Urban Witcher

Chapter 1826 Part 2

Xie Yuqing also understood this knowledge point involving forensic science, nodded, and thought about the whole thing before saying: "Dead Corpse Reporter, this matter is very strange, it seems to be to attract people to kill, It is really not true to say that there is a grudge, because no one can be sure that these three people must be the agents, not even one of them..."

Xie Yuqing felt that this case was very difficult.

Xueqi said: "If you want to find out, you have to find out the evil thing that seized the house and interrogate it yourself."

Xie Yuqing said: "You have no choice?"

"The evil thing has already left, even if Ye Shaoyang came, there is nothing we can do, let alone I am not a mage yet, even if you can find it, I may not be able to beat it."

Xie Yuqing was silent, because there were no more clues. After investigating the scene, she went back and began to investigate the owner of this house and the origin of the corpse through conventional channels...

At the same time, in a garden somewhere in Shicheng, there was no one in the middle of the night, a dark figure stood on a stone tablet, standing still, looking from a distance, it looked like a statue, but in fact it was a handsome white guy with blond hair and blue eyes, Her hair was combed back, she was wearing a black suit with a windbreaker, and she looked very aristocratic.

He stood under the moonlight for a long time without blinking his eyes.

A huge bat flew from the flowers, landed at the man's feet, turned into a man in a black cloak, bowed and knelt down in front of the man, and said a series of French (automatically translated):

"Your Highness, I have followed the instructions to create a supernatural event and draw the attention of the detectives."

Still looking at the moon, the man in black said in a low voice, "Very well, continue to create events and expand your influence."

The bat spirit nodded in agreement, and asked timidly casually: "Your Highness, will this attract the attention of the Chinese magic world? I have heard that there are some difficult people in the Chinese magic world..."

The man in black looked down at him and said coldly, "Are you afraid?"

The bat spirit quickly knelt down and bowed: "I am not afraid, I am worried that His Highness' plan will be exposed, and the situation will be bad if China's mages jointly target it."

"Mage of Huaxia." The man in black showed a contemptuous smile, "I did this to attract the strongest mage in the area. I can feel that my younger sister has been here before. Ask a local mage for help, otherwise you don’t need to come to Huaguo. If you find this mage, you will be able to find him.”

He licked his scarlet tongue around his lips, "There is still a month before the will will take effect, we have to speed up, as for the Huaxia mage..."

The man opened his fist, and a rose-shaped spiritual force unfolded in his palm. Looking at this unbudded rose, the man said gloomily, "I didn't pay attention to it at all."

The next morning, after Ye Shaoyang got up, he went to wake up the girls next door, and went to Master Yigu's mansion together. Tan Xiaohui and Gao Gao continued to treat Master Yigu's wounds and cleared the poison.

As they said, Master Yigu didn't suffer as much today as yesterday, he was just sweating, and his complexion was much better than yesterday.

At noon, the old man specially found a restaurant with southern Fujian characteristics, and invited everyone to have a big meal. When the food was in full swing, Ye Shaoyang received a call from Xie Yuqing.

"Shaoyang, something has happened!" Xie Yuqing's first sentence was this.

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked her what was the matter.

"Spiritual events, one happened last night, and another one happened this morning! Otherwise, I wouldn't look for you. Have you finished your work? Come back when you're done."

Ye Shaoyang asked: "What happened?"

"I can't make it clear on the phone. Anyway, it's a supernatural case, and many people died. Xueqi is not a mage after all, so I can't figure it out."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Rui Lengyu beside him, let out a sigh of relief, and said helplessly: "Why is there another supernatural case?"

"I don't know. By the way, have you finished your work?"

"Got it, I'll go back when I'm done."

Ye Shaoyang said a few words to her, hung up the phone, and before he could speak, Rui Lengyu asked, "Is Yuqing in trouble again?"

"Hmm... a supernatural case." Ye Shaoyang shrugged.

"Then go back and help her."

"Uh..." Ye Shaoyang looked at her expression.

"I'm serious, I don't need you here now, you just stay there, go back and help her, and do your duty as a mage."

Master Yigu also said: "Yes, you young people should do whatever you want, don't delay your business because of me, Xiaoyu, go too."

"I won't go now, I'll talk about it after you recover from your injury."

Speaking of this step, Ye Shaoyang also agreed to go back, and said to Tan Xiaohui and Gao Gao: "Ordinarily I should stay with you, but..."

Tan Xiaohui said first: "Brother Shaoyang, are you being polite to me? We will definitely stay and help the master heal his body. You can go to your own affairs. When the time comes, we will go back to the mountains directly. Call me if you have anything to do." Just call."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her gratefully and nodded.

Rui Lengyu checked the air ticket for him, and there happened to be a flight back to Shicheng in the afternoon, so she helped him book the ticket.

"Sister Yao, you have to go back with Shaoyang too. Tell me your identity...no, passport information, and I'll book one for you."

"I'm so sorry, I'll do it myself." Yao Mengjie smiled and shied away.

"It's okay, I've already opened the software, let me do it."

Yao Mengjie had no choice but to give her her passport and ask her to help buy a plane ticket.

After eating, the group went back to Master Yigu's residence first, and drank a pot of Biluochun made by Master Yigu. Master Yigu called Ye Shaoyang into the room, but he seemed hesitant to speak, and in the end he just She said a few words of concern, and told him to arrange their marriage after his injury healed.

When he returned to the hotel to pack his things, it happened that Lin Sansheng and Li Linlin were also there. Ye Shaoyang told them about going back to Shicheng, and then took them with him.

Rui Lengyu and the two girls sent them to the airport together, Ye Shaoyang bid farewell, when the plane took off, he suddenly thought that Daofeng would talk to him at night, I wonder if he would think of going back to Shicheng?

Ghosts can use "soul marks" to realize space transformation. The soul marks of ordinary ghosts are usually relics or longings for relatives. Affected by changes in human geography.

However, someone with such a deep cultivation base as Daofeng will leave a mark wherever he has been. After breaking through the void from the ghost domain, he can in principle reach any place he has been to in the human world.


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