Urban Witcher

Chapter 1598 The truth of the mysterious stone 1

Rui Lengyu said: "That's easy to explain. Thirty years have passed. Although the structure has not been changed, the soil deposition has been lost. As a result, the current here is much lower than the previous soil slope, so what we see now It is what it was back then, but it is regarded as a real existence, and the water flow is from the real world, so of course it will cause confusion."

"So that's how it is..." Xiang Xiaoyu said, "Water flow is a living thing, and it is difficult to be corroded by the claustrophobic space. That's why the terrain of thirty years ago overlaps with today's water flow."

Li Tong was still a little puzzled, and asked with a frown, "Then why can we dig the soil? Could it be that the digging was done thirty years ago?"

Rui Lengyu nodded and said: "After we came in, we have actually entered the claustrophobic space, and our bodies will of course be projected over. The objects of all actions are also the reality thirty years ago."

Yang Chenwu added: "You can understand it as a dream, everything is an illusion created by the claustrophobic space, and we are still in the illusion."

Li Tong nodded slowly, looked at Xiang Xiaoyu and said, "Master, why does this place happen to be the most corroded by the claustrophobic space? Could it be that Wang Mansi did it on purpose?"

"Of course." After speaking, Xiang Xiaoyu frowned, and muttered to himself, "But with Wang Mansi's spiritual body, she shouldn't be able to detect where the mysterious stone is..."

Rui Lengyu said: "Never mind the motive, is there a way for you to drag this place out of the claustrophobic space and restore reality so that you can dig out the mysterious stone."

Xiang Xiaoyu said: "Partially break the power of the corpse clan, of course it is possible, I need some magic medicine."

Rui Lengyu thought for a while, and immediately called Lao Guo, and gave the phone to Xiang Xiaoyu, asking him to say what he needed.

Xiang Xiaoyu looked at the phone and asked doubtfully, "Mobile phone?"

Rui Lengyu smiled.

Fortunately, although Xiang Xiaoyu is from thirty years ago, at least he is from the United States. He has seen mobile phones and knows how to use them. After Lao Guo spoke, he immediately said a few things in practice, and Rui Lengyu answered I called and asked Lao Guo when he could get it done.

"It's nothing difficult to get. I have it in my store, so I'll send it over here."

Xiang Xiaoyu didn't want to wait. Accompanied by two disciples, he went to do the magic for the other four profound stones first, so that when the fifth profound stone was dug out, the profound stone array could be activated immediately.

Rui Lengyu and the three stayed behind to wait.

Rui Lengyu glanced at the phone. Ye Shaoyang had been away for almost an hour, and she couldn't help muttering, "Why haven't you come back yet?"

Dumb said: "Leng Yu, your face is so red, are you uncomfortable?"

"I don't know why, my heart is beating very fast, I feel flustered, and I feel like something is going to happen."

Dumb comforted: "It's okay, with me here, you won't be in any danger."

Seeing the seriousness of what he said, Rui Lengyu couldn't help but smile.

Later, Lao Guo felt that, carrying a plastic ribbon and wearing old and worn-out work clothes, he looked a lot like a waste collector. Xie Yuqing and Xueqi also came after him.

Rui Lengyu told them about the situation.

At this time, Xiang Xiaoyu also came back, asked Lao Guo to help, poured out the sawdust from the rubber ribbon, and placed it around the pit in the middle.

Xie Yuqing looked at it and immediately felt curious: "What is this?"

"Cedar wood sawdust. Produced when I opened the coffin, the best for psychics."

After the sawdust was arranged, Lao Guo took out two big roosters from the plastic ribbon, tore a hole in the cockscomb, dripped blood on the sawdust, and let them go.

"It's fine to have two of my disciples here. Please go around and help me watch, lest anyone come in, and beware of Wang Mansi coming to destroy it."

Rui Lengyu led everyone away and guarded several exits of the garden separately.

"Will Wang Mansi come?" Xie Yuqing asked Rui Lengyu worriedly.

"Probably not. She has no reason to give up her claustrophobic space and come here to fight us to the death. Besides, Shaoyang's disciples are all there. If she dares to come, she will not be able to please."

In the garden, Xiang Xiaoyu's master and apprentice knelt on the ground, each holding a crystal stone in their hands, and began to chant spells...

Rui Lengyu and the others only felt a sudden movement of breath in the garden, and about ten minutes later, Li Tong came over and beckoned them in.

Walking to the middle of the garden and looking closely, the soil slope that was dug out before has returned, but there are no artificial rocks on it, but it really looks the same as before. If you compare it carefully, you can find that the terrain is indeed a little lower.

This is the reality of the scene.

Xiang Xiaoyu sat on the ground beside him with a pale face, with a very decadent expression, and said, "Let's dig."

He dug again, but he still didn't find any black stones, but clusters of grass blades protruding from the soil.

"Hell Demon Heart Grass!"

Everyone was shocked.

It was obviously a digging of mysterious stones, how did you dig out this thing?

"Keep digging!" Xiang Xiaoyu ordered.

Yang Chenwu was the first to bear the brunt, digging all the way, suddenly his feet were empty, the whole piece of soil fell down, he stepped in with one leg, and black air came out immediately with a sizzling sound.

"Ah!" Yang Chenwu cried out heart-piercingly.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Lao Guo immediately grabbed one of his hands and pulled him up. Everyone looked at his legs, and their scalps felt numb:

Yang Chenwu's legs were covered with maggot-like flesh worms, densely packed, burrowing into his flesh. This scene was simply disgusting to the extreme.

Xie Yuqing covered her mouth and was about to spit it out on the spot.

"Corpse aphid!" Lao Guo screamed, hurriedly untied his backpack, poured out all the contents, found a bag of salt, opened it and poured it all on Yang Chengwu's lap. Something like a splash of dirty blood, the smell is unbearable.

After killing all the corpse aphids, everyone stepped forward to check Yang Chenwu's situation. Yang Chenwu had already passed out, his whole body was glowing with a kind of green.

In such a short period of time, one of his legs was full of holes drilled by dead aphids, so much meat was eaten that it looked like a beehive.

Rui Lengyu suffered from intensive phobia, and seeing this scene, she couldn't help it, and threw up on her stomach.

Xiang Xiaoyu lifted Yang Chenwu's eyelids and took a look, the inside of the eyelids was covered with white spots. "The miasma attacks the body, almost possessing the body."

Hastily tried to expel the resentment in his body, Yang Chenwu woke up, his eyes were foggy, and he was unconscious.

"Little Martial Uncle, how is Senior Brother?" Li Tong asked.

"I'm fine, I can't keep this leg."

After hearing this, Li Tong covered his face and began to cry.

Xie Yuqing said: "Send it to the hospital, I'll call an ambulance!"

"No need for now, the resentment in his body is cleared, nothing will happen for a while, just wait."

After Xiang Xiaoyu finished speaking, he picked up the shovel by himself, walked to the pit, and looked carefully. The place where Yang Chenwu fell before was empty below, as if there was water, and black smoke was still rising upwards, so he used the shovel to force Slapping the bottom of the pit knocked all the clods down, and more miasma came out.


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