Urban Witcher

Chapter 1795

The last time someone pointed a gun at him was at the Kangduo Electronics Factory. At that time, his soul had gone out of his body, and then he leaned over one of them, narrowly avoiding the catastrophe. Right now it is the same dead end, therefore, he intends to repeat the old trick...

A faint pain spread out from behind the dantian and spread. Ye Shaoyang's heart tightened, and he hurriedly mobilized his Gang Qi to resist.

The man smiled and said, "Does Ye Ye feel unwell? To be honest, you have been tricked by us."

Bewitched by a gu...Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, and suddenly thought of something, "That person surnamed Li is yours!"

The man nodded slightly. "It's my nephew."

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, thinking of the wine he drank at noon, he murmured: "Impossible..." Although he didn't doubt it at the time, he still paid attention to it when drinking. Unaware.

"That bottle of wine is only used to attract your attention, the Gu is in the soup."

The man smiled and said: "For Ye **, we are also very cautious. For Ye **, any Gu has the risk of being discovered by you, so what we used this time is not a Gu, but a kind of low-light witchcraft. It's completely silent, and under the three of them casting spells together, if Grandma Ye doesn't use the stellar energy, there will be no harm at all, but if she uses it... it will be extremely painful. Grandma Ye, this is your last chance."

Hearing what he said, Ye Shaoyang completely understood, but he didn't appreciate it at all. If there was a chance to kill himself with a heavy Gu, Ye Shaoyang believed that they would never miss it. After all, killing with Gu is invisible and will not leave evidence.

But as far as Gu art is concerned, the stronger the lethality, the greater the evil nature. Although it is not easy for ordinary people to detect, it is not so easy to cast Gu on the body, especially with my current mana. It is very easy to detect the blood gu, and there is basically no possibility of being hit by the gu.

Because, they just released this kind of "colorless and tasteless" Gu, which is less lethal and has a mild breath, mixed in the soup, so they accidentally fell on it.

Ye Shaoyang tried to exercise, and the pain really became stronger, and he seemed to feel a force pulling him, and this force came from the opposite side not far away. The three wizards that the man mentioned should be outside the window.

"Shaoyang, how are you doing!" Xie Yuqing finally understood what had happened when she heard it. Seeing Ye Shaoyang's painful expression, her heart was completely confused. There were still three people holding guns on the opposite side. For a while, she really didn't know what to do. up.

"The ship capsized in the gutter..." Ye Shaoyang was full of this thought at the moment.

Suddenly, a figure soared into the sky, it was the female ghost Zhuo Ya, and she rushed towards the nearest gun-wielding killer, her long hair was flying, and she was about to wrap the killer in it. The sorcerer man standing in the middle suddenly made mudras with his hands, and spit at the female ghost, which landed on the female ghost's hair, and rolled his eyes with a sizzling sound.

The figure of the female ghost paused, and at this moment, the man pushed away the sealed hands, several golden lights flew out from the fingertips, and fixed the female ghost, forming a strange seal, pressing the female ghost to the ground, tightening it tighter and tighter. The female ghost howled miserably, trembling all over.

"Sister!" Seeing Zhuo Ya suffering, Zhenzhen was about to rush towards her immediately. Ye Shaoyang endured the severe pain in his dantian, took a picture of her with the yin and yang mirror, and put her away.

She has lost all her cultivation and her soul power is weak, if she rushes over at this time, the man may be wiped out with a single touch.

After the man immobilized Zhuoya with witchcraft, he did it immediately, twirling his fingers, twirling one of the golden lights, and pulling Zhuoya towards him.

"Bang!" The soul hook swung out, cutting off the golden light. Ye Shaoyang trembled all over, and knelt on the ground with one knee, excruciating pain.

The man didn't continue to do anything, and looked at Ye Shaoyang with a smile on his face, and said: "You are indeed worthy of being the master of Xuanqing Mountain. In this case, you can still do tricks, but even if you are covered in iron, how many can you beat?" A nail?"

Xie Yuqing also squatted on the ground, put her arms around Ye Shaoyang's neck, and said in a low voice: "Don't move, I secretly reported to the police just now..."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head slowly, it was too late.

Sure enough, the man sighed and said, "Mr. Ye, don't say that I didn't give you a way to go. If you insist on going your own way, then only Huangquan Road will meet you..."

Immediately clapped his hands.

"Let's go!" Xie Yuqing pushed Ye Shaoyang hard, and she also rolled on the ground. Then the gun rang, and the place where the two stood just now was immediately hit by bullets.

The three killers froze for a moment, and immediately moved their pistols, chasing the direction in which the two were fleeing, and suddenly saw Ye Shaoyang throwing a bag of things in the haze, and instinctively raised his gun to shoot, hitting the bag, and a wave of white powder exploded immediately.

It's quicklime. It was smashed into pieces by the explosive force of the bullet, and after it dispersed, a piece of white ash temporarily blocked everyone's sight.

This was a change that the man didn't expect, and he said in surprise on the spot: "Hurry up, shoot them, toward the door******* There are only two exits in this room, one is the window opening, which has been occupied by them, and the other is the door opening. The man The reaction was also extremely fast. Knowing that they wanted to escape, the three killers immediately shot at the door opening with an order.

The man settled down a little, Ye Shaoyang couldn't do anything right now, he was almost useless, although the lime powder filled the air and he couldn't see the target for a while, but as long as they couldn't rush out, when the lime powder fell, they were still vulnerable.

The man feels that the victory is within his grasp. At this moment, a brick flew from the opposite side and hit the corner of the wall.

Xie Yuqing picked it up casually, and threw it in the direction he had already spotted.

Several killers were blocking the door with firepower, and suddenly a brick flew out, and the direction was not aimed at themselves, so there was no time to react.

Brick hit the lantern placed in the corner with a slap, and the eyes were completely dark.

The man suddenly came to his senses and shouted loudly: "Two people continue to block the door! One person is on guard against the other side!"

He first crawled out of the window in the dark, and retreated into the hall outside. In the corner of the hall, there was a dim light, and three people could be seen sitting cross-legged on the ground in a circle, and a skull was placed in the middle of the three. The skull's eyes glistened with blood, and several runes lit up on its head, constantly flickering with dim light.

"Continue to suppress, we must make Ye Shaoyang unable to act!"

After hearing this, the three of them speeded up the seal formation with their hands, and blood flowed from the skull's eyes.

Behind the three of them stood two men with guns, looking around vigilantly through the dim light, guarding against possible dangers.

Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing did not rush towards the window or door in the darkness, but shrank to the corner of the wall.

The severe pain in his body made Ye Shaoyang grin his teeth and tremble all over. The pain before was just a warm-up, but now he really can't raise his energy at all.


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