Urban Witcher

Chapter 1809 marry you

Ye Shaoyang repeated instinctively: "Why?"

"Because I like you. Just like a crow grows like a writing desk, there is no reason."

because I like you. There is no reason.

This sentence touched Ye Shaoyang's heart greatly, coupled with the sea breeze blowing, the atmosphere was really romantic, Ye Shaoyang hugged Rui Lengyu in his arms and kissed for a long time.

After letting go, Rui Lengyu took a deep breath of the sea breeze, feeling very emotional, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "My master, and your master, they all predicted that we can't be together. Now that happiness is in front of us, I'm a little scared gone."

She grabbed Ye Shaoyang's hand hard, her fingers almost digging into the flesh, "I'm very worried, we can't really be together, I'm worried that one day I won't be able to see you..."

Ye Shaoyang also grabbed her hand tightly, and said loudly: "No, as long as you don't leave me, nothing can tear us apart."

"Really... nothing can be dismantled?" Rui Lengyu let go of him, turned to look at the waves, and said faintly: "The prophecy cannot be false, there are always some forces that we cannot fight against."

Ye Shaoyang held her hand tightly, and said slowly: "As long as I don't let go of you, there will be no power to separate us."

"Try it, how will you know if you don't try it." Rui Lengyu turned to look at him, "This is your mantra."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Standing quietly by the sea, blowing the wind, watching the waves, listening to the sound of the tide, I was speechless for a long time.

"By the way," Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of something, "The three words you wrote on my palm at that time, you said you guessed it, so you just do it... Now I haven't guessed it yet, why did you follow it?"

Rui Lengyu said: "That's right, you haven't guessed it yet, I almost forgot about it, then I can't marry you."

Ye Shaoyang took her hands, took a step forward, and said close to her face: "Actually, I already guessed, the three words are: 'marry you', right?"

Rui Lengyu pursed her lips and laughed.

After all, the kalpa is gone, and the world will become empty. It doesn't matter if the world is empty, as long as two people's hearts are together, after many calamities, hundreds of turns, there will be no regrets in the end.

The sea breeze was very cold, even though Ye Shaoyang took off his shirt and put it on for Rui Lengyu, he still felt cold. The two left.

Rui Lengyu drove Ye Shaoyang to the hotel. She wanted to go back. Seeing Ye Shaoyang get off the car, she suddenly asked, "Do you know which room you live in?"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment and replied, "Of course I know, it's written on the room card."

"That's good, don't go to the wrong room."

Only then did Ye Shaoyang understand what she meant, and just as he was about to make a statement, Rui Lengyu sneered at him and drove away.

Ye Shaoyang watched the tail lights disappear before going upstairs.

After entering the room, Ye Shaoyang asked Yao Mengjie on WeChat and learned that she was already in the room, so he was relieved, went to take a bath, and then started to arrange the altar, intending to invite Qing Yunzi to come up and tell him about the engagement .

Even though I only summoned him yesterday and was warned not to look for him again, even if I could invite my master, I would probably be beaten up by him, but it is related to my marriage, and Young Master Ye couldn't wait. Yes, I can only endure being beaten.

Just after the altar was set up, before the soul was summoned, there was a sudden knock on the door. Ye Shaoyang was startled, and the only thing that came to his mind was Yao Mengjie.

What was she doing knocking on her door this late at night?

Ye Shaoyang walked over and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me." It was a man's low voice.

The voice was a little familiar, but Ye Shaoyang couldn't remember it for a while, but he had nothing to be wary of as a man, so Ye Shaoyang opened the door decisively.

A man stood outside the door with his head bowed and a hat on his head, exuding a corpse-like smell all over his body.

Ye Shaoyang became alert all of a sudden, took a step back, pressed his belt with his right hand, and said in a deep voice, "Who is it!"

"Ye Shaoyang, it's me." The man also took a step back, hiding in the shadows, and lifted his hat up.

"Hu Wang?"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned on the spot. He never expected to meet him here, he was surprised and said: "Aren't you in Hong Kong, Leng Yu said he was going to find you, because he wanted to heal your master, so he hasn't left yet, why are you here? "

"I didn't go to Hong Kong, I've been in Southern Fujian..." Hu Wang said in a low voice, "Ye Shaoyang, turn off the lights."

It was only then that Ye Shaoyang remembered that he had a corpse aura on him, so he went into the room and turned off the light, leaving only a desk lamp to light it up. Seeing Hu Wang walking in, Ye Shaoyang asked curiously, "How do you know I'm here?"

"I've been following you for half the night."

Ye Shaoyang grinned, showing a very puzzled expression. "Are you following me? Why don't you meet us? What's the matter with your corpse?"

"I've been poisoned by the corpse, don't worry, I've protected my heart veins, and it won't spread for the time being. I came to you because I want to borrow a magic weapon from you to deal with an evil thing."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, and said: "What do you want to borrow the magic weapon, I'll just go with you. No... Since you are back, why don't you find your master and Leng Yu?"

Hu Wang was silent for a moment, then said: "I don't have the face to meet them, so I can only come to you. I only borrow a magic weapon."

"What magic weapon?" Ye Shaoyang asked casually.

"Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword."

Ye Shaoyang was dumbfounded on the spot, then shrugged and said: "You are my uncle, one of my own, I definitely trust you, but the Longquan sword is the treasure of my master, it is impossible to lend it to you, even if I do, you It's completely useless."

The Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword is a psychic artifact, and it must not be used by anyone who is not a descendant of Xuanqing Mountain. In the world, except for Ye Shaoyang himself, only Daofeng can barely use it.

Hu Wang bowed his head and thought for a while, then said: "Then you can lend me another magic weapon, one above the eighth stage light."

"I can lend it to you, but why don't I go with you, you have come to me to borrow the magic weapon, and you don't care about letting me help you."

Hu Wang pondered for a long time and said, "Okay, follow me."

Ye Shaoyang asked him to wait a while, and immediately went to change clothes, put on all the equipment, and then followed him out the door.

After going downstairs, Hu Wang immediately walked in one direction, Ye Shaoyang followed and kept talking to him, but Hu Wang didn't say a word, Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to follow all the way, and at the same time, he wondered what happened in his heart. Wanting to go, she secretly took out her phone, put it behind her back, and dialed Rui Lengyu's number.

Although doing so went against Hu Wang's intention, Ye Shaoyang felt that Rui Lengyu had to know, because Hu Wang was now suffering from corpse poison.

After the phone vibrated, showing that the call was connected, Ye Shaoyang deliberately asked Hu Wang loudly: "Hu Wang, where are you taking me? Do you want me to call Leng Yu?"


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