Urban Witcher

Chapter 1539 Intention 1

"This is just her appearance, her real body is like this..." Rong Ruo wiped the mirror, and the woman's attire inside changed immediately. This time it was more ancient, with a long red dress on her body and loose hair , hanging down to the buttocks, walking with a pair of white feet.

She finally jumped into the lake with a plop.

Rong Ruo said: "Because she has no soul, she did not disturb the formation on Wuxin Lake, and successfully stole the Demon Heart Grass and left."

After speaking, he touched the mirror, and the screen switched to the appearance of the woman leaving. This mirror is like a camera, always following.

When the woman was soaring into the air, the "camera" finally pointed at her side face slightly, Ye Shaoyang immediately stared at her with wide eyes, his whole body was shocked, and said: "Wang Mansi!"

It's really her!

Rong Ruo said: "Since the little celestial master recognizes it, it will be easy to handle."

"Don't, it seems... isn't it?"

Ye Shaoyang looked carefully for a while, and found that although this woman looked somewhat similar to Wang Mansi, she was not her, so he was a little confused.

Ye Shaoyang was in a daze until the woman in the camera disappeared.

Rong Ruo looked at him, and said: "I am only responsible for showing you this image. This woman has great powers, and I don't know her origin. I, King Chu Jiang, are not good at things in the world. If the little celestial master can make a move Surrender is immeasurable merit."

Ye Shaoyang was in a daze, as if he didn't hear what she said. Rui Lengyu agreed for him.

Rong Ruo smiled at her, looked at her for a few seconds, and said, "Then I will take my leave, and we will meet again in the future."

Rui Lengyu was taken aback, didn't understand what the words meant, Rong Ruo had already left.

Several ghost messengers and silver-armored ghost warriors hurriedly saluted, Rong Ruo didn't even look at it, and went all the way down the mountain.

"What's wrong?" Rui Lengyu walked up to Ye Shaoyang and said with a frown.

Ye Shaoyang came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and said, "I know who that woman is!"

Looking left and right, the ghost messengers and ghost warriors all looked at him and felt that this was not a place to talk, so he went up to greet them, took back the celestial master card, and took Rui Lengyu all the way away from Broken Soul Cliff.

"Why, they call you Little Heavenly Master?" Rui Lengyu asked.

"I'm also wondering, I don't know who called it first, and now it's spreading." Ye Shaoyang was also very depressed.

Through the void, back to the world.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said, "Let's do business first."

Immediately called Xie Yuqing and asked where Xiang Xiaoyu's body was. When he went outside, he found that Guagua was still watching TV with Dumb. Rui Lengyu took care of Duan a few words and told him to wait at home obediently.

Duan looked at her with some reluctance, but nodded obediently.

The two took a taxi together to go to the investigation office. When they arrived, they saw Xie Yuqing waiting outside the door and Rui Lengyu. Xie Yuqing greeted her warmly from the bottom of her heart, and walked in with her arms around her, leaving Ye Shaoyang behind.

I don't know why, every time Ye Shaoyang sees the two of them together, he feels a little guilty...

After finding Xiang Xiaoyu's body in the freezer, Ye Shaoyang released the Heavenly Soul from the pendant and introduced it into his body, the appearance didn't change much. Ye Shaoyang held down his Yintang, checked his body with his stellar energy, and made sure that the ray of heavenly soul that had just been taken back had merged with the rest of the soul in his body, so he was relieved.

But because of the curse, Xiang Xiaoyu still didn't wake up, she looked like a dead body.

"A corpse like this can still wake up?" Xie Yuqing looked at the corpse and felt inconceivable.

"Able to wake up, his soul is pulled by a force and locked together with the body, only a ray of earth soul is missing, and he can be resurrected as a ghost immediately."

The three left the cold storage and walked into a duty room led by Xie Yuqing. Xie Yuqing poured two glasses of water for them and said, "Do you want something to eat?"

"Do you still have something to eat?"

"No, I'm just going to order takeaway. If you want to eat, I'll order more to eat together."

Xie Yuqing ordered food with her mobile phone, and everyone ordered the same meal, and then the three of them sat at their desks and discussed.

Ye Shaoyang first told what he heard from Wu Sang, and Xie Yuqing sighed after hearing it.

Ye Shaoyang said: "I still don't quite understand what kind of place this claustrophobic space created by Wang Mansi is, a void space that simulates reality, why can entities such as living people and zombies be pulled into it, I have always I can't figure out how she did it."

Rui Lengyu said: "I didn't tell you in detail before, but actually, I know why, this is a kind of power of the corpse clan. Shaoyang, do you know the relationship between the Qingming world and the human world?"

Ye Shaoyang frowned and said: "I heard Xiao Jiu roughly said that I haven't been there, so I don't know much about it."

"Actually, the entire Zero Realm is the reflection of the human world. Some places are completely separated and self-contained, which is the empty realm. Some places are not completely separated and connected to the human world. This is the Zero Realm."

"Connected to the world, what do you mean?"

"When I heard what Wu Sang said at the time, I understood that she knew a lot about the Qingming Realm. The so-called claustrophobic space was not created by her with the power of the corpse clan, but with the help of the attributes of the Qingming Realm. The school's projection is blurred, that space is not completely independent, but a part of the Qingming world."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, then said, "I don't understand, why can living people enter that space?"

"According to science, the relationship between the Qingming world and the human world is actually a mirrored space, but it is not completely separated. There are many space cracks where they are connected. If you have enough cultivation, you can 'magnify' such cracks, and let the Qingming world The space spreads, to devour the world, and quickly builds a new space.

During this occupation process, all human beings will be transformed into the living beings allowed in the Qingming Realm, Shaoyang, this is like going to Y, you are a human being in the world, and when you go to Division Y, you will change to a different physical form , to adapt to the law of that space, but after returning, you are still you. "

After her detailed explanation, Ye Shaoyang gradually understood a little bit, pondered for a moment, and said, "You mean, people and zombies disappearing on a solid wall actually entered the Qingming Realm?"

"Yes, after I learned that Wang Mansi is a zombie, I thought of it. She has the ability to cover the human world with the space of the green underworld in an instant, and then revoke the power, and everything will return to the original. In fact, the missing person or zombie, It was just transformed into another form and pulled into the Green Underworld."

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, although he didn't understand some details, he suddenly realized, and asked after thinking about it: "How do you know so much?"


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