Urban Witcher

Chapter 1709 Beard 2

The strength of this kick was also removed with the drop of the head, and the humanoid monster was not dead. It got up and grabbed Ye Shaoyang with both hands.

Ye Shaoyang thought that he could step over this thing with one foot, but he didn't reserve any backhands. The opponent was so fast that one hand just inserted between Ye Shaoyang's legs and touched something that shouldn't be touched.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt a chill in his lower body, and almost screamed, at the same time, he squeezed his hand tightly.

"Don't!" Ye Shaoyang yelled, and jumped back vigorously. At the moment when the thing on his lower body was about to be crushed, Sibao made a decisive move, stepped on the back of the humanoid monster, and turned the other foot in the opposite direction Kick it to hold the arm of Ye Shaoyang's lower body. With a click, the arm fracture broke, and Ye Shaoyang fell to the ground, sweating all over his body, looking at his lower body, the broken arm was still tightly choking his lower body...

Stepping on the back of the humanoid monster, Sibao took off the rosary beads in his hands, put them together in his palms, and said quickly: "Miaofa King Kong, surpasses all appearances, and has so much Prajna Paramita!"

Put the rosary on the back of the humanoid monster, the Buddha's light suppressed it, entered the body, and drove out a wave of evil spirit from the cavity of the neck. The humanoid monster trembled a few times, and immediately stopped moving.

Sibao turned his head to look at Ye Shaoyang, and couldn't help but burst out laughing, only to see Ye Shaoyang was sweating profusely breaking off the hand that was holding his lower body.

"I said, are you...all right?"

"I don't know, help me quickly and get it down!" Ye Shaoyang was in a hurry.

"Hold it so tightly?" Sibao grabbed his arm and tugged, Ye Shaoyang screamed in pain.

"You motherfucker, it hurts!"

Sibao said, "Then what should we do?"

Ye Shaoyang groaned.

Seeing his appearance, Sibao had long forgotten the situation, and said with a smirk: "What are you moaning about, just being pinched?"

"It hurts, damn it!" Ye Shaoyang burst into tears.

Sibao slapped his forehead and went up to untie Ye Shaoyang's pants.

Ye Shaoyang said in shock: "What are you doing!"

"Stupid, he pinched it from the outside of his trousers. Unbutton your trousers and try to see if you can take them off."

The grievance in Ye Shaoyang's heart had no choice but to be like this, and he said to Taoist Zikun: "Taoist, take a look casually, be careful..."

"I know, I know, hurry up." Taoist Zikun walked nearby after speaking, shining a flashlight on the roof, for fear that another humanoid monster would appear.

Sibao took off Ye Shaoyang's pants, glanced at them, and said with some embarrassment: "What, it's too tight, if you want to get it off, I have to feel it..."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless. "Well, let me ask first, is your sexual orientation okay?"

"Damn! This is the first time for me as a monk! It's you, I wouldn't even touch it if someone else beat me to death!"

When Ye Shaoyang heard it, his face immediately turned red, and he closed his eyes and said, "I can't help it, you can do it quickly..."

"It will hurt a little, bear with it, it will be fine in a while!"

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of the conversation between the two, it was a bit... Gritting his teeth, he said angrily, "Hurry up!"

Sibao held it tightly, grabbed the clothes with the other hand, and exerted force suddenly. Ye Shaoyang let out a muffled grunt, and then exhaled forcefully.

Sibao chuckled: "Are you comfortable?"

"Fuck you!" Ye Shaoyang kicked him in the chest, got up, and quickly put on his pants, thinking of the experience just now, he really wanted to cry without tears.

Sibao was kicked and sat on the ground by him, got up and patted the ashes, and said angrily: "Fuck, you kicked me. I saved you twice. If I hadn't acted decisively just now, you would have become the last eunuch in China!" Already!"

Thinking of his previous experience, Ye Shaoyang really wanted to cry, but it was not good to catch that dead thing, he actually grabbed his own place, even though he was a mage, after all, he had never practiced iron skills or anything, just like ordinary men, that place It is the most fragile, so I reached out and touched it secretly. Fortunately, it is not broken, and it may still be usable...

Sibao smiled lewdly and said: "Know brother, it's alright, your wife will have to thank me in the future, without my help, she wouldn't even have a son."

"Get out!" Ye Shaoyang cursed, and suddenly recalled, "Mom, why does this sound so awkward, you are not the old king next door, my wife has to thank you for giving birth to a son?"

Immediately thinking of the words that Sibao had teased himself before, he stretched out his hand and pointed at him and said, "Monk, I have recognized you, you...you definitely have a problem, no wonder you want to become a monk, and you will never take a bath with me again !"

Sibao was so angry that he wanted to beat him, but suddenly thought of something, he stepped forward and said, "Hurry up and buy me, or I'll go back and tell Leng Yu and the others the truth."

"Damn, just say what you want, to eliminate demons and subdue demons, accidents are inevitable..."

"No, no." Sibao posted over and whispered, "Just now...you reacted. Sao Nian, as a mage, you actually reacted when you were pinched by a zombie. Your taste..."

"Get out of here!" Ye Shaoyang yelled, his lower body... did react a bit, but it was also a pain from being pinched, an instinctive reaction!

"You two, stop talking nonsense, take a look at this corpse, is this the mustache corpse that came out?" Taoist Zikun checked around, and there was nothing evil, so he returned to the decapitated corpse on the ground Check it out before.

"Don't talk nonsense when you go back!" Ye Shaoyang gave Sibao a hard look, walked to the corpse, and looked at it carefully for a while: the skinny corpse was the same as the others, most likely it was a mustache corpse.

This thing has no blood and flesh, and its bones are very brittle, otherwise Sibao would not be able to easily break its arm.

Sibao said: "When I killed it just now, I found that it survived by a suffocating energy, not a zombie, so it can still move when its head is off. I don't know what kind of evil it is. Those who died outside probably died of it. hand."

Ye Shaoyang pondered: "It's not important, what's important is...why didn't other mustache corpses come back to life, but this thing came alive and came out from the crack in the wall?"

For this, the three of them couldn't figure out why.

Ye Shaoyang returned to the place where the moustache corpse should have been. The flashlight shone down from above, and finally landed on a pile of debris. It was that kind of jar. The debris was covered with a layer of black condensation. Ye Shaoyang scraped off a little with his fingernails. , I smelled it, it smelled very bad, and I don't know what it is.

"Look, Shaoyang!" Sibao shone the flashlight on the ground in front of the groove, and Ye Shaoyang looked intently, only then did he see a straight groove on the ground, like a small ditch, very thin, only as thick as a finger, The ground is full of dust, you can't notice it unless you look carefully.

Ye Shaoyang stepped forward to remove the fragments of the jars, and found that the ground around the jars was a little lower than the sides, and was connected to the trough, extending to about the middle of the room.


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