Urban Witcher

Chapter 1612 Arrival 2

The female demon said: "If you are given another ten years, with your talent, you may be able to prove the Tao, but it's a pity..."

Ye Shaoyang frowned and said, "What a pity?"

"It's a pity that you met me too early, you are right, I am not invincible, but in the claustrophobic space, I want to kill you, it is easy..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Shaoyang felt the air around him shrink invisibly, twisting like a twist, and he was right in the middle of the twist, and the huge pressure made him feel unbearable pain, and he hurriedly forced out the Gang Qi. Outside the body, firmly resist.

However, this force of space reversal and distortion was simply irresistible. Ye Shaoyang felt a tearing pain as he squeezed the protective layer formed by the Gang Qi little by little.

Because Ye Shaoyang moved too fast before, Rui Lengyu didn't keep up with them, and now they were still some distance away, so in desperation, he threw the Songwen Ancient Ding Sword at Nuba.

The Nuba raised her free hand casually, raised her middle and middle fingers together, clamped the sword edge, black air overflowed from her fingertips, easily dispelled the spiritual power of the Songwen Guding Sword, and threw it out.

At this time, the large forces of the Ghost Hunting Alliance also arrived, and before they could launch an attack, the female demon grabbed a handful of air out of thin air, sprinkled it out, and immediately turned into countless ice pick-like blades, overwhelming the sky and covering the sky, everyone had to stand still and move their own way. power defense.

"it's over."

Nuba stretched out a hand to Ye Shaoyang, and slowly tightened her five fingers.

"Bang!" Ye Shaoyang's whole body's protection of Gang Qi shattered, and the twisting force of space directly acted on his body, squeezed hard, and then twisted.

A tearing pain made Ye Shaoyang tremble all over. This kind of pain is not only physical, but also affects the soul.

With the winning ticket in her hands, the girl had a winner's smile on her face, waiting for Ye Shaoyang's body and soul to be torn apart. Suddenly, a burst of purple energy gathered between Ye Shaoyang's eyebrows, first a slit, then suddenly opened, like an eye opened, a golden light shot out from the middle, and went straight to her face.

The light of the eye of the sky!

In an extremely critical moment, Ye Shaoyang used this almost as the last and only means.

The nun was shocked, shouted loudly, exhaled corpse gas, and quickly formed a barrier in front of him, the light of the sky eye hit it, and the barrier persisted for about two or three seconds, then it shattered with a bang, and the nun had already retreated few steps away.

The girl looked intently, Ye Shaoyang was no longer in front of her, she suddenly noticed a movement in the sky above her head, looked up, Ye Shaoyang was holding the Seven Star Longquan sword in both hands, and was chopping down with all his might.

It turned out that when Nuba was avoiding the light of the sky's eye, his consciousness relaxed and his control over space was weakened. Ye Shaoyang seized the opportunity, broke the seal in one fell swoop, jumped up vigorously, and chased Nuba.

"Why do I feel like this is just the beginning!"

Ye Shaoyang's eyes shone with resolute and fearless light, and the long sword swept down. Nuba raised a hand, and the end of the five fingers suddenly shot out black light, but they did not leave the fingers, but stretched upwards, forming a hook shape, vividly Hold the blade.

"You were able to escape, I really can't bear to kill you." The nun's demeanor remained unchanged, still the condescending attitude.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Don't like me, I have a woman, although you are pretty, you are far worse than her."

The female demon smiled slightly, holding the Seven Star Longquan sword in one hand, and bending the other hand downward, continuously gathering the air coming in from the surroundings, forming an energy ball in her hand, which rolled bigger and bigger, and the surrounding wind suddenly blew up, blowing the two together. Everyone's clothes are rustling.

A murderous look spread in Nuba's eyes, she lifted the energy ball vigorously, and blasted it at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang played the three talismans that he had drawn before in one breath, holding the energy ball, and the sky was filled with brilliance in an instant.

"Dark gold talisman. It's a pity that you are not an immortal after all."

Nuba let out a soft drink, and the energy ball shattered three talismans in one fell swoop, hitting Ye Shaoyang's head.

Because most of his cultivation was spent on the energy ball, the hand holding the sword edge naturally lacked a bit of strength. In fact, Nuba has already counted this point. I thought Ye Shaoyang would naturally withdraw it in order to avoid the energy ball. Offensive, however she was wrong.

Ye Shaoyang didn't evade, nor did he make defensive moves. Instead, he pushed all his energy into the sword's edge, smashing the golden light with five claws in one fell swoop, and slashed on Nuba's palm.

After several encounters, Ye Shaoyang has already seen through it. With the bonus of claustrophobic space, he can't even beat Wang Mansi, let alone deal with the female demon who is several times stronger. Desperate, is your only chance!

The sword edge slid across Nuba's palm, and a stream of bright red blood spewed out. Nuba let out a groan, and the palm dropped. At the same time, the energy ball in the other hand also hit Ye Shaoyang's temple.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt a numbness in his temples, and then... there was no more.

Ye Shaoyang felt a gust of wind blowing along his cheeks, stunned for a moment, turned his head to look, there was no energy ball in Nuba's hand, and her empty hand was stretched out in the air, looking a little funny.

The nun was even more surprised than him, she turned her face and looked in a certain direction.

Rui Lengyu and Guagua were originally blocked by the barrier and were attacking frantically. They were about to break the barrier, but the barrier suddenly disappeared and evaporated out of thin air.

Everyone was stunned, feeling a change behind them, so they all turned their heads to look.

In the direction they came from, a tall figure was walking step by step, with his hands outstretched, while walking, the space around him was like a picture projected on a curtain, which was slowly closed by him.

Who is so awesome?

Ye Shaoyang was surprised, his first reaction was that Daofeng is coming? But it doesn't look like his figure. Although Daofeng is tall, 1.9 meters, but his body is thin and well-proportioned, and the guy on the opposite side has broad shoulders and a broad body. It's not that he is not good-looking, but that he is completely different from Daofeng. style of painting.

Both Ye Shaoyang and Nuba were stunned, and for a while they even forgot how to fight.

The person who came was getting closer and closer, and his face gradually became clearer. Xueqi, with her sharp eyes, was the first to recognize her, and she exclaimed in surprise, "Dumb!"

It's Dumb!

But the Dumb in front of him is not dumb at all, his hair is combed back, and he is wearing a decent suit that Rui Lengyu bought for him. He looks a bit like a tough guy on the screen, but there is something strange about him Temperament: Domineering.

Prestige in the world, overlooking the arrogance of the common people.

Ye Shaoyang exhaled forcefully, and said to him, "I thought you wouldn't come."

Although he didn't have a good impression of him and didn't know what his identity was, his series of behaviors at least proved that he belonged to his own group and could be regarded as his own.

Unexpectedly, after the nun saw Duan, surprise flashed in her eyes, she smiled, and said, "It turns out that you have come out, and I wanted to save you."


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