Urban Witcher

Chapter 1578 Xiang Xiaoyu 1

But Ye Shaoyang made a more daring move, grabbing her hand, clasping two fingers on the wrist, grasping it very tightly, the girl struggled a few times but did not break free, and immediately scolded the pervert.

Only then did Ye Shaoyang let go of her hand, "I'm sorry, sorry, I mistook the person, I thought it was my girlfriend, they really look alike!"

"Just you, I can see you like this, you did it on purpose!"

"Yes, yes, you are much prettier than my girlfriend."

The girl was going to be crazy, but after being praised so much by him, she couldn't say anything, so she scolded "crazy" and walked back with her little friend.

A detective on duty immediately stepped forward to escort.

Back to Rui Lengyu, before Ye Shaoyang opened his mouth, Rui Lengyu pinched his arm, "She's prettier than your girlfriend, isn't she?"

"Ahem. Didn't I calm down her anger? She compared you... Do you think you're interesting? You're a goddess. How can you compare yourself to others? It's too bullying!" Ye Shaoyang said solemnly.

Rui Lengyu chuckled, pointed at Ye Shaoyang and said, "I've discovered it, Ye Shaoyang, you are very good at tricks, like you, you will definitely be a philanderer in the future."

"How is it possible? I will only say this to you alone, and it is from the bottom of my heart."

Ye Shaoyang immediately changed the subject, "Speaking of business, do you see if their eyes are covered with a layer of red silk, like pink eye disease."

Rui Lengyu said: "I see, it's miasma. Ordinary people can't see it, and they can't see it themselves. How is the situation?"

"I tested it with stellar qi just now, and found that the miasma did not enter the body, but only stayed on the surface of the body, and it has not harmed the human body for the time being."

"Is it the result of long-term inhalation of poisonous miasma?"

"The poisonous miasma is relatively thin, so there is no problem inhaling a small amount, but if it is inhaled for a long time, the consequences are still dire."

Ye Shaoyang estimated, and said worriedly: "I estimate that if the inhalation rate is maintained at this level, within a week, the body will suffer irreversible damage, and the final result will become a zombie!"

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other with worry written in their eyes.

"One week, within one week, we must get rid of Wang Mansi!" Ye Shaoyang said in a deep voice.

Rui Lengyu said: "I believe you can do it!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "It's not about me, it's about us. The Ghostbusters Alliance is a whole, and I'm not fighting alone."

After Xiang Xiaoyu's body was thawed, it was displayed on the mortuary bed.

His earth soul had already been sent into his body, but during the practice, Ye Shaoyang sensed an uncontrollable force in his body, Xiang Xiaoyu's soul was merging with it.

Yang Chenwu said that this is the power of the curse.

"At the beginning, the little master used Dis's curse to cut up his own soul, and the remnant souls split out, each looking for a horcrux to live in."

Yang Chenwu explained: "His physical body can exist for thirty-three years, all thanks to this power. After his resurrection, he is no ordinary ghost corpse, and his behavior should be the same as before. Well, that's what it says in the book."

A person who was thirty-three years ago turned out to be like an ordinary person after his resurrection? This is simply against heaven.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Yang Chenwu and said: "Let me make it clear to you in advance that I have never seen such a thing. However, as a mage like me, a dead person is dead. Even if it is resurrected, it is still a dead person. Let a dead person exist in the world for too long, if he doesn't leave when the time comes, I will send him away."

Yang Chenwu said with a half-smile but not a smile: "There seems to be ghost corpses among Grandma Ye's disciples."

Ye Shaoyang knew that he was talking about Xueqi, and said: "She is different, her soul was shattered in the attack, if she didn't borrow her body, she would be scattered immediately, I found Tian Luo Yasha as her body, just to keep her Hun, once her three souls and seven souls are complete, she must go to the underworld to report, and I will never favoritism."

"Ye **, that's what I said. In fact, you don't have to worry about it at all. I said before that after the young uncle gathers his soul, he can exist for a week at most. This is the power of the contract curse. No one can Resist, and when his soul power dissipates, his soul will also enter the western hell, forever."

Ye Shaoyang listened to his reassurance, and didn't say anything more. He looked at Xiang Xiaoyu's body and said, "When will he wake up?"

"His soul has just been gathered together. It needs to be fused with the power of the curse to take effect. It will take about one night."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, raised his head, found Xie Yuqing in the crowd, and asked, "Do you have a place to sleep here?"

Xie Yuqing said: "Are you sleeping here?"

"I want to watch him wake up here, the first time."

Xie Yuqing said: "It's okay for you to spend the night at the investigation office. There is a hotel across the street. Let me go and open a room for you. How many rooms do you want?"

Both Lao Guo and Liu Ming said they wanted to go back to sleep. Duan stayed at school with Guagua and the others before. Ye Shaoyang glanced at Yang Chenwu and Li Tong, and said:

"Others don't know, Leng Yu and I..."

"That's one room."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked and couldn't believe that Xie Yuqing would do this.

"I'm on duty here tonight, Leng Yu will sleep with me." Xie Yuqing raised an eyebrow at him.

"Didn't you say it's not convenient for us to spend the night here?"

"My bed is big enough for two people to sleep, what's wrong?" Xie Yuqing sneered.

"Nothing, nothing." Ye Shaoyang didn't dare to say more.

Yang Chenwu and Li Tong expressed that they would wait by Xiang Xiaoyu's side every step of the way, so Xie Yuqing asked someone to bring them two rolls of bedding, and then left with Rui Lengyu and Ye Shaoyang, and reached the stairs, holding Rui Lengyu's arm, turned to Ye Shaoyang and said:

"Okay, the hotel is opposite the inspection office, you can go by yourself, we're going to sleep."

After thinking about it, he said, "By the way, there is a foot bath shop over there. If you are tired, you can go for a massage."

"Is it a regular massage?"

Xie Yuqing raised her eyebrows: "You can try it."

"Forget it, it's probably legal to drive on the opposite side of the investigation office." Ye Shaoyang gave Rui Lengyu a helpless look, and was about to leave, but Rui Lengyu called him back.

"Shaoyang, I forgot to tell you that Duan stayed at school and was with Guagua and the others. Remember to tell Guagua not to lose him."

Ye Shaoyang frowned and said, "Didn't he follow you everywhere, why did he stay at school?"

Rui Lengyu said: "He said that there is a certain kind of breath in the poisonous miasma, which seems familiar, so he stayed here to feel more and see if he can regain his memory, so I let him stay."

Is there a breath familiar to him in the poisonous miasma? Could it be that he also came from hell?

Rui Lengyu said that she would ask Duan tomorrow when she saw Dumb, so she followed Xie Yuqing away.


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