Urban Witcher

1790 Chapter 1

Xie Yuqing also lay down, before turning off the lights, she suddenly thought of something, turned her head and said to Ye Shaoyang: "Don't be so surprised, crawl on my bed, I'm not welcome!"

"Don't worry." Ye Shaoyang is still in pain.

Xie Yuqing suddenly shot eyes at him, and said with a smile, "Do you want to..."

Ye Shaoyang knew that she was deliberately teasing him as a joke, so he didn't bother to pay attention, and turned around to sleep against the wall.

After waking up the next day, the two discussed it and split up. Xie Yuqing went to communicate with the local police to investigate the information of the previous reporter and the progress of the murder case.

After breakfast, the two separated. Ye Shaoyang came to the intersection where the accident happened last night. The detectives had already left, and the victim was taken away with his car.

Ye Shaoyang walked around the nearby streets, and heard some business shop owners gathered together to point and point, including the proprietress of the snack department that had dinner yesterday.

These people are not discussing gossip, but complaining sadly. The repeated murders here will have a great impact on their business. After all, this place is remote. At night, no one would dare to come here. active.

Ye Shaoyang walked along the route he ran yesterday, all the way to the place where he was arrested. It was too dark last night so he didn't look carefully. Looking around, this is a deserted construction site. In a wilderness, there are several buildings standing. An unfinished building with no windows.

Ye Shaoyang walked over there, there was no one there, all kinds of building materials were scattered on the ground, covered with thick dust, it looked like it hadn't been started for at least several years.

Ye Shaoyang took out the yin-yang plate, and after activating the method, he walked around several unfinished buildings, and finally followed the pointer and approached a building.

Several cats were chased out. In a room of the building, only one cat remained, squatting in the dark, with two eyes glowing faintly.

Ye Shaoyang was keenly aware of a trace of demonic aura, and stood still. After his eyes got used to the darkness, he looked intently. Opposite him was a black cat with a huge figure, hunched over, staring at him covetously, whining in its throat. the sound of.

Ye Shaoyang took out a purple talisman and shook it at the black cat. The black cat trembled, its pupils constricted, and its body shrank back.

"You can understand that this is a purple talisman, as long as you can understand it." Ye Shaoyang said, those who can use purple talismans must at least be at the level of **, and ordinary evil things would never dare to mess with them.

"You can't get away, answer me a few questions obediently."

Hearing what he said, the black cat softened and squatted on the ground, trembling all over, showing a look of fear.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Haven't you cultivated into a human body yet?"

The black cat "meowed" and nodded at him.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Speak out!"

The black cat opened its mouth and made a sound like a baby learning to speak, which sounded awkward: "Big ****..."

"How many years have you practiced?"


Thirty years of cat demon. Ye Shaoyang nodded. He hasn't cultivated human form for thirty years, so he must be cultivating.

"Why are you here, this is where you practice?"

The black cat shook his head, "I'm passing by... I haven't been here for a few days, the place is full of yin, so I stayed..."

Ye Shaoyang asked further: "Is there a female ghost here before?"

"Yes, I left last night and never came back."

it is as expected. This place is indeed the yin lair of the pink girl, so it is full of yin energy and suitable for cultivation. The silly cat in front of her was attracted to practice.

Generally speaking, in a situation like this, as long as the other party doesn't want to occupy the magpie's nest, the original owner of the Yin Nest won't mind too much. Need such an environment, both sides can live in peace.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Do you know that female ghost killed someone?"

Hearing this, the black cat made a frightened expression and kept shaking its head. "I don't know, I just took this place and practiced alone... She didn't kill people here, please find out..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Based on your cultivation, you really can't feel the grievances in the Yin Qi here, but you are cultivating, and this kind of environment is still rare. In the future, you should find a place to practice by yourself, don't do this again. Something happened."

The black cat nodded vigorously.

Ye Shaoyang immediately took out a rough porcelain bowl from his backpack, placed it on the ground, melted a bowl of talisman water, then cut his fingertips, squeezed two drops of blood into it, and said to the black cat: "Monsters have demon ways, people Someone said, since you met me, you understand the rules."

The black cat was stunned for a moment, then crawled over, put its head into the porcelain bowl, licked the talisman water in the bowl, and kowtowed to Ye Shaoyang after drinking it: "Thank you for your kindness."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Go, if you succeed in cultivation in the future, don't forget to go to the Yin Division to ask for a memorial tablet."

The black cat gave a thank you and jumped out of the window.

What Ye Shaoyang did just now is a tradition in the magic world: ghosts, demons, and corpses, although there are many types of evil in the human world, only goblins can legally cultivate in the human world. It is not allowed to survive in the human world. If it is encountered by a demon, the zombie will be wiped out immediately. Evil spirits and ghosts must be sent to the underworld.

Only demons are different. A demon is a living being who becomes a spirit, and has the same qualifications to stay in the human world. Needless to say, kill on the spot.

Zhengxiu demons are divided into two types. One is those who have already cultivated human form. The Yin Division pities them for their difficulty in cultivation and will call them to the Yin Division to receive tablets. They have a legal title and have filed a record. Continue to practice in the human world.

If it is unformed, the spiritual root is usually abolished directly. Although it is a bit cruel, it can only be done in this way, so as not to harm the living beings in the world if one starts to practice evil in the future.

Therefore, according to the rules, Ye Shaoyang should have abolished the black cat's spiritual body just now. However, the ones with the above tablets are eligible to pardon the goblins. If they are **, they will draw water to feed the goblins. Buddhism is to put the seal spell into the goblin's body. This kind of treatment will not have any effect on the goblins. You should practice in the future It's still cultivation, but if a goblin who has been pardoned once starts cultivating evil in the future, after being killed, it will be equal to one more crime, and will be thrown into the blood pool hell after her soul is dismantled, and she will never be restored.

Therefore, this kind of treatment is actually a deterrent to goblins, but there are also goblins who go astray and are obsessed with obsession. It is rare for a woman to pardon the goblin. After all, this kind of thing is thankless and brings danger to herself.


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