Urban Witcher

Chapter 1735 High Priest 2

Feng Xi glanced at him gratefully, and said, "Unfortunately, I was fooled. After everything was finished, instead of returning Cui Lang's ghost to me, the high priest killed me and used it to make the blood pagoda. For hundreds of years , I am inside the blood floating carcass, unable to move, this kind of suffering... I even wish I could be wiped out..."

After hearing this, Ye Shaoyang was deeply moved, and said, "Actually, you should have known from the very beginning that the high priest will basically not fulfill his promise. If you let your souls go back, it will be tantamount to future troubles. After all, you are familiar with all the organs here. Revenge may bring people to destroy all of this."

After listening to the whole incident, Ye Shaoyang also had a new view on the high priest back then. At the beginning, he thought that the high priest was the head of a religion. The ancient tomb, the various experiences he experienced after going down to the tomb, made him realize that this high priest is definitely not that simple.

"Is that high priest a very powerful mage?" Ye Shaoyang asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

There was a complex look in Feng Xi's eyes, and she said, "I don't know what to do, maybe...he's not a human being, at least not an ordinary human being."

This sentence made Ye Shaoyang even more puzzled.

"I mean, he has a human body, but he controls a terrible mysterious power, which does not belong to human magic and witchcraft..."

"What do you mean?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"His physical body can mutate, like a goblin. For example, he has an attack method, that is, a scorpion-like tail grows out from under his robe, which is used to stab people. But he has the three souls and seven souls of human beings, and there are also human beings. His breath, this point is not wrong, I have seen him with open eyes, and I can't see why."

Both Ye Shaoyang and Taoist Zikun frowned. A monster is a monster, and a man is a man. No matter how powerful the algorithm is, no matter how many means the man has, the essence will not change. It is simple. Man can never fly into the sky and escape from the ground. Although a similar effect can be simulated with the help of some witchcraft, in Ordinary people can't see the difference.

This is why there have been rumors among the people that some Taoist priests can ride the clouds and call the wind and rain, but in fact they are all illusions or the effects created by using sorcery. Since Feng Xi was a well-cultivated Taoist priest during her lifetime, these spells could not blind her eyes at all. There is nothing to doubt about this.

Conversely, if the high priest is a demon, then even if he can temporarily simulate a human form, it will not be able to hide for too long in the eyes of a Taoist mage like Feng Xi, not to mention that she has opened the eyes of the sky, and she can't see the problem .

Taoist Zikun was also deeply puzzled, and murmured, "There are three souls and seven spirits, as well as popularity, but it also has the attacking methods of a goblin... I have never seen such a creature."

Originally, Ye Shaoyang was also confused, but when he heard his words, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said, "I have seen similar creatures."

For a moment, all surprised eyes fell on Ye Shaoyang's face.

Ye Shaoyang said slowly, "I once rescued a person, he was like a human being, he didn't have three souls, and he was not popular, but he was similar to Senior Feng Xi's high priest, even with my magic power, he couldn't see it. Find out what kind of creature it is."

Taoist Zikun said in shock, "Could it be that some magic tricks were used to deceive the eyes?"

As soon as the words came out, I immediately felt a slip of the tongue, and immediately smiled, "My mistake, with Master Ye's magic power, there is no way to hide it from you. But I really want to know, if you figure it out later, what kind of creature is that?" ?”

Ye Shaoyang said slowly, "The Queen of Corpse."

Taoist Zikun petrified on the spot. Feng Xi was also shocked and speechless. The rest, like Cao Yu and others, didn't understand this at all, and they all looked at him with wide-eyed eyes, showing confusion in their eyes.

Feng Xi tremblingly said, "Is there really a queen in the world?"

"There are not only Houqing, but also Nuba." Ye Shaoyang smiled wryly, he could fully understand Feng Xi's feelings, when he first learned the truth, he was no less shocked than them.

Taoist Zikun and Feng Xi were stunned again when they heard the name of the nun. Taoist Zikun stood there for a while, then Taoist Zikun said humanely, "Master Ye, how did you see this...the legendary corpse king? What happened afterwards? "

"Hit it, the girl wanted to kill me, and I was taken back to the Qingming Realm by Houqing. I owe Houqing a favor." Ye Shaoyang calmly pretended to be aggressive.

"Being kind to Houqing...it's unimaginable!" Taoist Zikun showed a look of extreme admiration in his eyes.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "What's the matter, the clothes Hou Qing wears were bought by my girlfriend."

Originally, I wanted to pretend to be aggressive, but I found that several people were looking at me with strange eyes. Only then did I realize that this sentence is easy to make people have bad associations. I coughed twice, waved my hands and said, "Okay It's getting farther and farther away, it's business, I took Houqing as an example, but I think he is very similar to the shape of the high priest described by Senior Feng Xi."

Feng Xi said, "Master Ye, you don't have to be so polite, just call me by my name."

"Oh, then I'll call you Miss Feng Xi. Um... what did I just do? If this is the case, then there is only one way to explain that the high priest is not a human, nor a demon, nor any other form of evil. things."

The two fell silent. Feng Xi asked tentatively, "Master Ye, is he a congenital creature?"

"That's right. Innate beings, their lives are not in the Three Realms, so naturally they cannot be measured in the form of ordinary beings."

Just like Houqing and Nuba, although they are corpse kings, they have already appeared in ancient times, instead of viviparous, oviparous, wet-born or transformed. As for how they were born in the first place, no one knows. Only such creatures can jump out of the third stage. The monitoring spells in the human world are all aimed at creatures within the third stage. It is normal for innate creatures to fail to detect results.

Apart from Nuba and Houqing, the snake that he had dealt with earlier was also an innate creature. Thinking of transforming snakes, Ye Shaoyang's thoughts passed by. This guy was taken in by Shanhe Shejitu and driven away by Xue Bodhi and Jiu's teamwork. He disappeared without a trace. However, Ye Shaoyang had a feeling that they would meet again sooner or later.

Zikun said humanely, "I hear, among the inborn beings, there are twelve ancestral witches, prehistoric beasts...no matter what they are, they cannot be dealt with by human power. Is this high priest really one of them? Miss Feng Xi, I am not belittling you! Mr. He Ling, the High Priest planned to capture you before, which shows that your strengths are similar before, if you are really innate creatures, why bother to deal with you?"



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