Urban Witcher

Chapter 1659 There are still people 1

After hearing this, Ye Shaoyang felt that this analysis was more reasonable. At this time Cao Yu asked: "The wizard you mentioned, why did you do this, why did you come among us?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him and said, "I want to ask you this, they must be targeting the expedition team. When you led the investigation team before, did similar things happen?"

Cao Yun frowned and said: "No, everything happened after going to the tomb, and I didn't encounter anything on the road. Oh no, the person who attacked the monitoring station seems to be made of sand... Could it be a monster?"

Ye Shaoyang didn't answer his question, but thought for a while and said: "Looking at it this way, it must be the same wizard who did it, maybe more than one. In short, the other party's attack on us is probably related to that ancient tomb."

When everyone heard about the previous supernatural event, it was actually related to their destination. Although they didn't know the inside story, they were still a little indignant and reprimanded Cao Yu for concealing the situation.

After all, Cao Yu is the leader, and he has a good psychological quality. He quickly calmed down and told everyone the inside story.

"It's really not that I deliberately concealed this. I never thought that everyone would go on an adventure together. Originally, I asked the two masters to go to the tomb first to make sure it was safe before everyone went down. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing on the way. If there is For those who don’t want to continue the investigation, I can arrange someone to send them back, and the previously agreed reward will remain the same. I’m sorry everyone.”

Everyone looked at each other, and several people immediately expressed their desire to leave. Cao Yu immediately asked Xiao Zhang to write down the names of several people, and said that he would find a car to take them back at dawn.

There were still a few people who hesitated, and someone asked Ye Shaoyang, "If we stay, can you guarantee our safety?"

"No." Ye Shaoyang replied very simply, "But if you listen to my arrangements, at least I can do my best."

Several people looked at each other, a little hesitant.

Cao Yu asked them all to enter the tent to further discuss the issue of whether to stay or not. "Mr. Ye and Master Four Treasures, you two..."

"Let's discuss it, we have to make arrangements to ensure safety tonight."

After hearing this, everyone felt a little relieved when they thought about the way he had dealt with the "monster" before, and followed Cao Yu into the largest tent. There was not enough room inside, so many people stood outside and discussed together.

Ye Shaoyang called Guagua back, and learned that he had walked around the area, but found nothing. It seems that the wizard who practiced it has already hidden.

"It's freezing cold, where can I hide?" Ye Shaoyang muttered to himself.

Sibao took the bunch of hair from his hand, played with it, sniffed it and said, "It's not a woman's head, it should be a man's head."

Ye Shaoyang said in surprise: "You can smell this?"

"Women's hair is usually covered with lotion, which is fragrant. This hair has no fragrance and is still oily. It must be the hair of a man!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled helplessly: "You can push it down, who in the wilderness of this place can wash their hair every day and use conditioner?"

Sibao thought the same thing, burned his head with a lighter, and said: "That wizard can create puppet evil spirits that penetrate the ground, and ordinary formations are useless. Do you think we should set up a formation to guard against it overnight?"

"No, the other party is frustrated this time, most likely they dare not come here, besides, don't you have Guagua." Then he ordered Guagua to guard the camp at night, since he didn't have to sleep anyway.

Guagua curled his lips, agreeing.

Sibao nodded in agreement, then suddenly frowned and said, "Guagua, you don't sleep, do you? Didn't you hear what happened before?"

Guagua rolled his eyes at him and said: "I can't keep my eyes open 24 hours a day even if I don't sleep. Can't see it."

Ye Shaoyang discussed with Sibao for a while, but couldn't discuss anything. At this time, he saw those team members go out and return to their tents.

Cao Yu came out, and after consulting with Ye Shaoyang and the two of them, he summoned a few soldiers to bury Ibrain's body on the spot first, and bring it back tomorrow to deal with the aftermath.

"What are we going to do tonight, is there still danger?" Cao Yu asked.

Ye Shaoyang pointed to Guagua who had climbed to the top of the tent, "With him watching, nothing will happen."

Cao Yu watched the soldiers bury Ibrain's body, and sighed, "I never expected to encounter such a thing on the first day in the desert."

Ye Shaoyang said: "What did they say, are they all going back?"

"Some go back, some don't go back."

Cao Yu told him that those who are unwilling to go back have true love for scientific investigation, and the more mysterious the ancient tomb is, the more their enthusiasm is aroused.

Ye Shaoyang doesn't understand this feeling, but he can understand it.

At this time, Professor Sun came out and saw Ye Shaoyang, but he looked a little embarrassed. After hesitating for a while, he walked over, looked at Ye Shaoyang and Sibao respectively, and said, "Can you two tell me whether this world is real or not?" Ghost?"

Ye Shaoyang was speechless for a moment, "Did you not see anything just now?"

Professor Sun sighed, with a complex look in his eyes, "It's because I saw it, so I can't believe it, but I have to believe it..."

Sibao said: "You study archaeology, haven't you been to the tomb before?"

Professor Sun said, "I've downloaded a lot."

"That's right, I don't believe you've never seen anything like a zombie."

"I have seen it, but those so-called supernatural events can be explained by science... Even if the existing science can't explain it clearly, at least there is a direction, so I have never believed in ghosts and gods, but I just saw it. The scene, but it can’t be explained anyway.”

Professor Sun looked at the two pitifully, "So, I want you two to tell me clearly whether there are ghosts in this world. Don't be angry, it's not that I don't believe..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "There's nothing to be angry about. If possible, I would rather you never know that there are ghosts in this world. But unfortunately...there really are."

Professor Sun stared at him blankly, with a somewhat complicated expression, and finally nodded, without asking any more questions, and walked back to the tent in a daze.

Ye Shaoyang sighed softly. He could understand Professor Sun's feeling. He didn't believe in ghosts and gods all his life, and suddenly discovered the truth in the end... It must be uncomfortable to feel that the whole belief has completely collapsed.

Leaving Guagua to guard the tent, he went back to the tent with Sibao and Cao Yu, got into the sleeping bag, and because he had something in his heart, he didn't fall asleep until dawn.

The temperature difference in the desert is frightening. It is cold even if you wear a military coat when the temperature is low at night, but after the sun comes out, the temperature immediately rises. The group, all in shirtsleeves, sat in the shadows under the tent.


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