Urban Witcher

Chapter 1767 Enlightenment

However, after enlightenment just now, the use of hostile energy is as easy as his own stellar energy... But it seems that the hostile energy in his body has not been fully released. I have estimated it myself. In Gang Qi, it is estimated that mana has increased by at least 20%.

Twenty percent... doesn't sound like much, but ever since he was promoted to the Lingxian tablet, even a slight improvement is extremely rare, and Ye Shaoyang is already very satisfied.

After briefly talking about the situation, everyone was happy for him, but the current atmosphere is really not happy.

After discussing with each other, they dug a hole beside Wu Jiadao's grave and buried Zhong Zewen in it. The two of them were buried together, which was fine.

Standing quietly in front of the graves of the two for a long time, Ye Shaoyang looked back at Cheng Zi and the others, telling them to go back to the Yin Division. The task was completed, and it was not appropriate for them to stay in the human world.

"Then I'm leaving too." Lin Sansheng said, "something is calling me."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, there was no need to thank them, everyone greeted each other, and then Chengzi, Meihua and Lin Sansheng went on the road together.

Feng Xi naturally followed them.

Because Xiaojiu was in the Qingming Realm, she was a special one, so she stayed by Ye Shaoyang's side and did not leave, and Ye Shaoyang didn't ask her.

The group returned to the camp, and soon after, Guagua and Xiaoqing returned together, exhausted, claiming that they walked around the cave for a week, only to find a few zombies in the corpse cave, and wiped them all out.

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "Xiaoqing, don't go back to Yin Division, you go to Donghai to find Xiaobai, although she is with Daofeng, this child is too simple, I always feel a little worried, you go and look at her, It happens to be able to help Daofeng."

Xiaoqing agreed, frowned and said, "I just don't know where they went, the East China Sea is so big."

Xiao Ma said: "Didn't Daofeng want to ask Cheng Zi for help? You go to Cheng Zi first, and then go back to find out where they are."

Xiaoqing nodded and was about to leave when Guagua suddenly stopped him, looked at Ye Shaoyang and said, "Well, Boss, you're fine, I want to go out and relax..."

Of course Ye Shaoyang agreed, and he felt more at ease when they went there together.

Guagua and Xiaoqing leave together.

Ye Shaoyang went to the outer room and saw that the soldiers and members of the expedition team were packing up their things. Cao Yu was dead, and his assistant Xiao Zhang was still alive, temporarily becoming the person in charge here.

Xiao Zhang was instructing people to pack equipment, Ye Shaoyang walked over and asked, "What are your plans?"

Xiao Zhang sighed and said, "I don't know, Cao Ke died, we can only go back now and report the situation to the higher authorities... If it is normal, an investigation team should be sent in the future to start a formal investigation."

Hearing their conversation, Professor Sun leaned over and said, "Actually, the harvest of this investigation is still very great. I don't understand your ghosts and gods, but we can be considered to have researched the origins of those believers. I will start to investigate when I get back." Start to investigate this aspect, maybe in the future, we can pass this point and reveal the truth of Loulan civilization in one fell swoop!"

Ye Shaoyang patted him on the shoulder and smiled. This straightforward professor is actually very cute and respectable. After thinking about it, he took out a bloodstone pendant from his backpack, consecrated it with a talisman on the spot, and handed it to him.

"You should bring this thing with you when you go to the grave. If you encounter ordinary zombies or the like, as long as they are not too powerful, they should be able to save your life."

Professor Sun put it away very cherished, held Ye Shaoyang's hand, and said with some excitement: "I will contact you, the secret of the Guangming Church was discovered by you, even if I write a paper in the future, I will definitely write your name superior."

Ye Shaoyang smiled, "There's no need for this, but if you find anything important, you can tell me."

The two shook hands vigorously, and then Professor Sun continued to pack things.

Ye Shaoyang asked Xiao Zhang: "After I go back, there will be nothing wrong with me, right?"

Xiao Zhang hesitated for a moment, and said: "Mr. Ye, you are a witness to this operation. Maybe after you go back, someone from above will send you to verify the incident and the death of Section Chief Cao... Don't worry, go. Everyone is a specialist in the study of supernatural events, Mr. Ye can tell the truth, they won't be overly surprised, it's just a filing procedure."

When Ye Shaoyang heard what he said, he agreed and said, "Do you still have military coats? Give me some."

I asked for some military overcoats, saw that there was still unfinished wine, ordered two bottles of white wine, went back to the room, and threw the coats to Sibao and Wu Jiawei, "Let's go, let's go and watch the night for the two little Taoist priests. "

The three of them put on their military coats, took Xiao Ma and Xiao Jiu, and went to the cemetery together.

There was no mourning hall, and no paper money. The three of them dug a hole on the ground. Ye Shaoyang took out the yellow mounting paper and burned it to the two of them symbolically. Reincarnation does not require paper money, but burning paper to pay homage is actually a kind of remembrance of the living for the dead, and it can be regarded as comfort to oneself.

The three of them were wrapped in military overcoats and took turns drinking white wine to keep warm, but it wasn't too cold.

"Jiawei, what are your plans?" Ye Shaoyang asked Wu Jiawei.

"I'm going back to my hometown for a while...to calm down, and I'll come back to you later."

Ye Shaoyang nodded. If he were him, it would probably take a long time to calm down. I wanted to comfort him a few words, but I thought that with Wu Jiawei's character, words like condolence and resignation would have no meaning at all, so that's all.

"Why did you come to the human world?" Ye Shaoyang asked Xiao Ma, "Isn't Daofeng in the Qingming Realm? Why did you two come here together?"

"This is also a coincidence. Daofeng has been away for a long time, and there are some things in the Valley of the Wind that he needs to deal with. I went to the Qingming Realm with Miss Yang to find him. We planned to go back together. It happened that a fox spirit girl went to Daofeng and said Something happened on your side, so of course I will follow, Yang Meimei and Baihu thought that there was nothing we could not fix, so they went to the East China Sea together."

Suddenly, Ye Shaoyang chatted with him and the Four Treasures, because the occasion and the atmosphere were not right, and the chats were rather depressed, Xiao Ma sighed and said: "Being a ghost, I can't feel anything wrong in the underworld, but in the world , Seeing that you can't even drink alcohol, and you are not even afraid of the cold wind, alas, I am really worried about gains and losses."

Four Treasures said: "It's the same, even if we go to the underworld, we won't be able to consume your things."

"That is to say, the key is that you are all still alive, and I am the only one who is dead, alone in the Valley of the Wind..."

Then he smiled again.

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