Urban Witcher

Chapter 187 The Savior

Ye Shaoyang said: "It's normal. After a person dies, as long as the soul is aware of death, it will immediately understand some of the ways of heaven and earth. But you are still alive now. These things that belong to heaven will naturally be erased from your mind, lest you reveal them. Secret."

Xie Yuqing nodded as if realizing something.

The construction vehicle drove directly to the hospital where Qin Xiaohui was located. Xie Yuqing led everyone to the inpatient building. As soon as they reached the stairs, they saw a group of doctors and nurses running down excitedly. The reporter said excitedly as he went downstairs: "This is a miracle in the history of medicine and even biology. Hurry up and call the General Hospital, no, call the Institute of Biology..."

Ye Shaoyang and his group went up to the second floor and saw a lot of agents guarding a ward, so they walked over. An agent in charge of the guards wanted to stop them, but when he saw Xie Yuqing, he was stunned on the spot and murmured: "Thank you!" Team, are you alright?"

"Stop talking nonsense, where is Miss Qin?"

"It's inside, but..." the detective scratched his head, "Miss Qin's condition is so strange, she has white hair growing all over her body."

Everyone was shocked and walked into the ward. There was only one bed in the room, and there was a person lying on the bed, covered by a layer of white hair.

Ye Shaoyang came to the hospital bed, bent down and looked down, the white hairs covering her body were thin and transparent, and a stream of cold air came out from Tan Xiaohui's body. Looking from above, these "white hairs" really looked like It grew from her body, Ye Shaoyang thought, no wonder the doctors before were so excited, thinking they had discovered some anti-biological miracle.

In fact, Ye Shaoyang knew that these were ice silkworms spinning silk.

Tan Xiaohui was lying quietly on the hospital bed, with a painful expression on her face. Ye Shaoyang looked intently, and could see traces of black air moving on her skin, being sucked out by silk one by one, turning into faint smoke After a while, this silk could not bear the corrosion, melted and disappeared, and then another silk came out...

"Little magic stick, how is she doing now?" Xie Yuqing asked nervously from the side.

Ye Shaoyang put his finger near his mouth, signaling not to speak, then waved his hands, leading everyone to the door, and said to Xie Yuqing: "She is using ice silkworms to clear away the ghost energy in her body, this should be a kind of white witchcraft. I don't quite understand, but looking at it like this, it should be fine, all she needs is time. You have people guarding here, unless she comes out by herself, no one can go in!"

Xie Yuqing agreed, and called two detectives to stand guard on both sides of the door. Together with Ye Shaoyang and others, she sat down on a bench beside her and rested, waiting for Tan Xiaohui to recover.

"Brother Shaoyang, you just came to the hospital. Go and treat the wound on your leg. I'll accompany you." Zhou Jingru walked up, holding Ye Shaoyang's hand, and walked towards the elevator. Although Ye Shaoyang felt that a little skin trauma was fine. , but people's mind is here, and it's hard to refuse, so I have to follow.

"Brother Xiao Ma, you also have injuries on your legs and feet, let's go get some medicine together." Wang Ping looked at Xiao Ma and said.

"What's this little injury, I'm not as delicate as Xiao Yezi..." Xiao Ma wanted to act a little manly, but a lewd thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and he quickly changed his words, "It's okay to deal with it, who knows? If you step on something, what if you get infected?"

Standing up and taking two steps, my legs suddenly went limp, "Oh no, my feet hurt."

"Let me help you go." Wang Ping said empathetically, and walked up.

"Then... then I'm sorry, hehe." The pony stretched out his fat, salty pig's hand, put it on Wang Ping's shoulder, and limped towards the elevator, moaning constantly, but his expression was Incomparable enjoyment.

After washing the wound with alcohol and applying some liquid medicine, Ye Shaoyang, accompanied by Zhou Jingru, returned to the inpatient building. As soon as he got out of the elevator, he heard someone arguing loudly. Looking up, a group of doctors in white coats, and a group of The detectives are confronting each other, and the two sides in the quarrel are the bosses of the two gangs: Xie Yuqing and an old doctor who looks like a leader.

After hearing a few words, Ye Shaoyang understood that the old doctor claimed to be the dean here, and wanted to go in to check on the patient's condition, but Xie Yuqing refused to let him in.

"The detective is amazing. This is our hospital. Are you being unreasonable!" A young man who looked to be in his twenties, probably an intern, spoke very aggressively. He probably wanted to be a vanguard for the leader. He kept pushing and shoving the detective in front of him, and shouted: "What do you want to do, what do you want to do, you want to hit someone!"

The two detectives were so depressed, you bumped into us yourself and said we beat you, is there such a cheap person?

The young doctor finally squeezed out a moment, and looked back at the old doctor obsequiously: "Dean, come in quickly, the patient with white hair is inside!"

Suddenly he bowed and fell backwards to the ground. With a scream, he clutched his stomach and said to Xie Yuqing, who was caught between the two detectives, "You hit me!"

"Who hit you, who saw it?" Xie Yuqing spread her hands, looking very innocent, just now she punched in the gap between the three of them, even the camera couldn't capture it.

The young doctor suffered from being dumb and was very upset. He stepped forward to argue with Xie Yuqing, and because of his excitement, there was a little physical contact. Xie Yuqing took a step back exaggeratedly, and looked at him in surprise, "Don't tell me you are obstructing official business." , actually attacked the detective?" Called the two subordinates, "Copy it, take it back!"

The boy immediately panicked and hid behind the dean.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head as he watched from the sidelines, he had seen Xie Yuqing's insidious ability more than once, and he had suffered from it too, this young man was a little too young to play with her.

The people in the hospital knew that they were being bullied, and they had no choice but to blame the little doctor for being too impulsive, but they couldn't just watch him being handcuffed, so the director stepped forward to plead for mercy, and Xie Yuqing also sold face, but these people His attitude was not good, and he continued to be strong, and began to use a discussing tone, asking to go in.

Xie Yuqing dealt with them unhurriedly. Not long after, the door suddenly opened from the inside, everyone stopped talking immediately, and looked at the girl standing in front of the door with wide eyes, except for her slightly haggard and pale face There is no difference in other aspects.

All white hair, completely gone.

Xie Yuqing smiled, and said to the doctors: "Don't you keep saying that you are responsible for the patient, and now you are here, come on, check what's wrong with her?"

The dean turned his head, looked at the people behind him, and said, "What's going on?"

The little doctor came out, looked at Tan Xiaohui in a daze, and said, "Where's the white hair on your body?"


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