Urban Witcher

Chapter 1641 Sand 3

Until the last time, we discovered the ruins of the ancient tomb and went to explore..."

"Is the ancient tomb discovered this time related to the crack from the previous earthquake?" Ye Shaoyang asked hurriedly.

Cao Yu shook his head, "I thought it had nothing to do with it before, because although the locations were close, they didn't overlap. Until our monitoring point was attacked."

Cao Yu pointed to the human-shaped picture on the computer screen, "This guy is very similar to the shape described by the survivors in that incident back then. So it can't help but make people think of it together. Everyone, I can only provide these clues for the time being. If you have Read the information if you are interested, and I can give it to you later."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I'm not interested in watching it. By the way, you said to seek an expert before. What's the matter?"

Cao Yudao: "That's right, our original intention is to investigate the truth of the incident, and to discover the ancient tomb..."

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, he immediately interrupted and said, "This won't work!"

Cao Yu was taken aback, and said, "Why?"

"According to what you said, the ancient tomb is very dangerous. Who knows what the hell is hidden. It's good that we can save our own lives. You still want me to protect others, which is definitely not possible."

Cao Yudao: "Mr. Ye, you misunderstood. They didn't go down to the tomb with you at first, but inspected the surroundings. They will go down after you find the ancient tomb and clean it up. If you can't clean it up, I will never let them go." Go to the grave, and I don't want to kill anyone."

After looking at their faces, he continued, "This is a rigid rule. I hope Mr. Ye can cooperate. As long as we can meet the conditions Mr. Ye needs, we will try our best to meet them."

Ye Shaoyang exchanged glances with Sibao and Lao Guo, and Sibao said: "If you can guarantee that those Bricks will not mess around, we will agree."

Cao Yu immediately gave a guarantee.

Ye Shaoyang said: "When are you leaving?"

"It can be done at any time. My side is ready. Is there anything else Mr. Ye needs?"

"No, what I need, just ask him to provide it to me." Ye Shaoyang pouted at Lao Guo, "But you can pay for the money."

Cao Yu naturally agreed, so after discussing it, he decided to leave tomorrow and fly to Dunhuang first. Cao Yu asked them for his identity information, and went back to book a ticket. Originally Cao Yu wanted to invite them to dinner, but Ye Shaoyang refused.

After Cao Yu left, Zhang Xiaorui yelled immediately, "Master, why did you give you and the monk's identity information, won't you take us there?"

"Don't go to any of you. This ancient tomb is very evil. Otherwise, with Cao Yu's identity, what kind of mage can't find it. Why do you try to find me? It would be dangerous for me to go by myself, so I don't have the time to protect you. You and Xiao Let's practice spells at home, Meng, and there will be activities to bring you in the future."

Seeing his determination, Zhang Xiaorui knew that he couldn't be persuaded, so she pouted and proposed to have dinner together in the evening.

Ye Shaoyang thought that he was leaving, and it would be good to get together, but it was hard to hear, and if he couldn't come back, he would leave a thought for everyone, so he asked Zhang Xiaorui to book a hotel, make an appointment by himself, and take Xie Yuqing Also called, and Zhou Jingru——Zhou Jingru has recently taken over some business affairs at home, and she is very busy. The two usually chat on WeChat. Ye Shaoyang always reports good news but not bad news. She doesn't know what they have experienced recently. A horrible supernatural event.

But even though she was very busy, Ye Shaoyang asked her for dinner, and she still went to the appointment very happily.

Only Four Treasures asked Wang Xuwen out for dinner in a wretched manner, and slipped away early.

Zhang Xiaorui booked the best hotel in the area, and ordered a table of sumptuous dishes that even twenty people could not finish eating. The friends ate and drank together. In order not to worry Xie Yuqing and Zhou Jingru, Ye Shaoyang only said to go When Luo Po visited the tomb, he didn't reveal the danger. In fact, judging from the current clues, it really couldn't be said how dangerous it was.

Danger is Ye Shaoyang's intuition as a mage, and visiting the tomb is not like ordinary consecration to catch ghosts. In the deep underground, anything can happen, even with the Four Treasures by his side, he still can't help but feel a little worried.

"By the way, this thing is for you." Ye Shaoyang distributed the badge of the Ghostbusters Alliance to everyone, explained its material and function, and gave Lao Guo a compliment by the way.

"And mine, I don't know how to catch ghosts..." Zhou Jingru looked a little excited when she saw the badge Ye Shaoyang handed over.

Ye Shaoyang stuffed the badge into her hand, and said: "What do you mean, you have always been a member of our ghost hunting alliance, just like everyone else, but recently you are busy and I am busy, and you rarely see each other. Your position in my heart But it hasn't changed."

The last sentence was said by Ye Shaoyang through Jiu Jin. Although I haven't seen much recently, after all, she was the first girl I came into contact with after going down the mountain, and also the first person who made my heart fall in love... Even though Rui Lengyu and Xie Yuqing's existence makes it impossible to be a couple, but the bottom of my heart has always been for her. She reserves a special place.

When Xie Yuqing heard this, she burst into a smile, squinted at Ye Shaoyang, and said, "What a trick, don't you always say that to everyone else?"

Zhou Jingru took the badge, bit her lip, and said nothing.

After dinner, Xie Yuqing wanted to go back to work, gave Ye Shaoyang some instructions, and left with Xueqi first. Lao Guo also went home to prepare things, and Zhang Xiaorui took Ye Xiaomeng home.

Zhou Jingru drove Ye Shaoyang off, but Guagua had already disappeared when he saw the situation.

Zhou Jingru drove the car very slowly, and the two chatted all the way. When they arrived downstairs, Ye Shaoyang asked Zhou Jingru to sit up for a while, but Zhou Jingru shook her head and declined.

"You're leaving tomorrow, so hurry up and pack your things. I won't take up your time."

Zhou Jingru watched him get out of the car, opened the window, and called him, "Brother Shaoyang, I don't understand what you are doing, and I can't help you, but if you need help, please let me know." Pointing to the badge on his chest, "After all, I am also a member of the Ghostbusters Alliance."

"Don't worry, as before, if you need anything, I'll be the first to find you. Go back, I'll watch you go."

Zhou Jingru didn't move, still staring at her quietly, said quietly: "Sister Yuqing said before that you said the same thing to many people..."


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