Urban Witcher

Chapter 1811 Snake 2

"What do you mean?" Ye Shaoyang was puzzled.

"Don't talk about this yet, Ye Shaoyang, let's start."

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, tore off the hidden qi talisman, ejected suddenly, caught the hook in mid-air, and rushed towards the beautiful snake.

The beautiful snake noticed it immediately, and forcibly stopped shedding its skin. The snake skin that had already been shed wrapped around its body again, its tail curled upside down, and with a terrifying force, it rolled towards Ye Shaoyang.

"The heaven and the earth are clear and bright, the royal side is invisible, three points come back, pointing to the wind to move forward!"

Before launching the attack, Ye Shaoyang also made preparations. He immediately hit three wind seal symbols head-on, attracting a gust of wind out of thin air, and the magic symbols hovered, forming an enchantment, holding the evil spirit, and hovering in the air.

The beautiful snake turned her head, her snake-like long hair was flying in the air, her face was extremely ferocious, she shouted at Ye Shaoyang: "Who are you, why did you destroy my Qingxiu!"

"Xuanqing Mountain Celestial Master, Ye Shaoyang." Ye Shaoyang said calmly as he formed a seal with his left hand, controlling the barrier.

The beautiful snake frowned, a little puzzled.

A figure slowly walked over from behind Ye Shaoyang, took off his hat, and looked at the beautiful snake in a dark way.

"You!" The beautiful snake saw Hu Wang at a glance, and cried out, "How do you know that I'm shedding my skin here!"

"My teacher has a secret technique called returning to the soul." Hu Wang said slowly, "No matter how far away, I can sense where my soul is."

Ye Shaoyang was startled when he heard this, what Hu Wang meant... Before he could think carefully, the beautiful snake sighed, "I didn't want to kill you, Hu Wang, no matter what you say, at least... I treat you It was emotional."

Two lines of tears rolled down Hu Wang's face, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"For you, I betrayed my teacher, and ended up in this field..."

The beautiful snake took it and said: "Hu Wang, you have to understand, I can't help myself!"

Hu Wang stared at her for a moment, then said to Ye Shaoyang, "Let's do it."

Ye Shaoyang removed the barrier, the beauty snake felt the pressure loosen, and immediately rolled its tail, Ye Shaoyang swung the hook and rushed over.

The hook and the beautiful snake's tail, like two whips, entangled in the air. After a few rounds, the beautiful snake was no match. The tail suddenly plunged into the swamp, sucked up a large cloud of muddy water, and hit Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang still had some scruples about this kind of non-cultivation attack. After all, it was uncomfortable to be hit by a mass of mud. Ye Shaoyang hurriedly took a wrong step to avoid it. When the mud fell, the beautiful snake disappeared in front of him.

"Drilled into the water!" Hu Wang said, pointing to a bubbling place in the puddle.

Ye Shaoyang walked to the side, looked at the water and said: "She can't run, and she can't escape." He took out a bag of cinnabar from his backpack and threw it into the water.

Suddenly a tail protruded out of the water, wrapped around Ye Shaoyang's legs in an instant, and dragged towards the water.

Ye Shaoyang hastily threw the hooking rope out, and hooked it to a tree not far away. Someone's thigh-thin trunk was bent immediately, and it was about to break. However, the time Ye Shaoyang gained was enough. Grasping the soul-hunting rope, with the other hand, he pulled out the Seven-Star Longquan Sword, chanted the sword formula, and stabbed at the tail of the beautiful snake.

With a sword strike, the demon's blood shot out, the tail trembled violently, and the demon's power was instantly loosened.

Ye Shaoyang rolled over, stood up, let go of the hook with his left hand, and struck at the tail, constantly changing the seal, hitting three times on the face, and the last time, the two fingers in the middle of the food were inserted into the flesh and blood, and he shouted: "Get up! "

Taking a wrong step and backing up, he pulled a huge snake tail out of the water with force.

The beautiful snake quickly turned over, her upper body turned into a snake head, and she opened her mouth to bite Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang had been prepared for a long time. He took out the bloody fishing net that had not been used for a long time from his backpack with his right hand, and hit it head-on. It caught the beautiful snake's head at once, turned his hands, and tightened the bloody fishing net. Little by little pulled out of the water.

"It's a pity that you only have about 30% of your cultivation base for reversing the molt. Otherwise, the previous attack would have really caused me a small loss." Ye Shaoyang grabbed the end of the bloody fishing net with both hands, turned to Hu Wang and said, "Didn't you say that you want to come for the last time?" Come on, go!"

Hu Wang rushed up.

The beautiful snake couldn't break free from the bloody fishing net. Knowing that it was the end, she simply transformed into a human form. Hu Wang said pitifully: "You have seven souls on me, even if you kill me, you won't be able to live."

"I don't want to live for a long time." Hu Wang grabbed her with his left hand, his right hand was bent into an eagle's claw, forming a seal, with two fingers stretched out in front, he was about to insert them into the eyes of the beautiful snake.

Ye Shaoyang yelled: "Wait!"

"Brother, what did she just say, your Seven Souls are on her?"

Without turning his head, Hu Wang said, "You said earlier that a beautiful snake has enough chances to shed its skin, and my seven souls... are her chances!"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, his face turned pale with shock, "How is that possible! How can you still live without the Seven Souls!"

Hu Wang smiled wryly and said: "I used the secret method of my teacher, using three souls to control the primordial spirit, and can control the body in a short period of time, but I have already transformed into a corpse..."

It turned out that it wasn't poisoned by some corpse at all! Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized that the corpse aura on his body was the result of his own corpse transformation! No wonder he is a celestial master, but he can't even beat a beautiful snake that has shed its skin, so he still has to borrow a magic weapon from himself.

Why didn't I think of this?

"Wait, let her spit out the seven souls, you can still be saved!" Ye Shaoyang shouted, "At least you can be a ghost!"

The seven souls have been absorbed by the other party, and he has also transformed into a corpse. That is to say, the current Hu Wang is actually dead. , Reincarnation, if the beautiful snake is destroyed now, as long as she moves in the New Year and crushes his seven souls, then he will be a half-spirit ghost, and the three souls can only go to Duanhun Cliff.

"Hu Wang, do you really want to kill me?" The beautiful snake also looked at Hu Wang and said quietly.

Hu Wang stared at her, and sighed: "For you, I betrayed my teacher and the world of magic. I am ashamed to face others. I am determined to die, and I will accompany you!"

After finishing speaking, the two fingers of his right hand erupted with spiritual light, inserted through the mesh of the blood fishing net, and pierced into the eyes of the beautiful snake.

"I love you!!" Hu Wang roared, tears and tears flying, and the remaining qi of his body entered into her body.

The beautiful snake trembled, but she didn't struggle to resist. She opened her mouth, spewed out a gust of monster energy, and fell down softly. Her soul flew out of her body. Driven by mana, she couldn't control herself anymore, and she automatically escaped into the ground , went to Yin Division to report.


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