Urban Witcher

Chapter 164 Girl

Only Zhou Jingru and Xiao Ma were sitting on the sofa in the corner very calmly, drinking tea and waiting. Xiao Ma was playing with his mobile phone from beginning to end, chatting with the beautiful publicist on WeChat, and never glanced at Ye Shaoyang.

Sitting next to him, Li Wei sweated nervously on his forehead, loosened his tie, glanced at Xiao Ma who was playing with his mobile phone with Erlang's legs crossed, and murmured: "I'm so nervous."

Xiao Ma looked up at him, and said very puzzled: "Little Ye Zi makes a move, why are you so nervous?"

"That is to say, after all, he is my younger brother, in case of failure..."

Xiao Ma smiled, continued to play with the phone, and said casually: "You think too much, such a small matter, to Xiao Yezi, there is no accident."

Li Yueqing's face became more and more red, and his breathing became more and more rapid. Ye Shaoyang looked at him, turned his head, pressed it against the side of the bed, clenched his right hand into the shape of a phoenix fist, and clasped it on the back , move up. Hearing a "wow", he spit out a big mouthful of foul-smelling black blood into the trash can.

When Xiaoling smelled the smell of black blood, her face immediately turned red, and she sneaked a glance at Ye Shaoyang: the smell of this black blood is the same as that of zombie fish, it is obviously the "poison" stored in the body after drinking zombie fish soup for a long time Ye Shaoyang used talisman water to do the trick, and spit it all out at once.

Li Yueqing spit out the black blood in one breath, and lay still on the bed.

"Mr. Ye, what's going on?" Xiaoling asked worriedly.

"Just now, I was cleaning up the poison in his body. Only when his body is intact can he summon his soul." Ye Shaoyang looked at Li Yueqing and said, "He is unconscious because he lacks a soul. I will summon his soul now."

After finishing speaking, Ye Shaoyang asked Xiaoling to help, closed the doors and windows, pulled the curtains tightly, lit a long burning lamp and put it on the table, drove everyone to the corner, vacated a place, put down the altar, and drew the fixed Soul circle, and then write Li Yueqing's name and date of birth on the talisman...

After chanting the incantation, a black shadow appeared in the soul-fixing circle, everyone was stunned and did not dare to breathe.

Only Xiao Ma was not surprised, looked up at the soul, then played with his mobile phone, and said to Li Wei: "How can I say this, it's a piece of cake, don't say it's just missing a strand of soul, it's three souls and seven souls See, even a dead person, Xiao Yezi can be saved."

Li Wei wiped the sweat from his forehead, and murmured two words: "I'm convinced!"

With his right thumb, Ye Shaoyang tapped on the ghost gate of the ray of soul, lifted it up, came to Li Yueqing, opened his mouth, directly stuffed the ghost image in, then drew a soul-fixing talisman, pasted it On Li Yueqing's neck.

Li Yueqing's face became more and more rosy, and after waiting for less than a minute, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Wake up, wake up!" Everyone was shocked, and Li Wei was even more excited. After getting Ye Shaoyang's permission, he stepped forward to hold his younger brother's hand, and said softly, "Xiao Qing, do you know me?"

Li Yueqing frowned and looked at him in confusion. This made everyone present feel a bit stunned. Are you still an idiot if you dare to save your life?

Li Yueqing pushed his brother's hand away and said, "Brother, are you stupid? How could I not know you?" When he turned around and saw Ye Shaoyang and others, he sat up in surprise and said, "Who are you all? what's going on?"

Li Wei held his younger brother's hand very excitedly, and narrated his experience after he fell into a coma. Li Yueqing listened, thought for a while, and slapped his forehead: "I remembered, it was that old ghost who harmed me!"

Xiaoling wiped her eyes and said to her husband, "You can wake up thanks to Mr. Ye."

Li Yueqing gave Ye Shaoyang a grateful glance, and said, "Mr. Ye, thank you very much, I will definitely give you a big red envelope later."

Li Wei glared at his younger brother, and blamed him: "What are you talking about, Mr. Ye is Miss Zhou's...good friend, do you care about your money?"

Ye Shaoyang's heart was broken, this was an extra income, but it ended up being ruined, he sighed, and said: "Let's gossip, what is that old ghost you are talking about, tell me how you hit a ghost. "

Li Yueqing took a deep breath and said, "I met that ghost girl..."

Upon hearing the word "ghost girl", a group of village cadres suddenly changed color. Li Yueqing also showed a look of fear in his eyes. He took a breath and said: "That day, I went to the reservoir to see the orchard. When it was almost dusk, I went down to the reservoir to wash the mud on my hands. As a result, my phone fell out of my shirt pocket. It fell out and floated on the water..."

Hearing this, Li Wei interjected: "Idiot, can mobile phones float on water?"

Li Yueqing said: "Yes, but I didn't think much about it at the time. When I saw the mobile phone floating on the water, I instinctively reached out to fish it, but a wave rushed over and knocked the mobile phone away, and it was still floating on the water. Where I was standing at the time, the water was not deep, and I was obsessed with ghosts at the time. I went directly to pick up my mobile phone, but the mobile phone drifted farther and farther away.

I suddenly woke up and looked down, the water was almost up to my neck, I could feel my legs sinking in the mud, as if being dragged by something, I immediately remembered that I had encountered water It's a ghost, but fortunately I was calmer. I turned around and called a random name on the mountain. I didn't understand it a few times. I complained on purpose, saying that I won't pick up my phone, and I will call my nephew down later. , two people picked it up together, as soon as I spoke, I felt my feet loosen, and the hands that were holding my feet loosened..."

Xiao Ma always listened to it as a story, and when he heard this, he couldn't help interjecting: "According to this, you were captured by a ghost, why did he let you go?"

Before Li Yueqing could speak, the village chief said, "Young man, you don't understand. The water ghost believed it and wanted to kill one more person, so he let him go."

Xiao Ma suddenly realized, touched his chin and said, "So, this ghost is not very smart."

"Before the ghost is on the upper body, it will not know what people are thinking." Ye Shaoyang glanced at him, and said to Li Yueqing: "Go on."

Li Yueqing said: "After my feet were loosened, I pretended to be looking for someone. I didn't start to run until I landed. I thought I was fine, but after running not far, I suddenly saw a twelve or thirteen-year-old The little girl, squatting by the water, has a thin body, disheveled hair, and is wearing dirty clothes that look like shrouds."

When Xiao Ma heard this, he couldn't help complaining: "It was an old woman before, but here is another little girl."

Ye Shaoyang gave him a blank look, and asked Li Yueqing to continue talking.

Li Yueqing swallowed and said:

"At that time, she was sitting on a stone by the water, with her feet in the water, washing a vegetable in a small jar. I heard the legend of the ghost girl before, but I was really dizzy at the time, and I couldn't think of it at all. That's all, I just think it's a little strange for a little girl to wash vegetables by the water."

...,,,,! . ..


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