Urban Witcher

Chapter 1665 Sun 1

Immediately, Fang Mengna pointed to some rotten logs lying on the river bed and said: "No plant can really live for a thousand years, but these trees have been here for a long time, at least forty years, and they still haven't decayed. , it’s a miracle.”

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, and he asked: "How do you know so much, you have been here before?"

Fang Mengna said: "I haven't been here, but I saw other people's photos. This used to be a tributary of the Kongque River, leading to Luopo Lake. After Luopo Lake dried up, the flow here will naturally stop."

"Oh, Luo Po... used to be a lake?"

"You really don't know?" Fang Mengna was shocked when she saw that he didn't seem to be pretending.

Ye Shaoyang stuck out his tongue embarrassingly, "I really don't know, I don't know anything about this place at all."

"Then why did you come to participate in the inspection activities?"

Ye Shaoyang touched his nose, "I'm not here to investigate, but to protect you."

"Almost forgot, you are Master Yang Yang." Fang Mengna pursed her lips and smiled.

"Master Yyang is a broad term. Strictly speaking, I am a Taoist priest."

"Taoist?" Fang Mengna looked him up and down, "But your outfit... Shouldn't Taoist priests wear Taoist robes?"

"Who stipulated that Taoist priests must have preaching robes."

"Well, I don't understand this very well." Feng Mengna shrugged, and then asked, "You are young, why did you become a Taoist priest?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I don't know, I went up the mountain in a daze when I was a child. By the way, everyone else has left, why did you stay?"

Fang Mengna looked into the distance and said, "I'm studying ancient culture. It's my wish to come to Luopo for investigation. Professor Sun insists on staying at such an old age. Why can't I stay?"

Turning to look at Ye Shaoyang, "However, I am different from Professor Sun. I have always believed in the existence of ghosts. When I was young, I often saw the dead Nai Nai, and I didn't believe it when I told others. But the experience of these two days still made me grow up. Eye-opening, how about I learn to catch ghosts from you."


"I'm just joking. Human beings are instinctively curious about ghosts and gods, and they all want to know what's going on, but I still don't want to know too much. After all, I just want to live the life of ordinary people. Knowing too many secrets is not necessarily a good thing. "

Ye Shaoyang was a little surprised when he heard this. Since he was a child, whenever he was discovered as a mage, he would be curious about all kinds of ghosts and gods. People like Fang Mengna who can restrain their curiosity are really rare.

"Why, is it surprising?" Fang Mengna saw his curiosity and said, "That's what I think, I am an ordinary person with worldly preferences and pursuits, if I know too many secrets about the world , Fate, reincarnation, etc., I may feel that all pursuits are insignificant, and they will be infected with fatalism, which is actually not good for life."

Ye Shaoyang praised sincerely: "You can think that way, it's actually very good, but I can also tell you that fate is not as terrible as you think. Fate does exist, but it is to control life and death. Even death is divided into death and calamity. .

The Dao of Dayan is fifty, one is born from one, change is uncertain, to put it simply, fate will only provide you with choices, as for how to choose, it is your own business. "

Fang Mengna was a little surprised, and asked: "Really, but, isn't there a saying 'days are inevitable', what do you think?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "The number of days refers to the Dao, the cycle of life and death, and the six cycles of reincarnation. As long as you are a human being, you have to experience birth, old age, sickness and death. In other words, if you want to go against the sky, you will definitely not be able to do it. It’s a secular wish, so what does it have to do with the Dao of Heaven?”

Fang Mengna exhaled forcefully, smiled at Ye Shaoyang and said, "Thank you."

"Uh, thank me for what?"

"Thank you for letting me know what fate is."

"Ahem, it's not that serious, I'm just talking nonsense." Ye Shaoyang also realized that he had talked too much, maybe because he felt that this girl had a unique way of thinking, so he couldn't help but say so much.

"Hey, we're about to set off, why are you here?" Sibao walked over from the other side of the sand dune, saw the two, and greeted them.

Fang Mengna smiled at Ye Shaoyang, left first, and when she passed by Sibao, she folded her hands together as a greeting.

The Four Treasures bowed exaggeratedly back, "Amitabha, the poor monk has seen the female benefactor."

Ye Shaoyang chuckled, and when Sibao came over, he patted him and said, "You said the word 'female benefactor', why did I sound so awkward, and immediately thought of Tang Seng."

"Tang Seng is not as handsome as I am." Sibao raised his eyebrows at him, "I took pictures of all the scenes of you kissing and hugging just now, and I will send them to Leng Yu when I get back."

"Fuck you! Don't try to lie to me, I just said a few words to her, and she was affectionate, kiss your sister!" With Sibao, Ye Shaoyang also returned to his usual style of speaking.

Sibao was deflated, glared at him, and went to the valley by himself to piss.

In the afternoon, they passed by the legendary Loulan ruins. Ye Shaoyang deliberately walked with Fang Mengna and asked her about the Loulan civilization. The feeling of chatting with beautiful women is naturally different.

When passing by the Tomb of the Sun, Professor Sun stopped the team temporarily and took everyone to visit this strange ancient relic.

The so-called tomb of the sun is just a pictographic way of saying: on the barren sand, there are circles of wooden stakes nailed in an S-shape, which looks like a shining sun.

"This is the tomb?" Ye Shaoyang approached and looked at the wooden piles, they were all weathered into smooth and round stone-like places, and most of them were decayed.

"It's a tomb. It has existed for about four thousand years." Fang Mengna said while taking pictures.

"How do you know it's four thousand years?"

Fang Mengna smiled and glanced at Professor Sun, "Let the teacher talk about this."

After seeing all kinds of supernatural events with his own eyes, Professor Sun reconciled with Ye Shaoyang and Sibao, and at this time he happily showed off his knowledge, saying: "The tomb of the sun is a real ancient tomb, and there are a total of such cemeteries in Luopo. There are seven of them, several of which were originally buried under quicksand and were excavated one after another. I was fortunate to participate in the excavation of one of them.

We unearthed a lot of sand pottery and bronze fragments, as well as some three-edged copper arrowheads, animal bones, and beads. After identification, they all have a history of nearly 4,000 years, and we can judge the age of these tombs. "

Ye Shaoyang looked at the tomb of the sun and said in a daze: "Isn't this a desert? Could it be that it wasn't in ancient times, otherwise who would have built the tomb here?"


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