Urban Witcher

Chapter 1707 Group battle 2

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and said: "There is nothing extra in this room, only the statue of Emperor Shitian..."

The two looked at each other, turned their heads together, and took a flashlight to see a Taoist priest standing in front of the stone platform, pulling the statue vigorously.

"What are you doing!" Ye Shaoyang scolded, and the Taoist stopped his hand suddenly in fright, but he didn't want to touch the statue. He only heard a loud rumbling sound coming from behind. The two turned around and saw that the stone gate was slowly lifting up. , a long tomb passage appeared on the opposite side.

It really is an organ!

Afraid of any danger, Ye Shaoyang held the hook in his hand and looked over nervously. The tomb passage was empty and there was nothing there.

Sibao walked up to the Taoist priest, shone his flashlight on his face, and said with a sneer, "You kid, you want to steal the jade statue while no one is watching?"

"I, I just took a look." The Taoist smiled sarcastically.

Sibao said: "I'm warning you again, until we reach the deepest part of the ancient tomb, don't move anything here, otherwise you will die each other if you encounter danger, and I won't care about any of you!"

Professor Sun followed suit, claiming that these are cultural relics and should not be taken privately.

It is not that Sibao has such a noble consciousness. Based on his experience in tomb robbery many times, he knows that many tomb owners will play tricks and place traps on some valuable things. Once the tomb robbers are greedy, they will immediately trigger the trap and attract danger , so smart tomb robbers always explore the tomb first, and then take things outside after fully grasping the situation of the entire tomb.

Sibao told everyone to stay calm, and came to the opened stone gate, looked up and down, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "This ancient tomb is indeed much more complicated than we imagined before."

Ye Shaoyang said: "How to say?"

Sibao pointed to the stone gate that was lifted up and said: "The mechanism doors in ancient tombs usually open inwards or outwards. Such a mechanism is the best. Just install a mechanism on the door. But if you want to make the door like a Speaking of this, a cableway must have been dug above the porch, and an iron lock was used to pull the stone gate. It is not difficult to make such a mechanism, but it requires a huge amount of manpower and material resources. Ordinary people will never be able to afford it, so I conclude that there will definitely be encounters in the future. When it comes to more complicated organs, let's be more careful."

Now that the door is open, you have to go in and have a look. Ye Shaoyang lit another three-color lotus lantern and poked it in. Seeing that the light did not change, it meant that there was enough air in the tomb passage, so he ordered everyone to stay and go with Sibao Pathfinder. Taoist Zikun followed immediately.

Not far away, the flashlight illuminated a figure on the ground, lying motionless on the ground, the three of them didn't know why, so they hurriedly stopped.

Taoist Zikun was shocked and asked, "Is it the living or the dead?"

Sibao said: "Aren't you talking nonsense, can there be living people in here?"

"But where do the dead come from?"

Taoist Zikun's words stopped the Four Treasures.

The three of them walked over and shone light on the corpse with their flashlights, and they gasped for breath: This is an incomplete corpse, with only the upper body, but the lower body is not far away, and there is a pool of puddles on the ground between the two corpses. The black mark on the body should be dried blood.

Looking carefully, it was a male corpse with a crew cut, wearing a camouflage uniform, and carrying a portable backpack behind him.

"Contemporary people!" Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of something, "Could it be people from the previous batch of expeditions?"

So he hurriedly called Cao Yu over to identify it. The corpse was not decomposed, but it was completely shriveled. It seemed that its flesh and blood had been drained, and its appearance was unrecognizable. However, Cao Yu immediately recognized the identity when he saw the clothes, and said in a trembling voice, "Yes. Apart from him, some members of the expedition team were buried in the ancient tomb, but I didn't expect to die here!"

Rummaging through his backpack, he found flashlights, walkie-talkies and other equipment, further confirming his identity.

Ye Shaoyang observed the posture of the corpse: one hand in front, lying on the ground, with the head raised slightly. "It seems that he was chased by something and ran over from the opposite side, but he was caught up and killed when he ran here. The other party directly tore the body in half..."

When Cao Yu heard this, he was even more terrified, and blurted out: "Who did it!"

"Of course it's not a human, and it's not an anti-Japanese drama. How can human power tear a person in two?"

"That's...a zombie?"

Several people looked at the depths of the tomb passage together. Since this person was chased to death from behind, the evil thing that chased him must be in front.

Cao Yu is an ordinary person. Thinking of the zombies that can tear people not far away, he suddenly became nervous and short of breath.

Although Ye Shaoyang and the others were not afraid of zombies, they were still a little nervous in the special environment of the ancient tomb, especially when the enemy was unknown, and walked forward cautiously.

The tomb passage turned in front and began to go down. At the intersection, I saw another corpse lying on the ground. This one was torn to pieces and torn apart. Every piece was skinny and boneless, without any flesh and blood.

Ye Shaoyang said: "It doesn't look like an ordinary zombie, I don't know what kind of evil it is."

When zombies drink human blood, they usually bite their throats and drink the blood directly. In order not to petrify the opponent, they smash their heads and drink their brains, but there is no need to tear the corpse apart. This is common sense for mages. Of course Bao knew it too, and nodded immediately.

The four continued to walk down, and saw another torn corpse. Cao Yu's legs were weak, and he was almost leaning on the wall.

"Several... I don't think it's better for me to go back first. I really don't dare."

Ye Shaoyang didn't want to bring a burden and let him go back by himself.

Watching Cao Yu go back, the three of them went down again. Finally, the tomb passage came to an end, and there was another stone door, but it had been opened a little inward. The three of them walked over on tiptoe. The lotus lantern reacted: the flames began to turn green, leaning toward the gap in the stone gate, but there was no wind around.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I've encountered something."

The evil thing is behind this door!

Taoist Zikun immediately took out the dust whisk used for the practice, and held a handful of paper figurines in his hands.

Sibao took out the flare gun that Cao Yu gave to fire flares.

The three of them were about to go in when there was a sudden sigh from the gap in the opened stone door, a long sigh that seemed to carry endless sorrow.

In this environment, hearing this kind of sound really gives people a creepy feeling.

"Zombies don't sigh..." Ye Shaoyang said slowly, drew three hidden energy talismans again, and pasted them on the backs of the three people respectively, then winked at Sibao, walked through the gap of the stone gate first, and left go in...

Sibao followed closely behind, firing a flare from the flare gun in his hand.

(Today is the holiday, and there are activities tonight, so I will only post two chapters, and the two chapters that are owed will be added one after another. I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival! Today, there is an event on QQ reading "Great God Says", which is Qingzi's special session, 1 book currency to ask questions, from 7 o'clock At 9 o'clock, Qingzi's voice will answer, everyone is welcome to come to me with all kinds of strange questions, and the Glory Hall will send out red envelopes, don't miss it!)


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