Urban Witcher

Chapter 1871 Phantom Flower Sea 3

Xiaoma and Sibao glanced at each other, Sibao sighed, "That's right, I've never seen him lose in a bet."

While speaking, the branches besieging Ye Shaoyang became more and more dense, like raindrops, piercing towards the body continuously.

Ye Shaoyang brandished the Seven-Star Dragon Spring Sword and rushed left and right in the middle. In a trance, he felt as if he was walking among trees. A spring breeze was blowing, and the branches and leaves were flying, rolling towards his face and body. Although it seemed chaotic, Ye Shaoyang In the eyes, there is a corresponding law.

Among the gossip, Xun is the wind, and the seemingly inadvertent magic of Li Shan's old mother is closely related to the hexagram image of the word Xun. No matter how it changes, it always coincides with the principle of the gossip, and...it is the innate gossip.

All hexagram images must have eyes, based on this, one life is two, two begets three... the more mysterious the hexagram image is, the more difficult it is to find the hexagram eyes, the translocation of the universe, the generation of water and fire are always there, one is also It can be two, two or three. Daoist spells, everything evolves on this basis, just like the root in an equation, as long as the root can be determined and deduced based on this, all seemingly invisible spells , can find the door of life.

However, although everyone understands the truth, it is extremely difficult to find the root of the hexagram in the midst of changing spells. It requires various deduction and calculations. It is a very complicated process even on paper, let alone in actual combat. During the process, I was slightly distracted, and before I could wait for the result of the deduction, I was basically dead.

Secondly, the positions of the universe and the hexagrams have changed. If you want to figure out the rules of a set of spells in a short period of time, it will be a test of your understanding of the eight trigrams and easy numbers. Therefore, this method is rarely used in actual combat.

Coincidentally, Ye Shaoyang knows the innate gossip, the innate gossip, combined with the acquired, allows him to deduce any changes in the hexagrams, coupled with a certain strength, this allows him to last for a while in the process of fighting skills , Continuous observation and deduction, finally figured out the secret of Li Shan's old mother's spell, and it was only then that she repeatedly cracked it.

He is not really stupid, if he didn't know it clearly, how could he dare to make such a heavy bet with Li Shan's old mother, dig a hole for himself to jump.

"You can actually deduce my mechanism of 'Welcome to the Sea of ​​Flowers', Ye Shaoyang, but I underestimate you."

Ye Shaoyang escaped from the encirclement of the branches time and time again, at first Li Shan's old mother thought he was relying on his strength, but gradually realized that this was not a coincidence at all.

Under such a short period of time and under such a high-intensity siege, the gossip of a spell can be deduced. Although Li Shan's old mother was shocked and incredible, she still felt that the victory was within her grasp, and she sneered, "It's a pity that you only figured it out." Regular numbers are easy to count, but my spell has variables."

After finishing speaking, he shook the branch and started to beat Ye Shaoyang, transforming into countless green vines, attacking Ye Shaoyang fiercely.

Everything is the same as before, Ye Shaoyang wondered, what about the agreed variables? Could it be that he was fooling himself?

Li Shan's old mother let go suddenly, her hands quickly formed seals, and kept chanting mantras.

The hundreds of illusioned vines suddenly became thicker, and the green leaves and buds on them were clearly visible. Ye Shaoyang looked at it and was surprised to find that every leaf was growing rapidly. , produced white buds, and the buds grew larger and blossomed into white flowers, exuding an intoxicating aroma.

What the hell?

Just as Ye Shaoyang was in a daze, white flowers grew on all the branches. Looking at it in a blink of an eye, it seemed as if he was in a sea of ​​flowers. This is... pear blossom?

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of a poem: "Thousands of trees and thousands of pear blossoms are blooming," which could not be more appropriate to describe the scene before him.

"The God of Flowers commanded me to wrap you in plain clothes, and pear blossoms from thousands of trees will wash away the world! Hunyuan Jinxian Guangcheng Tianzun is as urgent as a law!"

Li Shan's old mother clapped her hands together suddenly, shouted loudly, a gust of wind blew, and all the pear blossoms fell, and the petals flew all over the place, rolling towards Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang dodged for a while, feeling that the power carried by the rain of petals seemed soft, but in fact it was very domineering, a bit like boiling a frog in warm water. While the petals were flying, Ye Shaoyang felt the air around him become stagnant a little bit.

Ye Shaoyang hid for a while, seeing that he couldn't escape, he drew his sword and chopped off a string of petals, temporarily disrupting the rhythm of the petals flying, but before he could catch his breath, the petals gathered again and divided into several, without attacking himself , just spinning around itself round and round.

Ye Shaoyang felt bad, and chopped off with his sword, the petals flew, but turned into more fragments, blown by the wind.

What is this ghost array?

Ye Shaoyang calmed down, observed and deduced the changes, and found that the trajectory of the petals' rotation and flow was similar to those of the previous branches, but not the same, so he continued to deduce...

Looking up from the bottom of the mountain, it can be clearly seen that the countless flowers with Ye Shaoyang as the center are gathered together like a huge white flower. During the process of spinning and flying, they are constantly shrinking, like a flower in full bloom. Grows, shrinks into a flower bud.

And Ye Shaoyang is in the middle of the bud, the flower heart.

In the gap between the rotation of the petals, he can be seen standing motionless in the middle.

"Master, what are you doing!" Ah Zi was in a hurry, "Once the sea of ​​phantom spirit flowers is surrounded, it is said that even the gods of Da Luo will not be able to jump out. At this time, why is the master not in a hurry!"

The moods of the rest of the people were similar to hers, and they even suspected that Ye Shaoyang was bewildered by some illusion. In fact, Ye Shaoyang was just observing the trajectory of the petal rain and deducing the law.

It turns out...that's it.

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the top of the "Rain Curtain" that was almost enclosed. There was only a small space there, but it was at least three meters high from the top of his head to the top. In the middle, there was a shock wave composed of countless petals, which looked like breath. Turbulence generally shuttles back and forth.

Ye Shaoyang has figured out the law of its operation, and found the root of the hexagrams. In the gossip, the universe is uncertain, and life and death change, but there is always a glimmer of life. Ye Shaoyang has seen the place of life, but he just saw it.

From here to Shengmen, there is a turbulent flow in the middle. Although the law is controlled, the speed of the hexagram changes is too fast, and it is almost impossible to break through.

This is like martial arts, any move has flaws, but for a master, the speed of making and closing moves is extremely fast, even if you can see the flaw, you may not have enough strength to grasp the flaw and complete the flawed move.

(It's a bit late to post, everyone forgive me, thank you for waiting)——

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