Urban Witcher

Chapter 1616 Division 2

A scholar dressed as a scholar, holding a folding fan, standing at the back is Xu Wenchang from the Department of Reincarnation.

Standing in front of him was a yin god wearing a black long-winged hat and a red official robe, twisting his beard and smiling. This was also an old acquaintance: the red-clothed ghost emissary of the Great Emperor's sect.

The one standing on the far left is a woman, wearing a white plain flower dress and holding an oil-paper umbrella. She has a beautiful face and looks somewhat familiar. Ye Shaoyang just wanted to identify it carefully. The woman said: "Little Heavenly Master ,meet again."

"Oh, it's you!" Ye Shaoyang immediately recognized that she was the ghost envoy under the throne of Chujiang whom he saw in Broken Soul Valley last time, named Rong Ruo.

It turned out that they were here, and Ye Shaoyang immediately understood, because it was daytime outside, it was inconvenient for these yin spirits to see sunlight, otherwise the sun essence would be inhaled into the body, like toxins, and it would take a while to get rid of it, which is very troublesome, so he arranged This large cloud covered the entire forest.

Rong Ruo didn't think it was enough, so he came with an umbrella.

"You are..." Ye Shaoyang looked at the three of them in surprise.

The red-clothed ghost let out a hearty laugh, "I am looking for you to announce the decree. It just so happens that these two are also looking for you, so the three of us came together."

There is still a group for this kind of thing?

Ye Shaoyang scratched the back of his head, "Well, what's the matter, everyone?"

The three of them looked at each other, let each other speak first, and finally recommended the ghost in red.

The red-clothed ghost envoy took out the emperor's imperial decree from his sleeve, and read aloud: "Ye Shaoyang, the thirty-ninth head teacher of Xuanqing Mountain, and some of his disciples, subdued demons and demons, and rescued some ghosts in their thirties. However, there are a few disciples, except for the deputy emissary of the Son of Heaven Hall, who should be rewarded. Therefore, they made a big fuss about reincarnation and despised the law of the underworld. This time they will make up for their mistakes...

It is inappropriate for you to serve in the Yin Division. It is really inappropriate to travel between Yin and Yang. Now we have set up a special division named "Yin Yang". If you need to go, you can deal with it according to the circumstances, and you don't need to declare to return to Yang..."

The red-clothed ghost envoy closed the imperial decree, and thanked Ye Shaoyang and the others, "Congratulations on your promotion."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Wait, the imperial decree is too classical, I didn't understand it, please explain it, sir."

The red-clothed ghost emissary said: "That is to say, the emperor thinks that you and his disciples are very capable, and they often assist you in conquering demons and catching ghosts, and have made a lot of contributions. However, the Yin Division has laws, and Yin gods cannot interfere in human affairs. So I simply set up a department called the 'Yin Yang Division', where you can participate in ghost affairs in the world as appropriate, and if you ask them for help in the future, they will come directly, it is considered business, and you don't have to be positioned as violating the precepts of the Yin Division."

"It's such a good thing!" Ye Shaoyang exclaimed, and the people around him were also beaming with excitement.

"Now we don't need to be separated in Yin Division, we can be together in a fair and honest way," Xiaobai said cheerfully, "Boss, if you need our help in the future, we can also come up in a legitimate way!"

The red-clothed ghost emissary said: "That's exactly the reason. Little Heavenly Master, you must know that after the finalization of the Seventy-two Divisions of the Netherworld, there has been no increase or decrease for at least a thousand years. And it is of great significance to be responsible for the ghost affairs in Yangjian."

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said, "Yes, the Yin Division has never cared about human affairs, and has always left it to the magic world to handle. How did it break through the limit this time, please tell me."

The red-clothed ghost emissary said: "Heavenly calamity is approaching, and the world will be in chaos. The zero-world corpses are ready to move, and Taiyin Mountain is starting a war in the ghost domain. The human world is a battleground between the Yin Division and Taiyin Mountain. How can the Yin Division sit idly by at this critical moment?" , so it is only for you to break through the routine and set up the Yin Yang Division, not just for you.

But your disciples have indeed helped you do a lot of things in the human world, and the emperor is very satisfied, so I entrusted the Onmyoji Division to you, and I hope that you can carry on the past and forge ahead to protect the human world. That's it. "

"Maintaining the world." The corners of Ye Shaoyang's mouth twitched, "The topic you gave is too big, you should go to Batman or something."

"Who is Batman and how to find him?"

"Ahem, forget it, you pretended to be me and I didn't say anything." Ye Shaoyang stuck out his tongue.

The red-clothed ghost envoy said: "Master Ye, it is a great honor to entrust the Onmyoji Division to you, but there is still a long way to go, everyone, don't relax..."

Then he said some words of encouragement. Ye Shaoyang cupped his hands in thanks, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "By the way, who is the new head of the Yin Yang Division?"

What Ye Shaoyang thought was that if he knew who the boss was, even if he didn't know him, he would be able to get close to him in the future. After all, Xiaoqing and the others wanted to work under him.

Unexpectedly, the red-clothed ghost blocked him with a sentence: "Who is the director, you can think for yourself, I don't know."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "My lord, what you said is not authentic. I don't know many people in the Yin Division. I think to myself, how can I figure out who it is. If you want to know, just tell me."

The ghost in red laughed out loud, even Xu Wenchang and Rong Ruo laughed too. The red-clothed ghost emissary said: "Little Celestial Master, you may have misunderstood it. What I mean by letting you think for yourself is to let you arrange it yourself. After all, they are all your disciples. Of course, you are the master. How can others help you arrange."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked on the spot, "I said, what do you mean, you want me to choose the head of the department from among them?"

"Since the emperor asked you to settle in the new yamen, naturally all of you will be employed by your servants, not just the boss. All the duties are arranged by you. I have a list of duties here. You can fill in this list by yourself, and then go to the underworld to play the role of the officials. Can."

Immediately, he handed a piece of yellow mounting paper to Ye Shaoyang, and said, "Congratulations to everyone on your promotion, that's enough, I will retire."

Just as he was about to run away, he was grabbed by Cheng Zi. "Uncle, I have endured it for a long time. When you read the imperial decree just now, what did you mean except me?"

The red-clothed ghost emissary said: "That's what it means, except you, they can all enter the new yamen, only you can't go."

"Why!" Cheng Zi stomped his feet and pouted, "Why don't you let me go? I'll let you go to see the emperor. I want justice!"

The ghost messenger in red hurriedly waved his hand, "Miss Chengzi, to tell you the truth, it's not that the emperor doesn't let you go, and the emperor doesn't understand your situation, you are all the same, why let them go, only you Pull down?"

Cheng Zi said: "Yes, why!"

"Originally, this imperial decree belonged to you, because you served in the Palace of the Son of Heaven. If there is any transfer, you must go to the Palace of the Son of Heaven to report. Before I came, I went to the Palace of the Son of Heaven, and showed the imperial decree to Emperor Cui, and then... Hehe, your name was erased by Cui Tianzi."


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