Urban Witcher

Chapter 1689 Tianbao

Taoist Zikun said as he walked, these believers are born warriors, but only those with certain talents can learn witchcraft. Among them, wizards are the highest-ranking group of people. There is one witch Zhu among every ten wizards. The people who attacked the camp before Those wizards were led by wizard assistants.

Further up is the High Priest, the head of all.

While talking, Taoist Zikun led them through this "living area" and entered a wide DX. A man walked up to him without a mask. He looked to be in his twenties. Taoist Zikun saw him and immediately Bow down and salute.

Ye Shaoyang noticed that the man was wearing a red monk's robe similar to that of a lama. Although it was a bit worn out, it was not dirty. He looked at Ye Shaoyang and the others with hostility on his face.

Taoist Zikun spoke to him in a language that Ye Shaoyang could not understand.

The man responded coldly.

Taoist Zikun pointed at the three of Ye Shaoyang, as if he was introducing them, but the man ignored them and walked away.

"This is the only begotten son of the high priest, and the successor of the next generation high priest." Taoist Zikun waited for the man to leave, and said in a low voice.

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, but he heard Wu Jiawei say: "Why doesn't his father want to see him?"

Taoist Zikun and Ye Shaoyang froze together.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Can you understand what they said?"

"They speak the Uighur language. Don't forget that I am also from the Western Regions. I have Uighur relatives in my family. They can speak the Uighur language."

Ye Shaoyang looked at Taoist Zikun, frowned and said, "Why do they speak Uighur?"

"They originally spoke Tibetan, but after all, they have lived here for many years, so of course they can also speak Uighur. Otherwise, how can they communicate when they go shopping in Luopo Town?"

Taoist Zikun led them through the hall and walked into an alcove, but this alcove was much more spacious than those people lived in. There was a stone bed inside. Taoist Zikun lit an oil lamp and asked them to wait a while. , I will invite his master to come here.

The three of them sat on the stone bed and waited, looked at each other, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

This place is a completely strange world to them, but it's unbelievable to think about so many people living underground.

"By the way, what did the high priest's son just say?" Ye Shaoyang asked, remembering this incident.

"He asked Taoist Zikun why his father would rather meet them than himself. Taoist Zikun said he didn't know either, so he will ask next time." Wu Jiadao said.

Ye Shaoyang frowned when he heard this, this matter is indeed quite strange. Another point: they walked along the way, and the believers they met were full of hostility towards them, which showed that they were very xenophobic. However, the sects represented by Taoist Zikun can freely come and go here. The explanation for this is that their master had made an alliance with the high priest.

But on closer inspection, these Taoist priests from the pavilions also came for the purpose of robbing tombs, and they were regarded as the enemies of the high priest. How did they manage to win the trust of the high priest? Taoist Zikun did not explain clearly.

When the two things are connected, Ye Shaoyang feels that there seems to be some kind of conspiracy.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and Taoist Zikun walked in after a while, followed by a fat man with a wide body and round waist, and a short stature. The loose gown looks about fifty years old, but he has a simple and honest face.

Ye Shaoyang was stunned on the spot. Originally, he heard Taoist Zikun tell him that his master must be a scheming and cunning person. He thought he would be a Taoist priest with a strange appearance, but he didn't expect the real person to look like Maitreya Buddha. The key Yes... This is the first time I have seen such a fat Taoist priest.

The Wu Jiawei brothers were also a little confused*.

"Hahaha, this is Headmaster Ye, right? I've been admiring him for a long time." The fat Taoist smiled as soon as he entered the door, and reached out to hold Ye Shaoyang's hand, as kindly as seeing his long-lost son.

On the contrary, Ye Shaoyang was a little caught off guard and looked at him dully.

"Pindao Taoist name Tianbao, is the contemporary leader of the 'Yi' word sect of Zhonggejiao. I have always wanted to go to Xuanqing Mountain to worship the mountain, but I have no chance. Today I can meet Master Ye. I am lucky for three lives, and I am lucky for three lives."

Taoist Tianbao held Ye Shaoyang's hand, made out with him for a long time, and then greeted Wu Jiawei brothers. When he learned that they were disciples of Laoshan, he also praised them a lot. a lot. Wu Jiawei ignored it indifferently, but Wu Jiadao showed the same intimacy and exchanged pleasantries with Taoist Tianbao.

"There is no wine or tea here. It's a pity." Taoist Tianbao pulled everyone to sit down on the bed, and sat on the stone bench opposite him. Status, offended, offended, please three Haihan."

Wu Jiadao said: "It's because we don't know each other without fighting. In the future, we will be a family."

"That's right, that's right, we're all fellow Taoists with the same goal, we have to do a lot of work, make a fortune together, make a fortune together!"

Taoist Tianbao laughed himself first after speaking, and his loud laughter shook the whole DX.

Ye Shaoyang was dumbfounded by this expression, and felt that what he was facing was not a Taoist priest, let alone a sect of teachers, but a small boss selling business.

Taoist Tianbao stopped laughing in time, patted his chest and said, "Before taking action, if Master Ye has any questions, I will give you a comprehensive answer!"

Ye Shaoyang sorted out his thoughts, and said: "I want to know something about these believers, you know, I am very worried that we will be cheated by them when we act, so I need to know more about it."

Taoist Tianbao couldn't help nodding.

Ye Shaoyang began to ask questions, Taoist Tianbao explained in detail, and under his explanation, Ye Shaoyang had a deeper understanding of these believers:

Since these believers migrated to Luopo, they lived by fishing at first. At that time, they lived by the Luopo Lake, lived with the local people, married wives from the town and had children—just like the Han people in ancient times. They are also a patrilineal society, and they believe that no matter what ethnicity they marry, the children born are all descendants of their own tribe.

However, this nation has always maintained independence in life, and has never forgotten its traditions and responsibilities. In the late 1970s, Luopo was completely dry, and many border residents migrated to the interior. They entered the land in order to survive. Living, mainly by eating fish——

There are many underground rivers in the land, and the fish is rich, which can at least meet their living needs.


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