Urban Witcher

Chapter 1888 Mistress arrives 1

"I've been with my wife all the time, running all kinds of things, going everywhere." Yue Heng raised his eyebrows, looking very proud.

Ye Shaoyang punched him and said: "I still remember, you are the first one on my side to defect to the Valley of the Wind!"

Xiao Ma interjected: "This guy now has a high status in the Valley of the Wind, and I am on an equal footing with Brother Xiao Ma!"

"You are the same thing, two traitors!"

The little horse immediately withered, and continued to pester Sibao, wanting to use his body to play games, and claimed that if Sibao refused, he would go to attach Wang Xuwen's body. Sibao was also afraid of him, so he had no choice but to go out to the Internet cafe with him. Guagua also ran away curiously.

After watching the TV, Yue Heng and Sun Yingyue also left together.

Ye Shaoyang went to take a bath, and when he came out, he found that Lin Sansheng was gone. After going to bed, I turned on my phone and saw a WeChat message from Rui Lengyu. I really wanted to call her, tell her what happened last night, and check the time. She was probably sleeping at this point, so Resisting the desire to tell, he recited the meditation mantra and forced himself to fall asleep.

After sleeping until noon, Ye Shaoyang almost woke up from hunger, got up and put on his clothes, after tidying up, he called Rui Lengyu, but it didn't work, and suddenly remembered that she said yesterday that she would come to Shicheng to find herself today. You might be on a plane later, so you turned off your phone?

Ye Shaoyang got up quickly, wanting to change into more energetic clothes, only then remembered that he was in Sibao's room, so he knocked on the door next door.

It was Yao Mengjie who opened the door. Seeing Ye Shaoyang, she smiled and invited him in.

Ye Shaoyang looked around, and Yao Mengjie was the only one in the room, so he couldn't help but ask where the two girls went.

"They just went down to eat and will be back in a while."

"You didn't go?"

"I ate a lot in the morning, so I'll just have some fruit at noon." Yao Mengjie looked at him with wide eyes, "Did something special happen last night?"

"They didn't tell you?"

Yao Mengjie shook her head, "They came here in the middle of the night. When I asked them, they all said it was complicated and hard to explain, and they didn't know much about it."

"It's really hard to say." Ye Shaoyang understood that Zhang Xiaorui and Ye Xiaomeng didn't want to talk too much to her, and Ye Xiaomeng needless to say, even Zhang Xiaorui, who looks rather brainless on the outside, still has a sense of propriety in doing things.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. If you want to hear it, I will tell you slowly in the future. I am very hungry now."

Yao Mengjie said that she had some pastries, so she took them out to have a look, and Ye Shaoyang immediately said forget it, as far as those pastries, he probably wouldn’t be full even if he ate them all, so he called Zhang Xiaorui and asked them to bring some for him when they came back. meals.

Ye Shaoyang told Yao Mengjie that his girlfriend was coming, then found his suitcase, changed his clothes, at this time Zhang Xiaorui and Zhang Xiaorui also came back, packed food for Ye Shaoyang, Ye Shaoyang ate, and brought up what he thought of before. Question: "By the way, is there anything that vampires are particularly afraid of?"

Yao Mengjie thought for a while and said, "Vampires have nothing to fear, except...garlic."

"Garlic?" Ye Shaoyang was surprised.

"To be precise, I am afraid of garlic juice, not only garlic, but also spicy succulent plants such as onions and ginger. But the most important thing is garlic."

Zhang Xiaorui said: "I've heard that vampires are afraid of garlic, but why?"

"I can't answer this either, it's natural restraint."

Ye Shaoyang is not curious about this question at all. The so-called one thing is one thing, just like zombies are afraid of glutinous rice and goblins are afraid of realgar.

"Would a kingly vampire like your brother be afraid of garlic? I mean, if I get a lot of garlic juice and somehow manage to splash it on him."

Yao Mengjie wanted to laugh when she heard this hypothesis.

"That would make him feel uncomfortable and consume part of his cultivation to resist, but it's impossible to kill him with garlic juice."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, of course he understands this truth, the stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the resistance to natural restraints, but the effect is still there, Ye Shaoyang thought deep in his heart how to use garlic juice to deal with that Prince Leon , don't ask to kill him, as long as it can make him feel uncomfortable and consume part of his cultivation, this matter is worth doing.

Ye Shaoyang decided to go back and talk to Lao Guo, and let him think of a way. Although he is not as exaggerated as Lin Sansheng in terms of strategy, and he can make all the tricks, but he is a good player in tactical arrangements. To put it bluntly, there is no lower limit. I can think of it all.

After dinner, Ye Shaoyang asked the two girls to accompany Yao Mengjie, and went back to Sibao's room by himself. Lin Sansheng had already returned, and was sitting on the window sill facing outside.

"Again?" Ye Shaoyang couldn't help asking.

"Where are you going?"

"Don't pretend, didn't you go to find Jin Ying?"

Lin Sansheng's expression obviously changed when he heard the word "Jin Ying", neither admitting nor denying it.

Ye Shaoyang stood beside him, lying on the window sill, looking out of the window, and said, "How is she?"

"Married, with a big belly, seems to be pregnant." Lin Sansheng lowered his head and added, "Looks very happy."

Ye Shaoyang didn't know what to say, so he joked, "Fortunately, you are a ghost."

"What do you mean?" Lin Sansheng turned to look at him.

"If you were human, in your situation, you would have died of worry."

Lin Sansheng curled the corners of his mouth and forced a smile.

"I think there is no way to do this kind of thing. At least she is very happy now, and you should also feel relieved."

"What about you?"

"This..." Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "Our situation is different, I really can't assume that."

Lin Sansheng said: "I can't assume it. Your situation is more complicated than mine, even the exact opposite."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said with a smile, "What's so complicated?"

Lin Sansheng turned around, looked at him and said, "At that time on Lishan, why did you have to abolish those two disciples? If it wasn't for the safety of me and Xiaoma, you would have killed them."

Ye Shaoyang remembered the scene at that time, and still felt a feeling of lingering anger, and then he understood what Lin Sansheng meant, and said: "No, even if I insulted one of you, I would still want to kill them."

"I believe it." Lin Sansheng said, "But I talked to Sibao before, and he said that at that moment, the kind of anger you showed was the kind of emotion between a man and a woman...it's different from others .I trust his judgment."


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