Urban Witcher

Chapter 1874 Rescue Operation 1

Then...he changed his angle again. Since he can think of these things, Li Shan's old mother can naturally think about them. How to do it?

In other words, what does she rely on?

Ye Shaoyang really couldn't figure it out, so he didn't even think about it anymore. Now he can only hope that Daofeng will not be too impulsive and can discuss it with everyone, especially Lin Sansheng, who can probably think of some good solutions. If you catch it, just stay here.

Ye Shaoyang walked around the wing room, and found that the furnishings in the room were very simple, but there was a bookcase with many yellow paper books on it.

Taoist priests in the Qingming world also read books?

Thinking about it carefully, this is really nonsense. Since the teaching of spells, it is impossible to teach them all mouth-to-mouth, and give up the best carrier of words. This book is probably made of wood from the Qingming Realm. Look at the people guarding the door. , I couldn’t get out, so I just picked up a book and opened it, just to beat the time.

The book I picked up randomly from the bookcase, I saw the name, it was written with a brush, and it was also written in the world.

In the human world, in the Golden Palace Hotel, and in Sibao's room, everyone is in a mess.

The news of Ye Shaoyang's arrest that Xiaoma and Sibao brought back scared everyone. After learning that Ye Shaoyang was not in danger, Zhang Xiaorui and others immediately planned to call on everyone to roll up their sleeves and go to a big fight to rescue Ye Shaoyang, making a lot of noise After a while, Guagua asked everyone to shut up, pouted at Daofeng and said, "Stop arguing, all of you, and listen to what Daofeng has to say."

Everyone suddenly realized that Daofeng was Ye Shaoyang's senior brother, and he was also the strongest present, and this matter was related to him, so he had the most say.

Daofeng pondered for a moment, and said: "Since Li Shan's old mother asked me to go, I will go."

Lin Sansheng immediately said: "It's easy to say. After you go, what should you do? Are you forcing her to release her? If she doesn't let her go, are you sure you can single out Li Shan's old mother?"

Daofeng is silent, with his current strength, he has almost no opponents in his eyes, but Li Shan's mother fought him before, although both sides did not give their best, but... Daofeng is not sure if he wants to completely overwhelm her to win.

Of course, Lin Sansheng also knew the result, and said immediately: "An old mother in Lishan may be able to exchange a child with you, not to mention that it is his territory. You don't need to think about it. There must be Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on Lishan. There are many powerful people here. It's not easy for us to get a cheap mage."

Xiao Ma said: "It's nothing, she has a lot of people, and we have a lot of people. The Ghostbuster Alliance and the elites of the Valley of the Wind dispatched together to shovel him!"

Lin Sansheng glared at him: "According to what you say, Lishan will be defeated, so Lishan's old mother kidnapped Shaoyang because of too much food?"

When Xiao Ma heard it, he was immediately speechless.

Xiao Jiu also participated in the discussion and said, "That's right, Lishan must have a back move."

Lin Sansheng said: "We have to analyze first, what is the motive of Li Shan's old mother doing this, I think it must not only be because Dao Feng came to the door last time, she led Dao Feng over, maybe there is another purpose!"

Several people looked at each other, this point can be determined, but because there are no more clues, it is not easy to guess the truth.

Xiao Jiu thought about it carefully, and said: "Maybe it is aimed at Daofeng. I think she is likely to drag the cabinet sects and other sects into the water. First of all, these sects belong to the same teaching as them, and they have the same reasoning. They have all been beaten by Daofeng before, and it can be said that they hate Daofeng, and this time they have the opportunity, they will definitely make a move."

Hearing what she said, Lin Sansheng suddenly thought of something, and said, "Could it be that Li Shan's mother's purpose is to summon these sects to deal with Dao Feng together, and to use their emotions to determine the status of Li Shan's arbitrator and make others submit to you?" ?”

Xiao Jiu pondered and said: "This is very possible. The four mountains and twelve sects have been in charge of the empty world for many years. Everyone wants to be the number one..."

Immediately ordered Ah Zi and Ah Huang to return to the empty realm quickly, and sent people to several major sects to inquire, to see if there was any movement from them.

Lin Sansheng said: "The biggest problem now is nothing else, Shaoyang is in the hands of others, we can't be tough, otherwise even if we succeed in climbing the mountain, Lishan's old mother will be forced to do something to Shaoyang ...that makes no sense."

Dao Feng said: "Don't think too much, I'll change Shaoyang."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it. Lin Sansheng said: "How is this possible? Li Shan's old mother did this to target you. If you go, you will send it to your door. It is very dangerous."

Daofeng's answer was also very simple: "Let Shaoyang come back first."

It's not that he doesn't know the danger. Li Shan's old mother is quite polite to Shaoyang, but if it's him, once it falls into her hands... Daofeng can imagine what the ending will be, but as long as Shaoyang is fine, it's worth taking the risk .

Everyone knew his affection for Ye Shaoyang, and they kept silent at the moment. After all, it was about Daofeng's safety, so no one could say anything.

Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "This is the last way. If there is nothing to do, Daofeng, you must do this. After all, Shaoyang is a hostage for you."

In her heart, Ye Shaoyang's safety is more important than anything else. As long as he's fine, she doesn't care about anything else, even if she sacrifices herself, it's no big deal, let alone Daofeng.

Dao Feng said: "I know it myself, so I don't need to say more."

Lin Sansheng said: "I haven't reached this point yet, I have a solution...The old mother of Lishan is the Golden Immortal of Explanation and Education, and she is also related to the gods of the Yin Division. Why don't we go to the Yin Division to find someone to help intercede, maybe it is also possible .”

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up, and Sibao patted his forehead and said: "Yes, Shaoyang has so many connections in the Yin Division, we can definitely find someone with status and status, and go to intercede, Li Shan's old mother will probably agree Sell ​​face."

Lin Sansheng said: "But it's not necessarily true. Li Shan's old mother must have thought of this, and she dared to detain Shaoyang. If she let him go casually at that time, she would lose face... But I still have to try it, at least I can figure it out. Her real purpose."

Immediately, he called Guagua and told him to go to the Yin Division immediately.

"You go to Cheng Zi first, and ask him to go to Mr. Cui Fu for help. If Cui Tianzi has any concerns, you then ask Cheng Zi to go to Xu Gong. Xu Gong will definitely help."

Gua Gua said: "Mr. Cui Fu has always taken good care of the boss, so he will definitely help, right?"

Lin Sansheng said: "That's not necessarily the case. Mr. Cui Fu is the emperor of Yin, and his every move represents the official. It is normal for him to have concerns, but Mr. Xu is different. He has great prestige personally, but he is a master after all. He acts and does things. It’s much more convenient than Mr. Cui’s, so hurry up!”

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