Urban Witcher

Chapter 1863 Lishan 1

"You...are one organization, but your occupations seem to be different." Yao Mengjie looked around the crowd, expressing her doubts.

Old Guo chuckled and said, "Because everyone has different occupations, so the division of labor is also different, and each has its own strengths, so that we can form an organization."

Guagua flaunted: "Actually, we also have a second-level organization called the Yin Yang Division. They are all ghosts and demons. They are officials in the Yin Division... Well, we also have a brother organization called the Valley of the Wind..."

Ye Shaoyang slapped him on the head, "Why so much nonsense!"

Yao Mengjie didn't ask too much. She looked around and asked, "Is everyone in the Ghostbusters here? I mean human beings."

Sibao looked around and said, "Wu Jiawei is missing, he is also a member of our ghost hunting alliance now."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, thinking of Wu Jiawei, and immediately thinking of his brother Wu Jiadao, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Zhou Jingru said: "There is also Leng Yu."

Xue Qi said: "That's right, Leng Yu is the one who appears the least."

Xie Yuqing touched her knee under the table, telling her not to say more.

Ye Shaoyang smiled, hesitating whether to announce his marriage with Rui Lengyu, after thinking about it, he decided not to announce it publicly for the time being.

During the dinner, Xie Yuqing told Ye Shaoyang that the sources of the corpses manipulated by vampires had been found, and they all came from the surrounding area. There was a power outage, the caretaker passed out, and all the corpses disappeared...

Xie Yuqing said that this incident caused a great shock in the hospital, and now it is suppressed by the police, but because many corpses have melted and turned into dry bones, the follow-up processing of this incident will still be quite troublesome. Only slowly to communicate.

You don't need to think about how troublesome it will be for the detectives to deal with this matter, but this is not in the scope of Ye Shaoyang's concern. In fact, finding the origin of these corpses is not very helpful to him. Find out Leon's identity.

Xie Yuqing said: "Shaoyang, I have an idea, you can refer to it, you just guard like this, always in the light, the other party is in the dark, have you ever thought about finding him actively and encircling him..."


Xie Yuqing shrugged, "Or control them or something. In short, let them have no chance to hurt Miss Yao. After the signing is completed and the raw rice is cooked, won't they stop making trouble?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and felt that what she said made sense, so he entrusted her to investigate first. Xie Yuqing asked Yao Mengjie for more detailed information about Leon. Although Yao Mengjie felt that this method was not reliable, she cooperated and told her everything she knew.

After dinner, Zhou Jingru answered the phone and told Ye Shaoyang that there was something wrong with the company and she needed to handle it by herself.

Xie Yuqing and Lao Guo both wanted to leave, so everyone left together.

Ye Shaoyang found Ma Cheng, hoping that he would pay more attention to the tenants around his room, lest vampires and the like sneak in and wait for the opportunity to attack Yao Mengjie.

Ma Cheng thought for a while, and asked Wang Xuwen: "How many days have the guests booked for the rest of the guest rooms on this floor?"

Wang Xuwen said, "I'll check it later."

"Check it out. After these guests leave, these rooms will no longer be open to the public. Four Treasures will move in to live in them. You can live in the rest of the rooms if you want, and leave them empty anyway. Anyway, don't give them any chance."

Ye Shaoyang's eyes widened. "This... the loss will not be small."

Ma Cheng said with a smile: "If you ask me to shut down the entire hotel, that's definitely not possible, but with our friendship, it's okay to give you a few rooms."

Ye Shaoyang was greatly moved. The rent for a few rooms was just a drop in the bucket for Ma Cheng, but this kind of affection was hard to come by.

Everyone dispersed, Ye Shaoyang came to Yao Mengjie's room, arranged it inside and outside, leaving Ye Xiaomeng and Zhang Xiaorui to live with Yao Mengjie, Guagua also stayed, and moved next door to live with Sibao.

Yao Mengjie didn't want Ye Shaoyang to go, but thinking that he was going to leave for one night, for safety's sake, she accepted the arrangement.

Sibao went to find Wang Xuwen and went downstairs to drink coffee, Ye Shaoyang also arranged in his room, before Daofeng came, he lay on the bed, called Rui Lengyu, and told the situation here, Rui Lengyu was silent for a moment, then said, "I'll look for you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Ye Shaoyang sat up suddenly from the bed, "You don't want to take care of your master anymore?"

"The Gu poison in his body was eliminated smoothly, and he is in good health now. Your Xiaohui is very close to my master, so I want to stay for a few more days to take care of him. My master also taught her some spells by the way, urging me to go over help you."

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, his brows were filled with joy, and he begged her to come over quickly.

"Call your Xiaohui and express your thanks, don't forget."

"My Xiaohui..." Ye Shaoyang had black lines all over his head.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Shaoyang immediately called Xiaohui. While chatting, Daofeng came in from the window, followed by a fat figure.

pony! Ye Shaoyang's eyes lit up, he asked them to wait a moment, talked with Xiaohui for a while, expressed concern for each other, and then hung up the phone.

"Who are you calling?" Pony asked.

"Xiaohui, she is helping Leng Yu's master cure Gu poison."

"Xiaohui! Isn't she dead?" Xiao Ma was shocked.

"It's been resurrected a long time ago, don't you know?"

It suddenly occurred to me that Xiao Ma was already dead when Xiaohui came back to life, of course she didn't know it. Feeling regretful in his heart, he told Xiao Ma roughly about Xiaohui's resurrection and becoming the witch spirit girl of the Da Wuxian family, and Xiao Ma sighed for a while.

"The process of this incident must be very exciting and exciting, but unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to participate."

Ye Shaoyang could hear the bitterness in his voice, and said with a smile: "Don't be emotional, you are doing well now, Lord Baiyun."

Xiao Ma said: "When you die, I will let you be the city master."

"Go away, uncle, don't curse me!" Ye Shaoyang said, "Why are you here?"

Xiao Ma pouted at Daofeng, "Fengshen said that he can't go to Lishan today, he is afraid that something will happen to you, so he will find someone from the Valley of the Wind to accompany you, and sign up enthusiastically, this city lord defeated many competitors to win this opportunity Ah. Don't you appreciate Dade?"

Ye Shaoyang was too lazy to argue with him, and asked Feng: "Go now?"

"What are you waiting for?"

"I beg you to do something, you have a better attitude." Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him, thought for a while, called Sibao, and told him to come back quickly. At first, Sibao made various excuses. I came back after the meeting, and I couldn't hide my happiness when I met Xiao Ma.


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