?"

When they came out of the steamed stuffed bun shop, it was already dark, and Qi Chen was still investigating. There was no news, and Ye Shaoyang and the three could only wait.

At this time, Lao Guo called and said that the magic medicine had been prepared and was preparing to flush the sewer with the assistance of Liu Ming, but he needed to use Ye Shaoyang's Pixiu seal to print a few talisman paperweights and stick them at the entrance of the sewer to avoid accidents .

Ye Shaoyang took out the pixiu seal and asked Zhang Xiaorui to send it over immediately, and help there by the way to learn some experience.

Zhang Xiaorui really wanted to stay and dig the grave with them, but she also knew it was not a joke, and she didn't dare to show her temper. Finally, she borrowed Xie Yuqing's car and took the two detectives back together.

Seeing the car driving further and further away, Xie Yuqing said: "Ye Shaoyang, you are also amazing, you can train such a savage young lady to be as obedient as a maid."

Ye Shaoyang laughed a few times, and felt that he was a bit awesome, but Xie Yuqing's last sentence made him vomit blood:

"Did you sacrifice yourself?"

"Devotion? What, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Ye Shaoyang gave her a hard look.

The two walked around Li Suzhen's house, and found a big rock at the mountain pass to sit down and rest. Ye Shaoyang took out his mobile phone, and only then did he see the WeChat message from Rui Lengyu, telling her that he had already bought a ticket back to Shicheng, and that he would be there tomorrow afternoon, so he could unravel the secret of the pendant left by Wu Sang.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly became excited and told Xie Yuqing about it.

Xie Yuqing smiled with a complicated expression, and said, "Are you happy for her to come back, or happy for her to unlock the secret of the pendant?"

"This... has both." Ye Shaoyang said truthfully.

Xie Yuqing lowered her head to play with her nails, raised it after a while, and looked at him. In the darkness, her two eyes were very bright.

"Tell me, Shaoyang, why are there not two of you in this world?"

Ye Shaoyang's heart trembled, he didn't know how to start a conversation.

Xie Yuqing said: "I have always hurt you and bullied you when I have nothing to do. Will you be angry?"

"What are you talking about, which of us is with whom!"

Xie Yuqing smiled, "Do you still remember the last time, outside the Kangduo factory, I went to the bathroom with Leng Yu, and I negotiated with her."

"Negotiation?" Ye Shaoyang's voice was a little weak, and he suddenly remembered this matter. At that time, he saw the two of them smiling a little strangely, and he was deeply impressed. It turned out that there was something wrong.

"It's not a negotiation, I just expressed my attitude, and then we reached an agreement."

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said, "What agreement has been reached?"

Xie Yuqing showed a shy smile like a little girl, and said, "Secret."

Ye Shaoyang immediately began to associate, thinking of the scene of the two looking at each other and smiling at that time, the result that can satisfy both of them, it can't be that two women serve one husband together, right? ——

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