Urban Witcher

Chapter 1662 Leeches

Ye Shaoyang turned around to look at him in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Guagua walked over, looked at the human skin spread on the ground with a complicated expression, and said, "This thing is a kind of leech that grows in the Yinshui River. In the waters of Taiyin Mountain, it is affected by the strong Yin Qi. , Many creatures will cultivate evil and grow into evil things, this leech is one of them, and many of them have become his subordinates."

"Taiyin Mountain!" Ye Shaoyang said in surprise, "You mean this thing was sent by the Wuji Ghost King?"

Guagua nodded, "After all, I stayed in Taiyin Mountain, so I recognized him at a glance, there is no mistake."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless.

Gua Gua bit her lip and said, "This leech monster was probably sent by the ghost king to catch me, but I didn't expect to kill someone else..."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and said: "It should be aimed at me. Mr. Xu is right. Taiyin Mountain doesn't want me to find Bai Qi before them."

Guagua wanted to say something else, Ye Shaoyang ordered him to find Sibao, and Cao Yu, he stayed in the camp to protect the team members.

Sibao and Cao Yu rushed over and jumped when they saw the human skin on the ground, especially Cao Yu, an ordinary person, was so frightened that he almost collapsed on the ground when he saw this scene, his mouth opened wide and he couldn't say a word.

Ye Shaoyang told them about the origin of the leeches.

After listening to Sibao, he pondered for a while and said, "How could it be such a coincidence that he was attacked by some wizard yesterday, and today he was attacked by people from Taiyin Mountain. Could it be that they are part of the same group?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and said: "It should really be a coincidence. Taiyin Mountain is almost the place close to the Yin Division. It has never had any contact with humans, and it doesn't bother to cooperate with humans. Speaking of coincidence, I think it should be that Taiyin Mountain has something in common with the wizards who deal with us. The purpose, so they want to take advantage of the chaos to get in among us and take the opportunity to deal with us."

Sibao thought for a while and said: "You say this, it is also possible, maybe these guys want to go to the grave with us, if they find Bai Qi, they will use the opportunity to kill us, kill two birds with one stone, what do you think?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, glanced at the human skin on the ground and said: "Let's not talk about anything else, Mr. Cao, you should deal with this human skin. It's best not to let them see it, or it will cause panic."

Cao Yu nodded with a pale face, returned to the camp, and called two soldiers. They were horrified when they saw human skin, but these were not ordinary soldiers with good psychological quality. A tarp wraps the human skin.

"Mr. Ye, since the human skin is here, where did the flesh and bones go?"

"It is estimated that it was swallowed before, or the skin was skinned directly. It is also possible that the bones were thrown somewhere. Anyway, the person is already dead, so don't worry about it."

Cao Yu sighed: "No matter what, this kind of inspection operation, before coming, the team members signed the risk agreement. Although we feel sorry for the death, the pension is also given, just like the guide last night, at least one The whole body, like today's... only one piece of human skin left, how do you want me to explain to the family of the deceased."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while and said: "I'm not sure there are any bones. If there are any, the deceased has never been separated from us for too long. The place where he was really killed must be on the way we came. How about it? You find The human sent the human skin back, and I was escorted by Gua Gua along the way, and I also searched for the corpse along the way, if you find it, you can put the human skin back on the corpse, and there is nothing we can do if we can’t find it.”

Cao Yu nodded again and again. Although his scalp felt numb at the thought of putting a corpse on a human skin, this was indeed the best way.

Ye Shaoyang called Guagua over, and after talking about it, Guagua agreed without hesitation.

"That wizard is targeting us, so he shouldn't attack you. As for the people in Taiyin Mountain, the main target is me. You should be fine, but I'm still worried. It's just that you are on your way during the day, so you go to the Yin Division. Just find Chengzi or whoever will accompany you for a walk."

Guagua nodded and said, "Do you want to call them up to help you?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while and said: "You find me the military adviser, I need him. The rest of you are waiting for my soul seal to notify you."

Guagua agreed to come down and asked him when he was going to leave. Ye Shaoyang asked him to help keep watch for another night, and then go before dawn.

Sibao asked, "Why did you call for the military advisor by name?"

"Because he is a military adviser, he can give me advice when he comes here."

Seeing Sibao pouted, Ye Shaoyang said: "Don't be dissatisfied. In our ghost hunting alliance, there are many people who can fight, but in terms of brains, no one can compare to Leng Yu and the military division. Leng Yu can't come now, so the military division has to come."

Cao Yu asked at this time: "Mr. Ye still has a helper, right? Just call, and I will definitely pay the reward."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "People can't spend your money, just burn more paper money afterward."

It was only then that Cao Yu realized that he was looking for a ghost. He was a little terrified, and he calmed down and said, "I heard your previous discussion. What is the murderer...Taiyin Mountain, what does this mean? Is it an organization?"

"It's an organization, but you're an ordinary person, don't inquire about these, and tell you that you don't understand."

Cao Yu nodded and said, "Then what should we do now? When I first passed, the team members were all terrified. They didn't know what happened. How can I explain it to them?"

The three discussed it, and then returned to the camp. Sure enough, all the team members stood by the campfire, staring at them with wide-eyed eyes.

Ye Shaoyang said frankly that the boy was killed, and the cause of death was unknown, but the matter had been resolved, and the body was buried... As for more details, he didn't say.

Originally, Cao Yu wanted to lie to them that the boy was missing, so as not to scare them, but Ye Shaoyang felt that they were entitled to know the truth, so he decided to stay or stay.

Sure enough, after learning the news of the boy's death, the expedition team immediately exploded, especially since the boy was fine before, and he died after going to the bathroom, which is simply horrifying.

Cao Yu waited for everyone to calm down, and told them that soldiers would send the boy's body back tomorrow morning, and if anyone wanted to follow along, they could go back together.

As a result, most of the members had to leave.

This was also expected by Cao Yu. Although the expedition team dispersed before reaching the place, he was very unwilling to do so, but he could not force him to make fun of other people's lives.

"I'll follow! I won't go back!" Professor Sun said stubbornly.

Cao Yu was also a little surprised by Professor Sun's performance.

"After reading the information you gave me, I suspect that this ancient tomb may be related to the Loulan ruins. You know, I am sixty years old and have never been married. Except for teaching, I have devoted all my experience to archaeology. Since After reading your information, I have been looking forward to this ancient tomb.


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