Urban Witcher

Chapter 1566 Looking for Deng Hui 1

As the two kept sliding, there were more and more sparks, and along the trajectory of their fingers, a large circle of sparks was formed, like fireworks, with a vortex-like place in the middle.

"Tianshi Ye, you go in quickly." Yang Chenwu said with difficulty while making seals.

Ye Shaoyang looked back at Rui Lengyu and nodded. Rui Lengyu also nodded, only they could understand the meaning conveyed by their eyes.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed Liu Ming's hand and quickly rushed into the vortex.

There was a whirl of darkness and darkness, as if falling into a tunnel of time and space...

When his feet landed on the ground, the scenery in front of him gradually became clear. Ye Shaoyang looked down and found that his feet were on the concrete floor. When he turned his head and looked, his face immediately turned green: he was not standing on the ground, but standing on the floor of a building. On the roof!

Behind him, a group of firework-like flames were spinning rapidly, with a black wave like water in the middle.

"Mr. Ye, are we coming in now?" Liu Ming stood beside the exit and asked tremblingly.

Ye Shaoyang ignored him, walked to the side of the building, turned around, and found that he was in a small four-story building with no place to go down, not even a skylight.

"Mr. Ye, what should we do now? Will we be in danger?" Liu Ming walked over and asked worriedly.

"Don't make noise." Ye Shaoyang looked around for a week, but didn't see any clues, and pulled Liu Ming over, "You are the principal, and you know this place better than me. Quickly identify our location."

Liu Ming leaned on the fence and looked around. The sky is gray, but it does not affect the line of sight.

Liu Ming looked at it for a while and said: "This is the northwest corner of the school, that's right, it's here, the dormitory area is over there, Building No. 5 is over there, and over there is the main entrance—"

Liu Ming pointed out several landmark buildings, and Ye Shaoyang finally identified the location.

"What's going on next!"

Following Liu Ming's gaze, Ye Shaoyang also leaned over to look, there were people coming and going downstairs, all of them were students, most of them were wearing school uniforms from the 1980s, some of the men were wearing white shirts, all of them were holding books, Walk under.

Many girls are still playing and whispering. There are also two of my boys smoking secretly... The whole scene is a picture of students going to or after school.

Liu Ming stared blankly at these students passing by, and said, "No, Mr. Ye, didn't you say that there are zombies everywhere here, and there are zombies like this?"

Ye Shaoyang was surprised at first, but after thinking about it, he understood.

"I remember Li Suzhen who said that this is a claustrophobic space created by Wang Mansi, where reincarnation plays itself out, making these people repeat the pain from birth to death over and over again, and they don't know it, they think it's real. Similar to suicide At the scene, some ghosts who committed suicide would be trapped by the nightmare of death, not knowing that they were dead, and would just repeat the suicide process over and over again...

The last time I came here, it happened to be undergoing a corpse change. Now it seems that we came early this time, and the disaster of the corpse change has not yet begun. "

Liu Ming didn't understand what he heard, and said, "You mean, what we see now are real ghosts, not illusions?"

"Of course not. You said at the time that some people were missing. They were probably brought here while they were still alive, and then they were trapped here and never went out again."

Liu Ming was startled, and said, "You mean they are still alive, but they just changed a form?"

"When I first came in, I was definitely a living person, but after going through the process from life to death for the first time, of course I became a ghost."

"This...then can they return to the real world?"

"Going back is also a ghost." Ye Shaoyang interrupted his thoughts and said, "I didn't come here to investigate with you. I don't have time to waste. You just wait here for me. I'll go find Deng Hui."

After speaking, he came to the edge of the space crack, opened his backpack, and prepared to deploy. When the hand touched the magic weapon, my mind was suddenly stunned:

broken! The last time I stumbled into this place by mistake, it was only in the state of my soul, and I couldn't use any magic weapon! This time, 80% is still the case.

The last time I was in danger and got out of trouble by chance, could I be so lucky this time?

I was so busy coming in that I forgot the most critical situation!

Ye Shaoyang shook his head annoyedly, touched a talisman with his hand, and almost hopelessly swept it with his qi, and then let go, but his fingertips felt a trace of breath sensitively, and hurriedly took out the talisman to have a look. It was actually activated.

I quickly tried it again, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the magic talisman can be used here, and I tried the magic weapon, and there is no problem.

Why didn't it work last time, but it's okay this time?

Could it be because Yang Chenwu and the others took the initiative to break open the space this time?

Ye Shaoyang thought it was very possible, time was tight, and he didn't think about the principle at the moment. He set up a sea bowl in front of the crack in the space, melted a little shark oil in it, twisted the four red threads together, soaked them in the bowl, and then Light it up, and said to Liu Ming: "Don't worry about anything, just keep this lamp alive for me."

Liu Mingdao: "How to guard?"

"I added the prepared magic medicine to the lamp oil, which can automatically resist the wind and the like, but consumes a little more lamp oil. This small bottle is lamp oil. If you find that there is no oil at the bottom of the bowl, just remember to add a little more. Not too much, too many flames will grow stronger, and the same is a waste.”

Liu Ming took the lamp oil, and Wei Wei agreed.

Suddenly thought of something, "Mr. Ye, give me some magic weapon to defend myself. If there are ghosts or something coming here, I can deal with it."

"You are an ordinary person, and it is not very useful to give you a magic weapon."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, took out the yin and yang mirror, scratched his fingertips, drew a talisman on it with blood, handed it to him, and said: "In case of emergency, you can use this to take photos, but it can only To help you block ghosts, but not to help you kill ghosts, it is for your self-defense.

This happens to be the top floor, and zombies can't climb up, but in case of any evil attack, you can go back directly into the crack. "

Liu Mingdao: "I'm going back, what about this lamp?"

"I can't control that much, you save yourself first and then talk."

As Ye Shaoyang said, he flipped out from the railing, observed the position of the window below, and studied the path down.

Liu Ming chased after him, and said eagerly: "Mr. Ye, be careful, come back sooner!"

Ye Shaoyang was about to jump, but when he heard this, he raised his head and said, "If the time is coming and I haven't come back yet, you can leave the lamp and go back by yourself, don't worry about me."


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