Urban Witcher

Chapter 1738 Lishang 1 (fourth)

Ye Shaoyang shared his idea with Feng Xi, Feng Xi nodded and said, "Actually, I thought of this too, but there is one more thing, the organs and evil things along the way are probably for dealing with tomb robbers, after all, this place is first and foremost a feng shui If someone bumps into it by mistake, kill them with traps and evil objects, so as not to be destroyed by them. However, it leaves a way for the powerful mages so that they can go to the crystal gate."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, and asked the most critical question, "Why did the high priest let the real strong go to the crystal gate?"

Naturally, Feng Xi couldn't answer this question.

Ye Shaoyang thought to himself, "80% must be a pit."

"Hit?" Feng Xi was puzzled.

"Uh, it means nothing good happens." Only then did Ye Shaoyang realize that "pit" had no such vivid meaning in ancient times, and Feng Xi must not understand it.

Feng Xi nodded, "So, I don't want you."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, stared at her for a moment, and said, "Didn't you the high priest bring your husband's ghost into the crystal gate? You don't want to save him?"

"How can I not want to." Feng Xi said sadly, "Although I know that the hope is slim, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I still want it, but... Ye Tianshi, you are my savior, even if you are not, I don't want it You are going to die, after all, this is a narrow escape, if you have something wrong to help me, even if you rescued Cui Lang, how can you make me feel at ease?"

It turned out that she had this kind of thought... Ye Shaoyang stared at her, feeling moved in his heart, and said, "You are a good girl."

Feng Xi looked at him and smiled slightly.

Ye Shaoyang also smiled, clenched his fists and said

"I'm a person who likes to meddle in other things, especially supernatural events. I'm sure about you. Your husband's soul is either gone. If it is, I will help you save him!"

It's Ye Shaoyang's character that he can't see people being bullied, especially his sister... No matter what kind of innate creature he is, even if he is the deity of Di Shitian, if he is really in trouble, he would dare to take him down!

Feng Xi looked at his smiling face, smiling a little silly, but full of confidence.

Feng Xi bit her lip and nodded vigorously, "Tianshi Ye, I believe in you!"

Taking advantage of the time when Cao Yu and others were arranging the ropes, Ye Shaoyang sat on the ground and adjusted his breath. There is pride, and it is indeed very passionate, but you have to face reality and be prepared. Now that I have run out of mana, just like this crystal gate, it is no different from sending me to death.

While Ye Shaoyang was meditating and adjusting his breath, Brother Wu Jiawei also entered the cave, and led by the believer all the way to the depths of the cave.

Around the cave as the main road, there are countless caves intersecting, like human blood vessels, some are connected to each other, and some are dead ends. Brother Wu Jiawei deliberately visited it yesterday, and it was amazing. It is rare for these believers to find such a cave. Fantastic place.

"You guys are here!"

In a wide cave, the two met waiting there the son of the high priest, whom the brothers called priest.

Seeing Brother Wu Jiawei, the priest who was sitting on a stone bed immediately stood up to greet him. He had already managed to get in touch with the high priest to simplify the purpose of looking for them. He wanted to bring them to meet and see what the high priest was. Condition.

The priest told them that there was no such opportunity in normal times. The disciples of the Pavilion Sect had been guarding the outside of the cave where the high priest lived, and even he was not allowed to enter, but today most of the disciples of the Pavilion Sect entered the ancient tomb with Taoist Zikun. There were only two guards left, such an opportunity was rare, so the priest was anxious to find them back and find out.

"How did you handle those two people?" Wu Jiadao asked. The two disciples of the Pavilion faction were not taken seriously by them. What they were worried about was that if they forced it, they would startle the snake. No matter what the results of the investigation were, the conflict with Taoist Tianlong would be intensified and made public, which would be detrimental to the whole plan.

"Two people, I can deal with it, use this." The priest took out a stick of incense and showed them, "This is used to cast our spell, which can make them sleep unconsciously, and then wake up, and there will be no pain." any feeling."

Leading them around in the cave, avoiding the eyes and ears of the disciples of the pavilion sect, they came to a fork in the cave. The priest extinguished the torch, and walked slowly with the two of them. Turning the corner, they could see not far away There is a cave with lamps and candles on the wall. You can see two Taoist priests from the two pavilions guarding the outside, and a straw curtain hangs in the middle to block the cave.

The priest hid in the distance and quietly burned incense. Instead of using the smell of incense to stun people like in TV dramas, he inserted the burning incense into his mouth, chewed it, and held it with his saliva. He kept rubbing his hands together while chanting some kind of incantation, and finally the incense ash was completely crushed and stuck to his hands. The priest knelt on the ground, kowtowed respectfully and chanted mantras, and blew on his palms. There was no wind, but the incense ash flew up by itself, turning around and flying towards the two people outside the cave door.

The incense ash powder was silently inhaled by the two people without any awareness... Less than two minutes later, the two fell to the ground and fell asleep.

"Two priests, we need to hurry up in the next quarter of an hour!" After the priest finished, he took the lead and rushed to the cave, and the two followed immediately.

When passing outside the cave door, the priest took down the lamps and candles on the wall, held them in his hands, and rushed in.

It is a natural karst cave, and there are many things placed against the base of the wall. The three of them had no time to take a closer look, and rushed to the end with candlelight in their hands. At the end is a stone bed, on which lies a person covered with felt cloth. Candle lighting is limited, making it difficult to see the face clearly.

As soon as the two of them entered the stone room, they immediately sensed a corpse aura, and immediately became alarmed. They looked around, but found nothing, and felt it carefully. The corpse aura came from the direction of the stone bed.

The priest rushed to the bed and called him Dad in Uighur. The person on the bed made a strange sound from his throat, as if to answer.

The priest shone a candle on his face, and was stunned for a moment, and shouted at Brother Wu Jiawei, "Come and see, what's going on!"

The two hurried forward and saw by the candlelight that it was an old man with a long beard and messy hair. His eyes were half-opened. He looked extremely sluggish, and there was a cloud of black air between his brows.

Where is the source of corpse aura?

"Is this the High Priest?" Wu Jiadao asked.

The priest nodded repeatedly, and nervously asked him what was going on with the blackness between his brows.

(Today's four updates, the previous update has been made up... rest)



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