Urban Witcher

Chapter 1733 Phoenix 2

My soul body was trapped by the root system of Xuefutu, and became a part of it. The body consciousness was suppressed, and I could perceive everything, but I couldn't make any reaction. I could only watch my soul do what I didn't want to do. "

Hearing this, Ye Shaoyang said, "Like a person whose home has been taken away?"

Feng Xi nodded, "It's like that, but it's not my body that was taken away, but my three souls and seven souls. The reason why Xuefutu is powerful is because it uses my soul power and some instinctive reactions. The translucent human figure seen in the head is the covering film of the soul core, a thin film, but it has trapped me for hundreds of years..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Xuefu Tu died, so you can resume your actions?"

"I am a soul body, and I am covered by a film. Neither the fire of the world nor the Ziwei sky fire summoned by Zhangjiao Ye can hurt me, but it hurts Xuefutu's deity, and it can no longer control me. Soul body, my spiritual consciousness is indestructible, and when the soul is unified, it will naturally recover."

Speaking of this, Feng Xi couldn't help but burst into tears, "Thank you Master Ye and everyone for helping me out of the sea of ​​suffering."

"It's a trivial matter." Ye Shaoyang smiled at her. He dislikes being remembered the most, especially if the other party is a beautiful female ghost...

Taoist Zikun thought of something, and said: "By the way, girl, you are a disciple of the Northern Sect of Xuanqing Mountain. You wrote the extermination text we saw outside to suppress zombies?"

Feng Xi nodded and said, "Yes, I wrote it for the high priest."

Only then did Ye Shaoyang remember this, and said, "Did the high priest force you to write it?"

I thought Feng Xi would agree, but she shook her head: "No, I voluntarily."


Both Ye Shaoyang and Taoist Zikun were stunned, staring at her blankly.

Feng Xi lowered her head slightly, and said, "I did this for Cui Lang."

It was Choi Lang again. Ye Shaoyang frowned in confusion.

Feng Xi said: "Master Ye, everyone, if you are not busy, I would like to tell you a story."

Ye Shaoyang immediately said: "Not busy, just tell me."

Anyway, the Blood Buddha has died, and there is nothing to do now. Knowing more about the situation of the ancient tomb will only benefit the next tomb. He was just worried that Sibao didn't know what was going on, so he discussed it with Taoist Zikun, and Taoist Zikun sent two disciples back the same way to find Sibao.

Feng Xi stabilized her mood, and began to narrate quietly...

On the ground, in the sea of ​​sand. When the Wu Jiawei brothers came to the camp, they only saw a few people left behind. After asking, they found out that Ye Shaoyang and the others had already gone to the tomb, and an accident happened, and the exit was blocked.

Brother Wu Jiawei hurriedly asked someone to take them to the scene. When they saw the rocks blocking the tomb passage, the two were stunned on the spot.

"What's the situation down there now?" Wu Jiadao asked the left-behind staff of the expedition team.

"I don't know, the communication signal was disturbed, and we lost contact with Section Chief Cao and the others." The staff were also very helpless.

Under Wu Jiadao's questioning, he learned that all the explosives had been taken to the tomb. With their existing means, there was no way to get rid of these rocks, but they had already contacted the base and asked them to send someone over to solve it quickly.

"As long as the personnel arrive and blow up the rock, we can go down and save people."

"When will I be there?"

"We are already contacting the local government to seek help from a helicopter. It will be no problem, but the procedure will take time. It may take half a day to a day to arrive."

Hearing what the staff said, Wu Jiadao was a little relieved, and turned his eyes to his brother, but found that he was shining a flashlight on a rock, and walked over curiously for a long time without making a sound, only then did he see clearly that there was a puddle of green mucus on the place where he illuminated.

Wu Jiawei touched a little bit with his hand, put it under his nose and smelled it, and said, "Demon blood. They must have been ambushed by evil things, but they don't know what happened."

Wu Jiadao said: "Master Ye is very powerful, so there must be nothing wrong. It will take half a day for the rescuers to arrive, so we don't need to worry too much."

Wu Jiawei pondered for a moment, and said, "I'm not worried about Shaoyang and the others, what I'm worried about is the guy he asked us to keep an eye on."

Heavenly Dragon Taoist!

The two brothers lived in the cave for one night, successfully contacted the son of the high priest, and won his favor. They learned a lot of things from him, and even believed that the high priest had been controlled by the Taoist Tianlong. They didn't know it at first Ye Shaoyang and the others had already gone to the tomb and returned to the camp to report the situation to him and discuss what to do next.

"Brother, what do you think?"

"Go out and talk."

The two left the tomb passage, returned to the ground, and walked towards the camp. They had a discussion on the way. What they had planned was that after going back to the cave, they would touch the cave where the high priest lived, find a chance to meet, and see with their own eyes. What's going on, but right now Ye Shaoyang and his party had an accident in the ancient tomb, the two brothers decided to suspend the plan, wait for the rescue team to arrive, open the tomb passage, go down to look for everyone, and discuss how to deal with Taoist Tianlong after everyone comes up .

Not long after arriving at the camp, an unexpected visitor came: a member of the Illuminati Church. The two brothers met him yesterday and knew that he was a close friend of the high priest's son and could speak Uighur.

As soon as they met, the believer immediately expressed his intention: the son of the high priest discovered a shocking secret in the cave, and asked them to go back and help.

"What secret?" Wu Jiadao asked.

"It's about the secret of the high priest. After listening to the two reminders yesterday, our Highness went to the place where the high priest lived before. He just discovered a secret. I don't know about it. He sent me here in a hurry. Please ask The two hurried back, saying that if he went late, his life would be in danger..." The believers spoke earnestly and begged in various ways.

Wu Jiadao looked at his brother and hesitated, "What should I do?"

Wu Jiawei thought for a while, and said: "Go over and have a look first, anyway, the helicopter hasn't arrived yet, didn't the man say that it will take about a day, let's take a look, and we will come back after we finish."

Wu Jiadao also agreed, and both of them thought in their hearts: since the son of the high priest sent someone to find him, it must be an urgent matter. If he didn't go, if the timing was delayed, it might affect the whole plan.

Both of them are people with a strong sense of responsibility. Since they chose to do it at the beginning, they took it as their own task. If they failed in the end, they would have no face to see Ye Shaoyang.

So the two brothers found the staff and told them that if the rescue team came, let them blow up the tomb first, but they can't go in casually. People follow the believers on the road.


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