Urban Witcher

Chapter 1657 There is an extra guide

The copper beans made a crackling sound in the zombie's mouth, and corpse gas came out of his nostrils. After a few seconds, the corpse gas was exhausted, and the zombie collapsed limply.

This series of changes is slow to say, from defrauding the corpse to being surrendered by Ye Shaoyang, it took less than 20 seconds. When the zombie lay back on the ground again, everyone slowed down for a while, and then came back to their senses. Scared.

Professor Sun, who was almost blinded by the zombie, turned pale, and was able to stand up with the support of two students.

Cao Yu asked nervously: "Mr. Ye, that was—"

Professor Sun murmured: "Fake corpses, there are such things, scientifically speaking..."

He was still talking about the so-called science, and Ye Shaoyang didn't want to argue with him, so he asked Xiao Zhang to help him bring two bottles of pure water, wash off the blood and sand on the face of the corpse, and shine a flashlight on the face.

Those companions who had been petrified just now curiously wanted to know who this person was, and timidly surrounded him with each other's support.

Under the light of the flashlight, there was an iron-blue face with a painful and grim expression, but the appearance was vaguely recognizable.

"How could it be him!"

The moment Ye Shaoyang recognized the appearance, Ye Shaoyang was also taken aback: This zombie is not a stranger, but Ibrain!

Everyone also recognized Ibrain one after another, and they were all stunned.

"This... this is Ibrain, who is that person who just went to drive the camels?" Cao Yu asked tremblingly.

Xiao Zhang said: "Could I have misread it, it wasn't him who went to drive the camels earlier?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "First, I can see clearly that it is him, and second..." Ye Shaoyang raised his head and looked at Xiao Zhang, "Even if it wasn't Ibrain, who would it be? Our team has twenty Personal?"

Xiao Zhang was at a loss for words, and everyone was speechless, and the wind blowing on his body seemed to be getting colder.

Naturally, one person will not become two. If the person lying here is Ibrahim, who is chasing the camel? If that one is, who is lying here?

This kind of horrible thing is simply unheard of for these atheist researchers, especially in such a deserted desert, the feeling of horror is even more magnified.

The wife of the couple lay in her husband's arms and sobbed.

"It must be some kind of coincidence, there are no ghosts..." the husband tried to persuade him weakly, but when the word "ghost" was spoken, the people around who heard it trembled.

However, the horror did not end here. Just when everyone was terrified, the sound of camel bells came from the end of the canyon, and someone was yelling at the camel.

Ibrahim is back from chasing camels!

The faces of the crowd suddenly turned pale, and they unconsciously huddled together, trembling, and several girls burst into tears.

Even Professor Sun, a staunch atheist, felt his throat dry and his legs trembled uncontrollably.

The ringing of the bell was getting closer, and a hunched figure appeared at one end of the straight road in the canyon, dragging a long shadow under the moonlight. It was Ibrain. , walking this way while panting.

"It's not a ghost, ghosts have no shadow." A person murmured.

Ye Shaoyang sneered, ghosts have no shadows, but it doesn't mean there are no evil things.

Sibao glanced at him and said, "It's so exciting that one wave will rise again after another."

Ye Shaoyang whispered: "Don't move, wait for him to come."

The camels obviously didn't want to go with Ibrain, and Ibrain struggled and shouted: "Oh, I finally got them back, someone will help the old man. "

Ye Shaoyang walked over, looked carefully, and saw that Ibrain looked the same as before, and his expression was normal. If it wasn't because there was another him lying on the ground, no one would be suspicious at all.

After taking a few reins from him, Ye Shaoyang asked casually: "You are amazing, you found all the camels in such a short time."

"Oh, as long as you find one and ring the camel bell, they will follow. They were frightened before, but they will be fine afterwards."

I walked back with him leading the camel. When I was close to the camp, Ibrahim looked up and saw that everyone was huddled in a far distance, looking at himself in horror, wondering, and said: "What's wrong with everyone? .”

No one dared to agree.

Ye Shaoyang followed Ibrain into the camp. Ibrain saw the dead camel lying on the ground and sighed, "Why did he die, bosses, how did he die?"

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the corpse on the other side of the tent, and said, "He did it."

The position where the corpse lay was on the back of the tent, and the moonlight did not reach the body, so the face could not be seen.

Ibrain froze for a moment, and said, "Who is this, why is he lying here?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Want to know, just go and have a look."

Ibrain handed the reins to Ye Shaoyang, walked over suspiciously, and squatted beside the corpse to look.

The atmosphere in the arena was extremely tense, no one made a sound, the team members all huddled together, but a few soldiers touched the holsters around their waists.

Ye Shaoyang handed over the reins to Xiao Zhang at the side, with his hands behind his back, looking at Ibrain.

Ibrain looked at "myself" on the ground and didn't move for a long time.

"See clearly?" Ye Shaoyang's tone was still so brisk, even with a hint of teasing.

Ibrain nodded, his tone suddenly became YY.

Ye Shaoyang smiled slightly and said, "Then I would like to ask, do you know him?"

"I...Of course I know him." Ibrain stood up and looked at Ye Shaoyang, his eyes were shining red.

"However, I want to know more, who are you?"

"and who are you?"

Ibrain lowered his head slightly, looked over like a beast, and said coldly, "Young mage, I advise you to leave, lest you die here..."

After saying this, he made a wrong step and seemed to be rushing towards him, but his figure swept back, extremely fast, like a shadow.

Ye Shaoyang stood still, but one person moved - when "Ibrain" entered the camp, Sibao moved behind him, waiting for him to move. As soon as his figure moved, Sibao immediately shot out The four bodhi seeds spun in the air and just hit "Ibrain" on the head.

"Ibrain" fell to the ground in response, no longer fighting back, nor thinking of running away, but did something that neither Ye Shaoyang nor Sibao expected:

He stuck his head to the ground, swung his hands, and immediately got in.


Ye Shaoyang rushed up, grabbed his legs, and pulled them out with all his strength, but this guy was like a fish, his upper body kept arching into the soil with great strength, half of his body got inside in a blink of an eye.

(Two chapters first)——

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