Urban Witcher

1770 Chapter 1

Zen Master Zhishen took a sip and praised: "I haven't tasted the tea made by the green spring water in Qingqiu Mountain for many years."

Xiao Jiu said with a smile: "Master, if you are free, you can come to taste it from time to time."

In front of Zen Master Zhishen, Xiao Jiu behaved dignified and courteous, very much like a lady from a big family, and she did not look unattainable to others at all.

Zen Master Zhishen smiled and said, "What is the world like now?"

Xiao Jiu thought for a while and said, "It has changed a lot. It is completely different from a thousand years ago. If you ask me to say it, I really can't say it. In short, everything has changed."

Then he sighed and said: "Master did not understand a proverb back then, but he was trapped in the world for a thousand years. Now he finally understands it, but the thousand years have passed."

Zen Master Zhishen said slowly: "Even if you realized it at the time, wouldn't you have suffered this catastrophe... The so-called blessing and misfortune depend on each other, you were sealed for thousands of years, but you were preserved. Don't suffer from other disasters?"

Xiao Jiu suddenly nodded.

Zen Master Zhishen glanced at Xiaojiu's face, and said, "Fox King, let's go further, if you didn't have this thousand-year seal, how could you get the good fortune you have today?"

Jiayuan? Xiao Jiu blushed slightly, and said, "Did Zen master see it?"

"You have peach blossoms on your face, and your eyebrows sweep the spring breeze. You are obviously in love."

Xiao Jiu secretly glanced at Ah Zi, Ah Zi remembered the scene she saw in the world, covered her mouth and laughed.

Xiao Jiu sighed, "There is no fate, after all... I don't want much."

"I don't want much, I'm afraid I'll lose it."

Xiaojiu was startled, and quickly asked: "Master, what is the meaning?" Suddenly thought of something, "Master, you came to Qingqiu Mountain this time, I'm afraid it's for this matter, please give me some advice."

"Fortune and misfortune depend on it. Whether it is a blessing or a misfortune, who can predict it?"

Zen Master Zhishen restrained his smile, stood up, clasped his hands together, and murmured: "Qingqiu Mountain has been kind to me, and today I would like to offer a tribute to Fox King: Love is so deep that people are lonely. The soul flies away with the wind, waiting for a thousand years for nothing..."

In the end, the tone was very sad.

These four poems, even if there is no deep meaning behind them, just the literal meaning is enough for people to understand, and the soul flies away... nothing.

Xiao Jiu was completely stunned. Ah Zi, who was serving tea at the side, also turned pale with fright, and stood there at a loss.

After a while, Xiao Jiu came back to his senses, looked at Zen Master Zhishen and asked, "Master, is this my destiny? Is there any way to make up for it?"

"The way of heaven is impermanent, and the way of heaven is ruthless, how can it be repaired?"

Xiao Jiudao: "I heard that the Dao of Dayan is fifty, and there is always a chance for everything."

Zen Master Zhishen nodded, and said: "If there is no life, why should I come here? Having said that, I will not hide the monk. Soon, you, Fox King, will face a choice, life or death, how to choose, It's all up to the Fox King himself, if he chooses to live, he will turn danger into luck and win a chance."

Xiao Jiu frowned and said: "Naturally choose to live, how can someone choose to die?"

Zen Master Zhishen shook his head: "Fox King, I'm afraid you will choose to die then."

Xiao Jiu was puzzled.

Zen Master Zhishen clasped his hands together, bowed slightly to Xiaojiu, uttered the Buddha's name, and then walked outside without looking back.

"Master!" Ah Zi desperately wanted to chase him out, but was stopped by Xiao Jiu. She knew that Zen Master Zhishen had already said enough, and he would not say anything more if she asked any more questions.

"My lord... don't think too much, maybe it's not so serious?" Ah Zi comforted, and then felt that the words were not convincing, and added: "Even if it is true, the master will not say it. With a glimmer of hope, the choice is still in the hands of the Lord himself..."

Xiao Jiu remained silent, and silently read the four sentences of Zen Master Zhishen again, vaguely thinking of a certain possibility.

Maybe... everything is predestined by fate, there is no chance to resist?

Xiao Jiu shook her head lightly, even if it was true, knowing that it was indisputable, she would fight for it once!

The helicopter landed at the base. After getting off the plane, Ye Shaoyang and Sibao boarded the off-road vehicle, and then went all the way east, walking the same way as when they came. When the car arrived in Dunhuang, Sibao wanted to see the Big Buddha, because of different beliefs, Ye Shaoyang was naturally not interested in anything about Buddhism, so he let Sibao go alone, and continued to return to the mainland by car.

On the way, Ye Shaoyang charged his mobile phone with the car charger. After turning on the mobile phone, he saw a bunch of messages on WeChat and text messages. They were all from Zhou Jingru, Xie Yuqing, Zhang Xiaorui, Lao Guo, etc. They were all greetings and Nothing.

Rui Lengyu also added a few, Ye Shaoyang looked at it from the beginning, the general idea was that the master was seriously ill and couldn't leave, he couldn't go to the Western Regions, and asked him to contact her after he was done.

Ye Shaoyang immediately called back, and the call was connected as soon as it rang.

"Shaoyang, how are you?" There was deep concern in the voice.

Hearing Rui Lengyu's voice for the first time, Ye Shaoyang felt very kind. "I just came out of Luopo. Everything is fine, and everyone is fine." When he said this, Ye Shaoyang thought of Wu Jiadao, but Rui Lengyu didn't know him yet, so he didn't mention it, and planned to talk to her slowly when he went back. .

"Didn't you agree to act together at the time, why didn't you come to me?"

The other end paused for a moment, and said: "My master is seriously ill, I was worried about letting others take care of me, so I didn't go to look for you."

Ye Shaoyang's heart sank, and he said, "How is the situation?"

"It's not a big deal, you don't have to worry."

Ye Shaoyang immediately proposed to visit the old man. Before coming to Luopo, Master Yigu was ill. At that time, he had something to do, so forget it. Now that the matter is over, he, the son-in-law, must visit the old man anyway.

Rui Lengyu hesitated for a moment, but also agreed. After hanging up the phone, Rui Lengyu gave him an address, Ye Shaoyang took a car to Urumqi, opened a room to take a good shower, and then slept for more than ten hours, and then asked Rui Lengyu to help book a ticket to Jinxia... …

Coming out of the airport, Rui Lengyu was waiting for him.

It was almost October in Jinxia, ​​and it was still extremely hot. Rui Lengyu wore a long black dress and a pair of big sunglasses on her face, looking very cool.

Seeing her from afar, Ye Shaoyang was suddenly overwhelmed with excitement, and walked over quickly, originally wanting to hug her, but Rui Lengyu seemed to be in a bad mood, so she dismissed the idea and smiled at her.

Rui Lengyu took off her sunglasses and smiled at him too, a bit forcedly.

Ye Shaoyang suspected that she was worried about Master Yigu's condition, and he was in a bad mood, so he didn't ask any further questions, and walked out of the airport corridor under her leadership.

(The chapter is changed today. Entering a new chapter, the conception is insufficient, so let me have a good idea for today's two chapters...) ——

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