Urban Witcher

Chapter 1785 Another 3

Suddenly the door was opened, and a strange detective in his thirties walked in, followed by a person, Xie Yuqing, who was not wearing a detective uniform, but pajamas, a windbreaker, and messy hair. As soon as I got up from the bed, I came in a hurry.

Seeing her, Ye Shaoyang finally let go of his momentary suspense, and smiled apologetically at her.

Seeing him being handcuffed to the chair, Xie Yuqing showed unconcealable distress on her face, opened her mouth, and said to the young detective beside her, "Release him!"

The young detective was stunned for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Yuqing, this is against the rules..."

"You let him go first, I guarantee him that he is not a murderer!"

"This...According to the rules, you are not related to him..."

Xie Yuqing flushed with anger, put her hands on her hips, and shouted at him: "He is my man, can this relationship work!"

Ye Shaoyang's heart throbbed, and he stared blankly at Xie Yuqing.

The young detective was also stunned, with a trace of sadness in his eyes, he turned around and called a detective from the door to unlock the handcuffs for Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang stood up and murmured, "Yuqing."

"You stay here first!" Xie Yuqing carried the young detective beside her out to the director's office. The director was working, and was a little upset when someone barged in without knocking on the door. After seeing it was a young detective , stood up immediately, and exclaimed in surprise: "Why is Bureau Liu here?"

The person in front of him is Liu Guang, the chief of the district bureau.

Liu Guangchong nodded at him, and said, "I just arrived. Tonight's homicide case was picked up by the sub-bureau. This is Inspector Xie from Shicheng. I'll check the situation with her and borrow your office."

The director nodded quickly, greeted Xie Yuqing, got up and went out, and closed the door from the outside. Only then did he realize who Xie Yuqing was, and regretted that he hadn't said a few nice words just now.

"This Ye Shaoyang cannot be a murderer. He is a consultant of my supernatural investigation department. This time I came to Steel City to investigate supernatural events. If you need procedures, I will ask my dad to fax you a copy tomorrow."

Liu Guang hesitated and said, "You mean, this murder case is a supernatural event?"

Xie Yuqing nodded, "If you want to follow any procedure to release him, it's up to you."

Liu Guang stroked his chin and said, "Since he is a consultant of your unit, then there is no problem. There was a misunderstanding. But... Yuqing, I really want to know, is he really your boyfriend?"

Xie Yuqing put her hands on her hips and said with a sneer, "Is this related to the case?"

Liu Guang spread his hands and said, "It doesn't matter, I asked it personally."

Xie Yuqing tilted her head and looked at him, and said, "Your news is too late, the Shicheng detective system knows about my relationship with him..."

After speaking, he opened the door and walked out.

Twenty minutes later, Xie Yuqing drove Ye Shaoyang to a noodle restaurant. Ye Shaoyang was so hungry that he ate a large bowl of noodles hungrily. When he looked up, Xie Yuqing was looking at him. Asked: "Aren't you going to eat?"

"What a fart, I don't have any appetite, if it wasn't for you, I would be sleeping with Xueqi in my arms right now."

Ye Shaoyang smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, I'll treat you to big meat buns when I go back tomorrow."

When Xie Yuqing heard the words "big meat buns", she immediately seemed to be ignited, and punched Ye Shaoyang in the chest, almost spitting out the noodles he had just eaten.

"How dare you mention this to me! You actually saved my name as this, what is your intention!"

Ye Shaoyang rubbed his chest and explained: "No, isn't that saved before? I think it's fun, but you all saved your names with your characteristics, and they haven't been changed."

Xie Yuqing stretched out her hand to him, "Give me the phone, and I'll see what other people have saved!"

Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to hand in the phone, Xie Yuqing took it, opened the phone book, and frowned when he saw the first one, "Who is the coffin board?"

"Brother Guo, you are a coffin seller."

Xie Yuqing let out a chuckle, and looked down, "How come Chengzi also has a mobile phone?"

Ye Shaoyang leaned over to take a look, and said, "Oh, mermaid, this is a little fish."

Ye Shaoyang explained to him one by one: Pony is a flamboyant pig, Xiaorui is Dongfang Bubai, Jingru is a Lamborghini, Ma Cheng is a fat man (meaning extremely rich), Sibao is a bald donkey...

Xie Yuqing looked at each of them and smiled, then turned around for a long time and said, "Why didn't you find Leng Yu?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Yes." He pointed to the one named "Charlie's Angels" and said, "That is, when I first saw her, she was dressed like Angels of the Thunderbolt, so I just kept it."

Xie Yuqing glanced at him and said, "Your impression of her won't be the same as that time."

Ye Shaoyang stuck out his tongue and said: "I changed it in the middle, but I changed my phone later. I don't know why the system was restored, so I didn't bother to change it. Anyway, I just know who it is. And it's everyone's characteristic, so easy to remember."

Xie Yuqing muttered: "Anyway, I'm not called Big Rou Baozi, I have to change it, you are not allowed to change it back!"

Turning his back and fiddled with himself, he returned the phone to Ye Shaoyang and asked him not to look at it. Ye Shaoyang looked at it while going to the toilet, and was stunned on the spot. Xie Yuqing changed her name to: Favorite Little Butterfly.

After eating noodles and going out, Xie Yuqing drove, and the two came to the hotel where Ye Shaoyang was staying. Xie Yuqing asked Ye Shaoyang to explain the situation. While Ye Shaoyang was talking, Xie Yuqing suddenly said: "You live alone, what are you doing in the bidding room?"

What Ye Shaoyang said was really lively. Hearing this sentence, he was stunned for a moment and said: "Senior Brother Guo was here before, but he left yesterday, so I didn't change the room."

Xie Yuqing said: "I feel that there is something wrong with living alone in the bidding room."

"I'm dizzy. It would be a problem if I opened a big bed room. I can't call a girl and sleep in separate beds."

Xie Yuqing felt that it made sense, and let him continue.

Ye Shaoyang finished the matter and said: "It's strange to say that, just as I was about to catch that female ghost, the detectives came over, and it seemed that they came here specifically for me. It's really strange."

Xie Yuqing said: "I asked before, they are running after you, because someone reported to the police that someone was wandering around with a weapon, suspected of robbery, so the police station sent people there."

Ye Shaoyang hesitated for a moment, then said, "Who reported to the detective?"

"I don't know. Anyway, it was about 30 minutes before you were arrested, so the detectives arrived early, patrolled the area, and caught you just in time..."

"So, someone deliberately tricked me and didn't want me to catch the female ghost, so they used agents to stop me?"

This is the only possibility Ye Shaoyang can think of. In that case, only the detectives can stop him. In the case of non-shooting, it is absolutely impossible for him to attack the agent.


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