Urban Witcher

Chapter 1650 Desert 1

Xiao Zhang said: "Maybe, I don't know too well, I have never been to the hinterland of the desert.

Ye Shaoyang was a little worried at once. Although he was usually homely and lazy, and he didn't pay much attention to hygiene, he could bear it if he didn't wash his face, but if he didn't brush his teeth for a day, his mouth would stink, which was really unbearable.

After brushing their teeth and washing their faces, Xiao Zhang led them into the big tent, and saw Cao Yu and others, and Professor Sun and the others were also there. Naturally, they didn't look good when they saw them, and Ye Shaoyang and Sibao naturally didn't want to talk to him.

Cao Yu asked everyone to get out of the tent and gather together. Sure enough, those professors and scholars were just representatives. During the gathering, seven or eight young people stood behind some experts. They are all students of those old guys or newcomers to the institute.

Beside these people, there are a few men in camouflage uniforms, all of them are tall and burly, with no expression on their faces, but there is a trace of calmness and sternness in their eyes. Cao Yu's introduction to them was that they were all subordinates of his own department, who came to help. To put it bluntly, they were coolies.

"These are from the army." Sibao said in Ye Shaoyang's ear.

"how do you know?"

"Look at their hair, they are all flat-headed, and there is a circle on the head that is pressed down. It is the hat circle that has been pressed for a long time..."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the past under his reminder, and sure enough, he knew Cao Yu's background, but even the military personnel were used, and he himself led the team, which proved that he attached great importance to this operation.

"That girl is nice." Sibao whispered again.

Ye Shaoyang took a glance, and there were three women in a row of young people behind Professor Sun, one of whom was wearing sportswear and looked quite iconic.

"You Monk Hua, you know how to look at girls, but this girl has no flesh on her cheeks, and her lips are blowing fire, she is Kefuxiang."

Sibao said: "What's the matter, as long as you find a husband with a wooden life, the two grams will be removed from each other, and it will be fine. I am Dalin Muming in the Sa family."

"Okay, you go."

While the two were joking, Cao Yu began to direct his subordinates to distribute supplies. A few soldiers each drove an off-road vehicle, and asked everyone to go up one after another. Finally, he took his assistant Xiao Zhang and sat in the same car with Ye Shaoyang and Sibao .

"Where do we go now, go directly to the ancient tomb?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"I'm looking for an ancient tomb, but I can't go there by car." Cao Yu explained with a smile, "There are some places in Luopo where even an off-road vehicle can't drive, and it's even more dangerous."

Ye Shaoyang asked in shock: "What's the matter, do you still have to walk?"

"It's not necessary to walk, there are desert vehicles in the desert."

Sibao said: "I know, the boat of the desert, the camel!"

Ye Shaoyang was a little dazed when he thought of riding a camel, he had never even seen a live camel.

As the car drove, Ye Shaoyang finally saw what a real desert is. It is truly an endless stretch of yellow sand. The undulating dunes are like waves. No wonder some people call it a sea of ​​sand.

However, there are still some plants in the desert. In some low-lying places, some tall trees grow, like weeping willows. Cao Yu explained that this is a red willow, which is very drought-tolerant, so it is used to control the desert.

A few hours later, in the depths of the desert, even the red willows could not be seen, the sand was undulating, and the car drove more and more slowly until it was dark, Ye Shaoyang and Sibao leaned on the car in a daze, and were caught Dian's whole body feels as if it's falling apart.

Suddenly, Cao Yu's horrified voice came from the passenger seat, "What's going on! Mr. Ye, take a look!"

Ye Shaoyang was startled, got up from his seat, and stretched his head to look. At this time, it was almost dark, and under the light of the car lights, he could see a figure tens of meters away, standing at the corner of the car. On the way, wave to them.

Look carefully, it's still a girl, wearing a black sportswear, with a ponytail and a bag on her back.

Cao Yu took a deep breath, turned to look at Ye Shaoyang and Sibao, "This is in the desert, how can there be people?"

"Where are the other cars?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"They're all behind, we're the first."

"It looks like they are here for an adventure," Sibao stretched out his head to look at the woman, and said, "Could it be that you are on an order and come to ask us for help?" Sibao said.

The soldier who was driving was also a little panicked, and said: "Chief Cao, I said something inappropriately, this may not be a living person..."

The three of them were startled. Ye Shaoyang asked: "How do you know?" From such a distance, even he couldn't tell whether it was a human or a ghost, how could he know as a soldier?

"I have carried out missions in Luopo several times, and I have heard many such legends." The soldier slowed down the speed and said, "People die in Luopo every year. I heard from the locals that some of the dead cannot find their way home. , will stop the passing vehicles, and want to take me home, and when encountering such a thing, you must not stop..."

Cao Yu's expression turned cold, and he said, "Do you believe such things?"

"This... I didn't believe it before, but Section Chief Cao, look at the clothes this woman is wearing, how could she be a living person."

The three of them looked at it together, sportswear and sneakers, there was nothing wrong with it.

The soldier didn't wait for them to ask, he directly pressed the button of the car window, the windows on both sides were lowered, a gust of cold wind blew in, and all three of them shivered.

"It's very cold in Luopo at night. We can't feel it in the car with the air conditioner. This girl is wearing this outfit. If she was a human, she would have froze a long time ago!"

The three were stunned.

Cao Yu looked at Ye Shaoyang and Sibao, and said, "You two, what should we do?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Stop!"

Cao Yu immediately frowned: "What if it really is..."

"With me here, what are you afraid of? I want to see if it's a human or a ghost. And she just beckons like that. Even if we don't stop, maybe we will stop later. If she gets into someone else's car, maybe there will be trouble. What's up."

"Section Chief Cao..." The soldiers were still a little embarrassed, but Cao Yu said firmly, "Execute the order!"

The soldier didn't say anything, and when the car passed the woman, it stopped.

The woman immediately came over and slapped the window of the driver's cab. The soldier's face was covered with sweat and he dared not open the window.

Ye Shaoyang opened the car window here and asked, "What's going on."

"We are an expedition team. Someone has a sudden illness, and all digital devices have no signal. We come to ask for help separately. Please help me and follow me to save people..."

The woman's voice sounded normal, and her appearance looked like a living person. If she didn't use any means, even she couldn't detect whether it was a human or a ghost. Ye Shaoyang was thinking about what to do. Guagua lay on his shoulder and said to the woman : "Sister, why are you alone." (To be continued...)——

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