Urban Witcher

Chapter 1892 Unexpected Event 3

Regardless of Yao Mengjie's life or death, she hurriedly drew a soul-inducing talisman, took off a strand of hair from Zhang Xiaorui's head, wrapped it in the middle, and after chanting the mantra, it turned into talisman water, and fed Zhang Xiaorui to drink, holding her pulse with both hands door, and began to recite the mantra of returning to the soul.

There are at least dozens of methods of summoning souls in Daoist sects alone, because each of them targets different situations, and the best effect is naturally to delineate the soul circle, burn talismans, and arrest the souls. But right now there is not enough time, and secondly, the materials are not allowed.

After reciting the Soul Returning Mantra once, Ye Shaoyang closed his eyes, and his consciousness entered Zhang Xiaorui's body. Through the soul power connected between her three souls and seven souls, she instantly sensed the location of the two lost souls, as if she was caught by something , and is still moving.

Ye Shaoyang shouted sharply: "Guagua!"

Guagua heard him yelling loudly, knowing that there must be something urgent, he hurriedly left his opponent behind and jumped into the wooden house.

"Northeast, about 100 meters away, someone has captured Xiaorui's soul, hurry over there, at least hold it!"

Guagua froze for a moment, and immediately flew over.

When Ye Shaoyang was talking, he also jumped out of the window, performed a volley step, and ran all the way, but Guagua is a twelve-year-old cicada, after all, he can fly, and Ye Shaoyang is not as fast as Ye Shaoyang.

When Ye Shaoyang was shuttling through the jungle, he heard the sound of fighting in front of him. As soon as he got out of the jungle, he saw a werewolf running towards this side, with blood all over his head and face, and Guagua was chasing after him.

"Boss, that's him!" Guagua shouted loudly.

This guy must have been in a panic and wanted to run away, but unexpectedly bumped into Ye Shaoyang, he was stunned, and rushed towards Ye Shaoyang.

Of course, Ye Shaoyang was not too polite, the hooking rope swept across directly, just hooked his neck, pulled hard, and dragged the werewolf to the ground, but the werewolf reacted quickly, got up immediately, pulled the iron rope twice, and now If he couldn't get down, he simply used brute force and ran towards the opposite side. His strength was quite strong, and he almost dragged Ye Shaoyang to the ground.

Guagua transforms into the real body of a twelve-year cicada, flaps its wings, and forms a powerful hurricane, knocking the werewolf to the ground.

Seeing that the werewolf was about to get up again, Ye Shaoyang hurriedly hung the soul-hunting rope on the nearest tree. Before he could make another move, the werewolf had already got up, waving his claws in the air, tearing apart Guagua's attack, and shot on the spot. Jump, just heard a click, and a tree trunk as thick as a person's waist was broken! Fly towards the distance.

Guagua immediately went to stop him.

Ye Shaoyang pulled out the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword and chased after him. At this moment, there was a "bang" sound, and a stream of blood spurted out from the back of the werewolf's head, rolled on the ground, and let out a hoarse scream.

Ye Shaoyang looked back, it was Rui Lengyu, holding a silver pistol in both hands, the barrel was still smoking.

Rui Lengyu flew over, stepped on the werewolf's neck with her high heels, took out a silver dagger, and stabbed it into the werewolf's forehead. The werewolf struggled twice, but stopped moving.

Rui Lengyu then used the dagger to pierce the two blood-red eyeballs of the werewolf respectively.

Ye Shaoyang looked puzzled and asked, "What is this for?"

"It is rumored that the eyes of a werewolf before death are poisonous, which can spread a kind of dark energy and turn the person he is staring at into a werewolf."

"Is there such a thing?" Ye Shaoyang murmured, "I didn't kill werewolves like this before."

"You are a fairy, what can hurt you!"

Rui Lengyu held down the werewolf's chest with one hand, chanted some incantation, lightly raised her hand, and she lifted out two phantoms, standing on the werewolf's body, exactly the same, both Zhang Xiaorui.

Ye Shaoyang let go of his heart completely, used the talisman to collect Zhang Xiaorui's soul, and then ran back together.

"What's going on over there, why are you here?"

"I killed a vampire marquis, and the rest ran away, Sibao has already gone after them."

Now is not the time for discussion, Ye Shaoyang didn't ask any more questions, and ran back to the clearing in one breath. Sure enough, Eva and several nuns had retreated around the wooden house and surrounded the wooden house. The vampires and werewolves had disappeared. A few corpses were left lying on the ground.

There are also two nuns in the body...

Ye Shaoyang didn't look too much, went into the wooden house, pasted Zhang Xiaorui's two spirit talismans on her forehead, recited the spell, slapped her on the forehead, and took off the talisman.

Zhang Xiaorui slowly opened his eyes, his misty eyes gradually focused on Ye Shaoyang's face, and he called weakly: "Master."

Then his eyes rolled, and he gradually remembered what happened. He grabbed Ye Shaoyang's hand and said, "Master, am I dead?"

"You're dead, this is the underworld." Ye Shaoyang pinched her face and smiled, "It's all right."

Then he turned to look at Yao Mengjie.

Eva is feeding Yao Mengjie some potion. Ye Shaoyang remembered that since he arrived, he had been taking care of Zhang Xiaorui, and he hadn't seen Yao Mengjie yet, so he couldn't help but feel a little sorry, so he went to Yao Mengjie and asked Eva, "How is she?"


Only then did Ye Shaoyang see that what she was feeding Yao Mengjie was a red potion, and asked, "What is this?"

"Holy water mixed with rose juice."

Ye Shaoyang didn't understand western witchcraft, so he didn't ask much.

After Yao Mengjie drank the potion, she coughed a few times, opened her eyes, took a deep breath, her gaze shifted and fell on Ye Shaoyang's face, and she murmured: "Brother Shaoyang, I'm relieved when you come."

"Are you all right?"

Yao Mengjie shook her head, sat up, turned to look at Zhang Xiaorui, and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It's okay, I'm fine." Although Zhang Xiaorui was still a little weak, her spirit had recovered.

Ye Shaoyang patted her on the top of the head, "I almost died, but said I'm fine!"

Seeing that everyone was fine, she asked Yao Mengjie what happened.

"It's not safe here, let's talk about it when we go back." Yao Mengjie begged Ye Shaoyang.

Of course, Ye Shaoyang was fine, so everyone went out together. Ye Shaoyang checked the wooden house, and found that there were many red threads wrapped around the two window openings, and a magic talisman was pasted on it. Although the talisman was broken, traces of the rune could still be seen on it. .

"Blood Essence Talisman. Who made this?"

"Xiaomeng and I each drew a picture. We also arranged the red line, and we persisted for a long time. Otherwise, Master, you might not even be able to see us." Zhang Xiaorui said proudly.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at her, "You are my apprentice, and she is my junior sister, so what's the fuss if you can use the blood essence talisman! If you don't know how to use it, it's shameful!"

Zhang Xiaorui pouted dissatisfiedly.

Ye Shaoyang was actually a little surprised in his heart. The blood essence talisman is not an ordinary talisman. It needs to pierce the middle finger of the person who practices it, and awaken the rune with the boy's eyebrows, so as to exert enough mana.

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