Urban Witcher

Chapter 1776 Manners 1

"500,000 is my expected price, hey, I didn't go, how could they offer this price."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, "Okay, I got it, I'll do a ticket tomorrow and sleep."

Ye Shaoyang drank a cup of tea and went back to his room to sleep. He didn't have any idea about the consecration tomorrow. No matter what evil thing was haunting him, he wouldn't be in his eyes at all. He just waited to catch it and make a fortune. sum of money.

The next morning, the two got up at eight o'clock. At Lao Guo's strong request, Ye Shaoyang put on a Taoist robe and cloth shoes and dressed up like a Taoist priest.

Lao Guo looked at Ye Shaoyang's short hair, and said hesitantly: "I can't put a bun on this end, otherwise I'll get you a magic crown when I get home, and I'll feel a little more pretentious."

"You pull it down, that's all, I already expected that people would be watching on the road!" If it wasn't for cheating some money, Ye Shaoyang wouldn't even bother to wear the Taoist robe.

Old Guo said: "What's the matter with the crowd, it's not good to treat you as an outsider."

"What a tall man." Ye Shaoyang glared at him, "Just think of me as a tall man, everyone looks at me like a magic stick!"

After simply packing up their things, the two went out, and Lao Guo drove Ye Shaoyang to Steel City. On the way, he told Ye Shaoyang to talk as little as possible and to be careful when speaking. It is said that the employer is a money-loser and is a tyrant in Steel City. It is best not to have conflicts.

"Make more money, remember, making money is our goal, don't worry about everything else!"

After arriving in Steel City, Lao Guo randomly found a parking lot, parked the broken car, and then took Ye Shaoyang to take a taxi to an address. When he arrived at Ye Shaoyang, he saw that it was a very tall villa area, backed by mountains, Very stylish.

The door guard handles are very strict, and outsiders are not allowed to enter. Lao Guo contacted the employer on the phone, and then called the guard room, and then let him go.

In a resplendent and resplendent villa, the two of Ye Shaoyang met their employer; a fat man with a bald head, even though his face was full of smiles, he still couldn't hide the ferocious look in his eyes.

"Boss Li, this is my junior brother, the head teacher of Xuanqing Mountain, Ye Shaoyang." Lao Guo cupped his hands to the fat man in front of him, and said, "I heard that your son has provoked evil recently, so I specially invited him to come down the mountain for your sake. Praying for blessings."

With a smile on his face, Boss Li looked Ye Shaoyang up and down, and saw that he was wearing a Taoist robe, but with short hair on his head. This nondescript appearance immediately made him a little uncomfortable, and Ye Shaoyang looked at most in his early twenties , There is too much gap with the Taoist master I imagined, so I smiled slightly, ordered the nanny to serve tea, and invited the two to sit down.

"This Mr. Ye must have some tricks to become a head teacher at such a young age?" Boss Li said slowly.

Upon hearing this, Lao Guo knew that Boss Li didn't trust Ye Shaoyang, so he immediately said, "Although my junior brother is young, he's well-versed in Taoism, otherwise how dare I lead him to Boss Li's door."

Boss Li nodded, but with a noncommittal expression on his face, he said: "I'm a rough person, and I speak more straightforwardly, so I won't go around the corner. As the saying goes, if you don't have hair on your mouth, you can't do things well. I still trust the older master, no To tell you the truth, before you, there were several Taoist priests and monks who claimed to be Longhu Mountain and Xuanqing Mountain, and they did have some magical powers, but none of them could cure my son's situation.

After all the tossing and tossing, my son’s condition is getting worse, and now it’s getting worse, and I can’t stand the tossing. Besides, several masters said that the things I attached to my son can’t deal with it, and one of them was injured himself. Cheng is insane, even if it is for your own consideration, you should go back, you can't let the two of you come for nothing... A Yuan! "

A young man in a suit came out of a door. Boss Li pouted at Ye Shaoyang and the two of them, and said, "Wrap a red envelope for the two masters, it's considered transportation expenses."

The lad went immediately.

Lao Guo stood up and smiled at Boss Li: "Boss Li is kind and righteous, so that's all for this. I don't want money today, but I still want to treat Mr. Egui!"

Boss Li smiled and couldn't hide his contempt. At this time, the young man came out with a thin red envelope and handed it to the two of them.

Lao Guo was also a little confused at once, the key is that people have already issued an order to evict guests at this time, so it is really hard to say anything.

In the midst of embarrassment, Ye Shaoyang suddenly opened his mouth, looked around and said, "I don't know how big Boss Li's house is."

Hearing this, Boss Li became even more contemptuous, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ye can't cure the disease, so you still want to show me Feng Shui?"

Lao Guo also looked at Ye Shaoyang in puzzlement, and gave him winks, telling him not to talk nonsense, and allowing himself to think about his words.

Ye Shaoyang ignored him, and said to Boss Li: "You have three floors, and there are at least a dozen rooms in total, right?"

"There are about twenty of them, why?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Twenty or so rooms, your son must be in a certain room. Can you find the place where your son lives with the masters you mentioned earlier who have magic power?"

Boss Li was stunned, and said with a smile: "Just kidding, besides luck, how could I find this?"

Ye Shaoyang also laughed: "I don't need someone to lead the way, I can find where your son is, do you believe it or not?"

Boss Li was stunned for a moment, then said, "Could it be that Mr. Ye is trying to get lucky?"

"Big luck, if you can't find it, I'll give you half a million. You can make a statement first. If you can find it, you can let me treat him, how about it?"

Boss Li and the young man glanced at each other, both a little confused. The odds of 1 in 20... a bet of 500,000, if it's just luck, no one would dare to bet like that.

Boss Li looked at Ye Shaoyang and said hesitantly, "How did Mr. Ye find my son's room?"

Ye Shaoyang didn't speak, stood up and walked towards the opposite side, there were corridors on both sides of the living room, Ye Shaoyang turned a blind eye to it, and went upstairs directly along the spiral staircase, Boss Li and the three hurriedly followed.

When they went up to the second floor, two women who looked like nannies saw Ye Shaoyang and were taken aback for a moment. Boss Li waved at them to tell them to be quiet, and then looked at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang stopped on the second floor for a while, went directly to the third floor, walked straight along the corridor, came to a closed door without hesitation, and smiled at Boss Li.

Boss Li also smiled and said, "Mr. Ye chose this one?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Is your son in there?"

Boss Li said: "Mr. Ye chose it, but unfortunately he was wrong, my son is not in it."

Lao Guo was stunned on the spot. Seeing that Ye Shaoyang was confident, he thought he would never make a mistake, but unexpectedly he made the wrong choice.

Ye Shaoyang remained unmoved, and said: "Don't lie, your son must be inside, if you don't believe me, just open the door."


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