Urban Witcher

Chapter 1653 Regret 1

Cao Yu turned around several times, wanting to say something, but finally couldn't bear it, and asked, "Mr. Ye, is there anyone else in our car...I saw you talking to the air all the time."

Ye Shaoyang patted Guagua's buttocks, Guagua understood, and then showed his figure to them.

Cao Yu and the soldiers grinned at them when they saw a child on Ye Shaoyang's shoulder out of thin air. I almost jumped up in fright. The soldiers almost drove the car into a sandy nest.

"Don't be afraid, he is indeed not human, but my brother."

The two were speechless in a daze.

According to the positioning of the GPS, the soldiers circled back and drove towards the destination. After driving for about two hours, there were stretches of sand dunes around them, with endless ups and downs.

Going forward, the nearby sand dunes also became taller and taller, as if they were small hills, which opened Ye Shaoyang's eyes, who thought the desert was an endless stretch of yellow sand.

The speed of the car was getting slower and slower, and the taillights of other vehicles were seen in front. The soldiers stopped the car, got out of the car first, and took a few military coats, leather boots, and gloves from the trunk for them to put on.

The four of them got out of the car fully armed. Wearing this outfit, they still felt the biting cold wind.

"Is it really that cold? I really want to feel it too." Guagua sat on Ye Shaoyang's shoulder and sighed deliberately.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed him by the neck and threw him out.

The people in the other cars came down one after another. They were all in military coats and felt fur shoes. When they saw Cao Yu, they didn't ask much. They gathered together and waited for arrangements.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly heard the cry of an animal, followed the sound, and behind several cars, he saw a few camels kneeling behind the sand dunes, and beside him was a five-legged man wearing a sheepskin jacket and a felt hat. A man in his teens, with a goatee beard, looks like a minority.

Sure enough, there are camels.

Ye Shaoyang asked with some concern: "Is this thing easy to ride?"

The old man said: "It's good to ride, but you can't ride it all the time. It's mainly for camels." The old man said in broken Chinese.

"There is no shop in front of the village or behind here. Where did you get this camel?"

"To the south of Devil City, there are a few villages. The houses were built in the salt mines. Now we live there. We raise camels there and serve as guides for you. We can earn some money."

"Devil City?" Ye Shaoyang noticed these three words.

"Just go down here. These sand lumps often make strange noises in the middle of the night, like devils. There are several places like this in the desert. You will see them after you go down in a while."

At this time, Cao Yu asked Xiao Zhang to roll the roll, but there were not many of them. Cao Yu looked around the group and said, "Everyone has worked hard. There is Yadan Group in front of us. We can't drive the car. We can only walk. The terrain here is too high. Let's go in and find a suitable place to camp. We will spend the night and start our journey tomorrow morning. .”

Everyone nodded. Then Xiao Zhang called the old man over and introduced that he was a Uighur named Ibrain, and that the camels belonged to him. He was also very familiar with the landforms of this area, and he needed to take care of the camels, so he would go with them. , to act as a guide.

"Going forward, there are no wireless base stations anymore, and most mobile phones will have no signal. If you have anything to explain to your relatives and friends, it is best to say hello first."

"No signal!" Ye Shaoyang was stunned on the spot, and hurriedly pulled Cao Yu aside, and told him that Rui Lengyu was coming to find him. Cao Yu told him not to worry. He kept someone at the base and monitored it with GPS. Their location, when Rui Lengyu finds the base, someone will send her over.

Ye Shaoyang immediately called Rui Lengyu, told the situation, and then called Cao Yu. Cao Yu reported the latitude and longitude of the base, and Rui Lengyu wrote it down.

When the phone came back to Ye Shaoyang, Rui Lengyu, who never liked to talk, also told him a lot, and Ye Shaoyang felt warm when he heard it.

Over there, a few soldiers were unloading supplies from the off-road vehicle, sorted out some commonly used ones, and carried them on their backs. After packing the rest, they put them on camels with the assistance of Ibrain.

Then several soldiers opened the way in front, Ye Shaoyang, Sibao, and Cao Yu walked at the end together. Ye Shaoyang deliberately counted. In the team, apart from the professors, experts and their students, there are five soldiers in charge of supplies. Then there are the guide Ibrain, and Cao Yu and his assistant Xiao Zhang. , a total of nineteen people.

Going down a slope for about 20 meters, Ye Shaoyang shined a flashlight on the left and right, and found that there are tall hills on both sides, with different shapes, and the shells are circling layer by layer, much like annual rings.

Ye Shaoyang photographed them one by one, and was surprised to find that some of these sand dunes looked like huge birds, some of them looked like animals like lions and tigers, and some even looked like exquisite pagodas...

"These are all sculptures?" Ye Shaoyang asked in surprise.

"This is the Yadan landform, which is formed naturally. The main reason is wind erosion. It is more complicated to say, it can be regarded as a masterpiece of nature." Cao Yu introduced, "This is not a big deal. There is a devil city in the Western Regions. The scale is larger than this, and the shape of Yadan is also more realistic than this. I have been there once, and it is really amazing.”

The team walked through these sand dunes for dozens of minutes, and finally passed through the middle of two sand dunes, shaped like a canyon.

While walking, there was a sudden whimpering sound from the canyon ahead, it sounded like someone was blowing a trumpet. Then there was the sound of horseshoes galloping, as if countless horses were galloping across the desert.

Ibrain stopped immediately, stood in front, waved his hands, and shouted nervously to everyone: "We can't go any further, that's an excuse from the Yin soldiers, Lord Hades is on his way!"

"What nonsense!" Professor Sun reprimanded, he couldn't listen to these strange things. He heard that Ye Shaoyang and Sibao were Fengshui masters, and they were mad. Hearing that there were ghosts at this time, he naturally couldn't bear it.

Ibraine said earnestly: "It's true, this valley is the path of yin and yang, every ten days and a half months, you will hear such a sound, when the salt mine was open before, everyone knows that this It's Yan Wang who is on his way, let's find a place to hide, and we will leave after Yan Wang passes."

"Bewitching words to confuse the crowd!" Professor Sun snorted coldly, "Where is there such a thing as Lord Hades?"

The woman in the couple said: "Professor Sun, I see, this place is similar to a canyon we saw in Sichuan and Sichuan before. This is a natural phenomenon."

Professor Sun nodded and said: "Although there is no conclusion, there are only two possibilities. Either the wind force, the shape of the canyon and the buildings formed a whistle-like place. When the wind blows past, this kind of sound is produced..."


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