Urban Witcher

Chapter 1711 Extermination 1

Cao Yu told them that these zombies came out from the side of the tomb.

"There was no door there, but after triggering the switch, the wall suddenly opened, we were curious to go in, and then these zombies came out of nowhere..."

"Institution?" Ye Shaoyang was stunned when he heard it, "Where did you get the institution?"

Cao Yu arranged for everyone to stay behind and take Ye Shaoyang over to check.

Cao Yu led him back, and when he came to the stumps of the zombies, Cao Yu had a difficult expression and hesitated.

"It's okay, they're all dead." Ye Shaoyang opened the way ahead, kicking away some stumps blocking the way with his feet, looking back, Sibao, Lin Sansheng, Taoist Zikun followed behind, and Professor Sun also followed with a shy face. Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said with a smile: "There should be no danger inside, I'm going to do some archaeology..."

Ye Shaoyang didn't drive him away either.

When the group returned to the stone room with the statue of Emperor Shitian, Cao Yu pointed to an open stone door on the opposite side and said, "This is it."

Ye Shaoyang frowned and said, "How did you open it?"

Cao Yu explained: "Someone moved the sculpture, and then the stone door opened, which originally looked like a wall, so it was ignored before."

Ye Shaoyang said speechlessly: "Didn't I say it, don't move around casually."

Cao Yu looked a little embarrassed and didn't answer.

Ye Shaoyang called Sibao to go in and have a look, and asked, "Is your butt all right?"

Seeing Sibao shaking his head, Ye Shaoyang taunted: "You robbed a tomb, everything is fine, just hurt my butt, I'm also drunk."

Sibao rolled his eyes and said: "Yeah, I'm stupid enough, I can't compare to you, catching a ghost can destroy the penis."

Ye Shaoyang was so angry that he wanted to explode.

Entering through the stone gate, a strong smell of corpse came to the nostrils. The two immediately became vigilant, and shone a light with their flashlights, and found that there was a huge space in front of them, so Sibao shot a flare.

The eyes suddenly lit up, and everyone looked around, and they were amazed: this is an underground cave!

The semi-circular space is at least half the size of a football field, covered with stalactites and stalagmites, and there is actually a pool in the middle, connected to a canal at one end, and extending down to a cave, leading to the depths of the ancient tomb.

"This is a branch of the underground river!" Professor Sun who followed in immediately said excitedly, "According to the geomorphology, the academic circles judged that there are many underground water systems under the salt crust of Luopo. It was brought here artificially, and this is the end.”

When it comes to geological archaeology, Professor Sun immediately forgot that the zombies rushed out from here before, and immediately walked to the pool.

Ye Shaoyang pulled him back, "If you don't want to become a zombie, just stay here."

"Become...a zombie?" Professor Sun widened his eyes.

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the water pool and said: "The water is dark green, obviously it contains corpse gas. This is clearly a corpse breeding ground, no wonder so many zombies stay here."

"Where did those zombies come from, and why are they here?" Cao Yu took the conversation and asked.

Ye Shaoyang walked to the edge of the pool, took out a pack of realgar from his backpack, and sprinkled a little into it. After a while, bubbles appeared in many places in the pool. Ye Shaoyang took a few steps back with the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword in his hand. Go over and wait for it.

Soon, humanoid monsters jumped up one after another, all of them were water corpses covered in sarcomas. Professor Sun and the others were more disgusted than frightened, and they almost vomited out on the spot.

There were about seven or eight water corpses. After landing on the shore, they immediately besieged Ye Shaoyang and Sibao. However, the two of them had already prepared and killed them one by one. After making sure that there were no other evil things in the pool, they looked around with a flashlight, and found here Although it is a karst cave, it is not purely natural, and there are obvious traces of artificial processing in some places.

The two turned around and walked into the cave along the "stream". Before going far, they were blocked by an iron gate. They searched for it with a flashlight. There is a long one.

On the gate of the fence, there was a dark and bright chain hanging, which caught the attention of the two of them. After studying for a while, Ye Shaoyang was stunned, and he took out his own seductive wire, and compared them together, although the color and fineness of the chain on the door It seems that they searched a lot more than Hook Soul, but Ye Shaoyang was still able to confirm that this chain was made of black iron.

Looking carefully, there are many symbols engraved on the black iron chain, similar to hieroglyphs. When Professor Sun saw this thing, he also came up to it, identified it, and said, "What kind of characters are these? I have never seen them before."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Of course you haven't seen it before. This is the Execution Man...******, I didn't expect there to be Exit Man here!"

Sibao said: "Are you sure?"

"Sure, I've seen it in books."

Professor Sun immediately asked: "What kind of language are you talking about? Why haven't you heard of it?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "You're a living person, of course you haven't heard of it. Exterminate characters are written for ghosts. Some symbols we use to draw symbols are actually extermination characters, but they are all specific runes that have been handed down. The real Exorcism, except for ghosts, almost no one in the world can write, because there is no need for it.”

Sibao said: "I've also heard that Shuwen is the official language of the Yin Division, but I've never seen it before."

Ye Shaoyang said: "It's right or wrong to say that. Extermination script is a kind of natural rune. It is said that it was invented by Emperor Dongyue. Later, it was used exclusively by the Yin Division. Because humans and ghosts are different, the Yin Division thought that there should be an official script, so it was created. I used 殄文, but because ghosts are from the past in the human world, and most of them know Chinese characters, so 殄文 is usually not used, no, no ghosts use it.”

Professor Sun was stunned and said, "Why do all ghosts know Chinese characters, but they were illiterate when they were alive, and how about the minority?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "The souls of the ghost domain all go through reincarnation. Once they die, they will remember the events of the third life. In fact, some can remember many lives. They are illiterate in this life, and they cannot be passed down from generation to generation. Are they all illiterate? As for the minorities, they can’t be minorities all their lives, right?”

Professor Sun was stunned and speechless, and after thinking for a while, he said, "So what you said is like classical Chinese in ancient times. It was written in formal occasions, but ordinary people usually use vernacular?"

"It can be understood in this way, but there is another function of the scorpion. Each of its symbols is a natural rune, which has a suppressive effect on all evil things. Many, there are other reasons, it is inconvenient to say, in short, apart from some simple talismans, there are almost no sects that use Shuwen to catch ghosts and subdue demons."

Cao Yu frowned and said, "Almost?"

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