Urban Witcher

Chapter 1742 Crystal Gate 1

After swallowing a bigu pill and adjusting the breath for two weeks, the stellar qi finally recovered almost. Ye Shaoyang stood up, let out a breath, and felt refreshed. At this time, the sling was ready, and everyone slid along the sling Go across the pond.

In order to avoid the water corpse, Professor Sun and his team walked a long way deep into the tomb passage to avoid the water corpse. They rushed back when they saw that there was no movement here. After they met, they walked deep into the tomb passage together.

"What's down there, have you checked it out?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"It's the spiral downward stairs. We didn't dare to go down because we were afraid of danger." A soldier replied.

Feng Xi said: "There are no evil things down here, you can go directly to the crystal gate."

After Ye Shaoyang heard this, he immediately felt a sense of relief: Since he went down to the tomb, the zombies and ghosts who could not be killed along the way have not stopped for almost a moment, and they have finally made it to this point. Although there must be nothing good behind the crystal door, it is probably It was a bloody battle, but at least there was no ambush on the road, and the feeling of being ambushed and attacked was really uncomfortable.

Walking down the spiral tomb passage, the air around me became colder, and the sound of running water could be faintly heard in front of me. After walking a short distance, I walked out of the tomb passage completely—three sides were suspended, only a road under my feet. The road paved with stone steps goes straight down.

The flashlight shined out, and there was no end in sight. Everyone dared not go there rashly. Cao Yu had someone turn on the light and pop it out. Suddenly, the eyes were bright as day. Everyone looked around and saw an extremely empty place in front of them, which was roughly circular. The diameter is at least tens of meters, and the height is about 20 to 30 meters. There is also a stone step road not far from the opposite side, which leads to the bottom. At the bottom is a wave of clear pools. Something, glowing green.

"This place was originally a natural cave." Professor Sun murmured.

"Nonsense, with such a large space, if you rely on manpower, you will not be able to open such a large space even if you are exhausted."

Professor Sun shook his head and sighed: "Amazing, amazing..."

Feng Xi pointed to the emerald green rock at the bottom and said, "There is the Crystal Gate."

Just as Ye Shaoyang wanted to take a closer look, the light from the flares had gone out, and he was in darkness again, but near the crystal door, several beams of light were lit up, shaking, and a voice came from far below: "It's Shaoyang!" !"

The echo was very heavy, but Ye Shaoyang heard the voice of the Four Treasures, so they had already reached the bottom, so he walked down quickly with a flashlight.

When they came to the bottom of the stone steps, people on both sides met, Ye Shaoyang looked over, Sibao and Lin Sansheng were there, put his heart into his stomach completely, and asked, "Are you all right?"

"Almost died." Sibao shook his head helplessly, pointed to a soldier beside him and said, "He came over and said that you are all fine, and I didn't go there either. I will wait for you here. I heard that you also encountered a difficult evil. thing?"

"What is difficult to deal with..." Ye Shaoyang smiled wryly.

When Sibao and Lin Sansheng saw Fengxi beside Ye Shaoyang, they saw that she was a ghost at a glance, and were a little surprised. Ye Shaoyang had to briefly explain the life experiences of himself and Fengxi. After listening, Sibao and others were shocked. I can't speak.

Lin Sansheng walked up to Fengxi, looked at her intently, and said, "Don't worry, girl, as long as your husband's soul is still there, even if he dies, I will help you find him!"

Feng Xi was slightly shocked by such a heavy promise. After all, they just met and didn't even say a word. It's understandable to do good deeds, but it's really unacceptable to make such a heavy promise.

Ye Shaoyang and Sibao knew the inside story, and when they met each other, their eyes were a little sad.

Lin Sansheng was also aware of Feng Xi's doubts, and sighed: "Girl, don't be suspicious. I am also from the Ming Dynasty. I have a similar experience to yours. I have waited for hundreds of years for the one I love... It is inevitable that I will be a little bit confused when I hear your experience. resonance."

Feng Xi frowned and nodded, and asked, "Then, did you find her in the end?"

"I found it." Lin Sansheng replied sadly.


"But our fate is over, she is now reincarnated as a human being, and is with someone else..."

Feng Xi was stunned, looking at Lin Sansheng's dejected eyes, and finally understood why he was so excited after hearing about his experience——feeling affection for each other, pity for each other.

Lin Sansheng smiled sadly, "I don't want you to end up with the same result as me. As long as there is a chance, Shaoyang and Sibao, I, and I will definitely do our best."

It is superfluous to say thank you at this moment, Feng Xi gave him a big gift according to Taoist etiquette.

Sibao used a flashlight to shine a light on the "island" in the pool, and there was a raised arch-shaped object that glowed with a warm green light under the light of the flashlight, giving people a sense of fantasy.

Here...is the so-called crystal gate?

A few months ago, when Cao Yu found himself for the first time, he had heard about the mysterious place called the Crystal Gate. He went to the tomb on the way to find the Crystal Gate. At this moment, he really stood here. Everyone was a little excited and nervous, looking at the crystal door with complicated expressions, silent.

There are two iron locks under the feet, which are connected from the shore to the rock, and there are huge stone slabs in the middle, forming a pontoon bridge. Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and walked over first.

After arriving on the "island", I immediately felt a mysterious force of enchantment filling the place under my feet, which was clearly separated from the atmosphere of the outside world.

Ye Shaoyang looked down and found that the so-called crystal gate was not a whole, but a cave in the shape of an arch. The surrounding rocks were inlaid with a circle of longan-sized gemstones, each of which emitted green light and intertwined together. Only then did the emerald green in the middle form, and from a distance it was thought to be a whole piece of gemstone.

"What a powerful barrier!" Lin Sansheng sighed, "Standing here, I feel like my soul is about to be sucked in."

Ye Shaoyang stretched out his hands, touched the surface of the enchantment lightly, used the power of spiritual consciousness to sense it, and said: "This enchantment is one-way, you can go in directly, but nothing inside can't come out, this is why it The meaning of existence."

"Can't anything come out?" Sibao asked in surprise.

"It looks like this." Ye Shaoyang thought of a way to test, took out a five emperors coin, cut his fingertips, wiped it with blood, and then threw it into the green light inside the barrier, and immediately performed a magic induction , then shook his head, "There is no sense."

At such a close distance, even the talisman carved by his own blood essence could not be sensed, Sibao gasped, the power of this enchantment is not ordinary horror! ——

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