Urban Witcher

Chapter 1701 Poor

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and said: "Your inference is not completely valid. Nangong Ying is just the prince of Asura, not the king of Shura. How could he be the strongest of the Shura clan? Guagua is also the nominal son of the Wuji Ghost King, no Still let me cover it every day? Does this mean that I can compete with the ghost king?"

As soon as the words fell, the yin and yang mirror shot out light again. Ye Shaoyang knew that Guagua was upset, and wanted to come out, so he patted his belt, "Don't make trouble."

Sibao said: "It doesn't matter, everything is speculation, let's go down and have a look first."

Ye Shaoyang also thought it was, and an idea came to his mind: If he really had the misfortune to face a legendary figure like Di Shitian, he would have no choice but to rescue the soldiers. However, since Xiao Jiu’s cultivation base has not recovered, he must not be an opponent, then I can only find Daofeng... I don't know if Daofeng can do better than Di Shitian?

The point is... Didn't this guy go to the Qingming Realm? Where can I find him?

Thinking of this, Ye Shaoyang became a little worried about Dao Feng, wondering if he found that Li Haoran, and if there was a fight, he didn't know what the result would be.

It suddenly occurred to me that my current situation is much more dangerous than Daofeng, so I should care more about myself.

Leaving aside the coffin and the fish inside, the three of them and one ghost walked out of the stone room and walked down the stone steps.

After walking not far, the stone steps came to an end, there were stacked stones under the feet, and there were no bricks and stones around, it was a completely natural cave.

Everyone was shocked, but they didn't have time to discuss more, so they kept going.

The cave is rotating down, and there is a fork in the middle. Ye Shaoyang’s obsessive-compulsive disorder has to look at the fork when he encounters a fork. As a result, he walked not far along a winding fork. The front is divided into three, and he can use The flashlight shined on it, and two of them split again not far away, which frightened everyone not to walk around in order to avoid getting lost.

Go back to the main road obediently, and go all the way down. After a short walk, the front becomes a straight road, which becomes an artificial passage paved with bricks again.

Everyone stepped up and walked for a while, Sibao looked around and said: "I know, this ancient tomb was built with the help of the direction of the cave, that is to say, where there is a cave, we use the cave. , figure out a way."

After hearing this, Ye Shaoyang was shocked and said: "I have never seen such a large-scale tomb."

"Strictly speaking, this is called a revolving tomb, that is, a three-dimensional tomb. Even if such a tomb is not an emperor, it must be a prince. I have seen a tomb before..." At this point, I suddenly stopped and sniffed hard. , said: "Why is there a smell, where is the fire?"

The two turned their heads to look together, only to find that Zikun Taoist was behind, standing still.

"Let's go, why are you in a daze!" Ye Shaoyang called out, but there was no movement, so he took a flashlight and shone on his face, only to see a livid face, with smoke rising from his back, he was startled, and hurried over, Looking behind him, he saw that the Yin Qi Talisman was on fire, and even a piece of the Taoist robe was burned through, exposing the skin, but Taoist Zikun didn't seem to know the pain, and stood still.

"Upper body!" Ye Shaoyang knew it at a glance, and stretched out his hand to grab his shoulder. Unexpectedly, Taoist Zikun's shoulder sank, and his right arm turned around to sweep. A square brick was shaken off and fell down.

Where is this arm, it is clearly an iron rod!

Seeing that Ye Shaoyang was not swept away, Taoist Zikun suddenly bent down, stabbing towards Ye Shaoyang with his hands like knives.

Ye Shaoyang rolled on the spot, dodged to the side, grabbed Taiyi Fuchen from his backpack, swept it away, and chanted the Soul Locking Curse in his mouth, the dust tail touched Taoist Zikun's arms, and immediately spread up like tentacles, dying Deadly entanglement, no matter how powerful his two hands are, they cannot be separated.

Sibao also went around behind him, and pointed at Taoist Zikun's legs twice: "Kneel down!"

Taoist Zikun thumped, knelt on the ground in response, with a ferocious face, yelled, and bit Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang squeezed his left hand and hit Taoist Zikun on the forehead with a palm, and saw a figure being knocked out of his body. Turning around and wanting to escape, the Four Treasures have already blocked the way, holding the golden pattern bowl in his hand, and said coldly: "I don't want to destroy you, just stay calm, don't force me to do it!"

The empty figure seemed to be unable to hear, and rushed towards the four treasures with its teeth and claws.

"Fuck, there is someone who is not afraid of death!" Sibao recited the Tantric mantra once, and slapped the bottom of the golden bowl, a golden light shot out, hit the ghost, and immediately turned into silk strands, wrapping the ghost layer by layer.

"Come in for me!" Pulling the alms bowl hard, the ghost could not stand still and was pulled into the alms bowl by the silk thread.

The two breathed a sigh of relief, and heard Taoist Zikun lying on the ground humming, with his left hand supporting his immobile right hand, beads of sweat slid down his face.

Ye Shaoyang went over to check it. It turned out that it was dislocated. He grabbed his elbow, pulled and loosened it, and connected it to him. Taoist Zikun shook his arm, and he was able to move, but it still hurt.

"Just bear with it, smashing all the stone slabs down, won't it hurt?" Ye Shaoyang pressed his shoulder, feeling a little funny, "I said, your strength is not bad, why did you get caught by a ghost so easily?" ?”

"I don't know. At that time, I was too busy listening to you talk, and then my whole body went numb, and I lost consciousness..."

Ye Shaoyang ignored him, walked up to the Four Treasures, and looked into the bowl with golden patterns, a figure was reflected in the golden light, trying to rush out with grinning teeth.

Looking carefully at his appearance, he was a man, with no eyeballs in his eyes, but two puddles of green liquid, which looked very strange.

"Get ready, I'll get him out to see what's going on."

Hearing what Sibao said, Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "Fuck it, if you dare to make trouble again, I will slap him to death."

Sibao clenched his fist with his left hand, his middle finger protruding into a phoenix eye, and clasped hard behind the golden patterned bowl, the ghost was immediately knocked out, and after landing, it actually rushed towards Ye Shaoyang.

"Fuck, I'm really not afraid of death!" After Ye Shaoyang pinched his fist, he slapped the ghost and knocked the ghost to the ground.

Sibao glared at Ye Shaoyang and said, "You almost broke his soul!"

"Okay. Heavy shot."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, walked over, and stared at the ghost. When the ghost pressed Ye Shaoyang, it was like a person who was seriously injured and couldn't get up, but still made a fierce gesture blindly, and green mucus kept flowing out of his eyes.

Ye Shaoyang thought it was some kind of evil spirit at first, but when he saw the mucus running down his cheeks, and there was nothing after it dripped, he realized that he had shown his pre-death scene, and those two green streams were what he looked like when he died.

"How could this happen!" Sibao exclaimed in surprise, glanced up and down, but did not see the wound, "What kind of death is this?"


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