Urban Witcher

Chapter 1720 Line 1

Ye Shaoyang took advantage of the momentum and jumped high, grabbed the rope that was swinging over, climbed up with his legs, and immediately climbed towards the slightly closer right bank.

The weight of Ye Shaoyang increased, and the rope was quickly pressed down. The big zombie grabbed the rope and pulled it hard, and the rivet at one end fell off. Fortunately, it was from the left bank, but because the rope broke from it, Ye Shaoyang still fell into the water uncontrollably. fall.

It's over! The hard work for a long time was all in vain. At this moment, Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to watch himself fall into the water. When he was approaching the surface of the water, the rope suddenly tightened and stopped falling. Ye Shaoyang almost felt like he was dreaming. Looking back, it turned out that the broken end of the rope was caught by the zombie and pulled towards him.

He did this, of course, not to prevent himself from falling into the water, but an instinctive reaction to pull himself back. But this was like helping Ye Shaoyang. He immediately accelerated his climb, and when he was still three or four meters away from the shore, he jumped down decisively, hooked the rope with the hook, and swung out.

Sure enough, the one that was swinging out, the screw that hit the rock, was also pulled down by the big zombie. If it was still on the rope, it would definitely fall into the water.

Ye Shaoyang swayed like this, landed on the bank, and stepped into the water with both feet, but fortunately the water on the bank was shallow, not reaching his calf.

Ye Shaoyang quickly climbed ashore, sat down on the ground, finally relaxed his tense nerves, took a breath, and finally got ashore safely.

Lifting his right foot, he dragged off the leech that had been wrapped around his foot, and when he saw that he was still there, he must have died a long time ago.

Ye Shaoyang was not surprised by this. After drinking his own celestial master's blood, this evil thing couldn't bear it at all.

"Mr. Ye, you are really amazing!" Cao Yu praised with deep admiration, and several soldiers were also completely impressed.

"Don't praise me, I'm prone to make mistakes." Ye Shaoyang stood up, rolled up his trousers, and ten black handprints could be seen on his calves, which were pinched by the big zombie before. I thought to myself, the zombie probably wanted to pull himself into the coffin at that time, otherwise his legs would probably have been useless if he really killed him.

Getting up and rubbing his sore calves, Ye Shaoyang looked towards the middle of the pond, and saw that the big zombie had already jumped into the water and was walking towards this side staggeringly.

Several beams of flashlights hit it together, and it can be seen that this is a very tall zombie, with a fat body, and the swollen flesh on his face has squeezed all the five senses together. The only thing that is obvious is his mouth. The wound was as smooth as a knife cut, extending up to the forehead, and the flesh was turned outward, forming a ray of light. Under the strong light of the flashlight, several black cockroach-like things could be seen crawling in the chest.

Seeing this scene, a few people with poor mental quality were about to vomit immediately.

"Mr. Ye, what should we do?" Cao Yu asked panting.

"What can I do, fight."

No matter how big the zombie is, Ye Shaoyang is not afraid. The main reason is that after entangled with the zombie for a while, Ye Shaoyang can clearly feel that in addition to the corpse aura, there is also a strong ghost aura on his body. He is a little surprised if it is a ghost corpse .

If it was a ghost corpse, the situation would be different, and the strength would be at least doubled, and... Ye Shaoyang carefully looked at the zombie's body shape and walking posture, and always felt that there was something wrong.

On the shoulders, thighs, and neck of this giant zombie, there is a thick layer of needle holes, as if they have been sewn. Moreover, although the entire zombie is covered in blisters and is very white, it can be seen under the strong light flashlight. Underneath, the skin on both sides of the needle eye still showed different colors, as if... the thickness of the arms and legs were different.

Ye Shaoyang was hesitating, Taoist Zikun came over, grabbed Ye Shaoyang's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Master Ye, this guy...isn't he a five-element corpse?"

Ye Shaoyang's heart sank, the five corpses... related information immediately appeared in his mind, compared with the big guy in front of him, it really fits.

Strictly speaking, the so-called five-element corpse is not a type of zombie, because it is not one person who becomes a zombie after death, but... five people.

Each of the five living people cut off a limb: the head, both legs, and both arms, and kept them in different containers. It is said that the head is gold, and it should be soaked in mercury to melt it into the skin. It belongs to wood, soaked in the juice of Sanyin wood, the right hand is fire, and it is pressed with fire-attributed stone powder and flint. One of the legs belongs to water and the other belongs to soil. They use yellow spring water and grave mound soil respectively...

As for the refining process and the secret method, Ye Shaoyang didn't understand it. This is a very sinister sorcery. It is said that the last step of refining is to piece together the five selected limbs to form a brand new corpse. Then put the souls of the five people together and seal them in the body. They are ghost corpses in essence, but they are artificially made.

This kind of five-element corpse contains the five-element technique on its body, forming a reincarnation field of self-actualization. It is said that there is no weakness, rough skin and thick flesh, invulnerability, and regeneration ability...

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the zombie's hands and wrists, which he had cut off by himself, and they had completely grown back. As for the wobbling when walking, it was because the two legs were not of normal thickness at all... Ye Shaoyang was sure at this time that the real man in front of him It is a five-element corpse.

Self-actual birth and death, that is, eternal prosperity, as long as one of the five ghosts sealed in the corpse of the five elements still exists, the other four can be born. This is the way of longevity of the five elements, and it is also very effective in sorcery .

Ye Shaoyang finally understood what the phrase "Immortal" written on the sarcophagus meant.

This thing, in a sense, is really immortal.

"Master Ye, I heard that the five-element corpse secret technique was originally invented by the disciples of the northern sect of Xuanqing Mountain. With the addition of the previous extermination text... we can almost conclude that the situation here was arranged by the disciples of the northern sect of Xuanqing Mountain." Taoist Zikun said.

"Don't analyze this yet, do you have any good ways to deal with these five corpses?"

Although I despise Taoist Zikun for being a person, everyone is a grasshopper on the same rope right now, and Taoist Zikun is a disciple of the sect of many pavilions, so Ye Shaoyang, who knows these strange things, asked this question.

Taoist Zikun shook his head, "These five-element corpses are said to be more evil than some of the spells of our pavilions. It is said that the soul and corpse must be separated before they can be dealt with. Otherwise, magic weapons will have no effect at all on them."

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, and he said, "How to separate the soul corpse?"

To deal with ordinary ghost corpses, you only need enough mana to grab the ghost out of the zombie body, but facing the five-element corpse, Ye Shaoyang doesn't think this method can be done. If it is so simple, people don't need to bother to refine the five-element corpse.


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