Urban Witcher

Chapter 1894 Stone statue 2

"They don't understand Chinese." Even though Yao Mengjie said so, she snapped her fingers at the two of them, and they walked straight back into the room without saying anything.

Rui Lengyu then said: "I heard that the earliest gargoyle was a grave keeper found in an ancient tomb by a European royal minister. At that time, he paid a lot of money to get it back, and was burned as an evil spirit. The head was not melted, and was later placed on the cathedral to suppress evil. Later, many nobles looked for gargoyles everywhere, and placed them in their churches or cemeteries as guardians. I just heard from others, and I also unknown."

Yao Mengjie said: "You're half right. Gargoyles are born evil spirits. Their origins have always been a mystery. They only appear in medieval churches or cemetery ruins. They don't know where they came from. The Holy See It has always been believed that they are guards from heaven, and placing gargoyles outside the church door can prevent evil spirits from invading the church.

The gargoyles who have listened to the holy voice for a long time can become psychic, and then open their eyes with water, and then they can become guards. They will turn into stone statues during the day, and only in human form at night. These two gargoyles are my ancestors who opened their eyes and made a contract, they will always protect the descendants of our family members, but there is only one master in each generation..."

After hearing her explanation, Ye Shaoyang understood a little bit. This kind of gargoyle should be a kind of evil spirit. The cause of formation is unknown, but the cultivation base should come from the power of faith, that is, listening to churches and singing hymns every day. At the moment, he said tentatively: "These two gargoyles are very powerful?"

"They should be the most powerful gargoyles in France. Together, they can defeat Prince Charles."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of something, looked at Rui Lengyu, and Rui Lengyu also glanced at him, the two agreed.

Ye Shaoyang asked: "You mean, they have been protecting you. Didn't you say that they turned into stone statues during the day? Why have I never seen them before?"

"They had a place to stay before." Yao Mengjie shrugged apologetically at him, "The reason I didn't let them take action the previous time was because... sorry, Brother Shaoyang, I wasn't that good at your strength back then. I understand, so I want to check it out. In this matter, I was wrong."

Ye Shaoyang also shrugged his shoulders. If he said he was unhappy, he must have something in his heart, but in this way, he felt that he was with Yao Mengjie, that is, the employer and the employee. And there are eight hundred thousand.

"What about today, what's going on today?"

Yao Mengjie said silently: "Today, it was a complete accident. Xiaorui said she wanted to take me to a barbecue. I thought that with the protection of the two of them, there would be no danger. The three of us went without telling you, yes I'm afraid you're worried, and I don't want to disturb your two-person world..."

Speaking of this, Yao Mengjie looked at him and Rui Lengyu respectively.

On the contrary, Ye Shaoyang felt a little embarrassed, rubbed his nose, and heard Yao Mengjie continue to say: "When we finished eating and were driving back, we encountered Prince Char's pursuit. They were also driving at that time. We were afraid that they would ambush the trap." , so I ran away all the way, and I was in a panic at the time, so I drove all the way there..."

After hearing her words, Ye Shaoyang thought for a while and said, "How did Eva and the others get there?"

"Eva took a few girls with her to protect me in secret. When she saw that something happened to us, she immediately drove to catch up. The three of us had no signal on our mobile phones at the time...we were disturbed by the power of vampires. Eva was not with us. In the car, she can try to block the interference, but she doesn't have your contact information, so she can only call Mr. Jin."

It turned out to be like this...

Ye Shaoyang was still thinking, Rui Lengyu asked: "After that, you were forced there, and then started a war?"

"We were blocked and had to go to war. Thanks to the two saints - as we call the gargoyles - they helped us hold off Prince Charles. The situation was very chaotic. We had to rely on the wooden house and defend, waiting for you Come and save us."

Speaking of this, she took a look at Zhang Xiaorui and Ye Xiaomeng, and said: "It's really thanks to you two who arranged the formation and helped me persist for so long, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable."

Zhang Xiaorui cheerfully said that you don't have to be polite, she didn't realize that there was any kind of help, she is still immersed in the previous battle, after all, in that process, she was the main force at that time, and it was also the first time without Ye Shaoyang Facing the evil thing directly, the feeling of excitement has not passed yet, and she also wants to thank Yao Mengjie for giving her this opportunity.

Ye Shaoyang asked Yao Mengjie, "But you were injured and passed out later, but you seem to be fine."

Yao Mengjie grabbed a metal chain around her neck, and pulled out a shiny cross pendant from the collar of her clothes. In the middle of the pendant was a green gemstone, and said to Ye Shaoyang, "This is an amulet handed down by my ancestors. It can block ordinary attacks, even if it is Prince Charle's attack, it may be able to block it. At that time, it blocked the werewolf's attack for me, otherwise I would have died."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, nodded and said, "When we left, those two gargoyles were still fighting Prince Charles in the distance?"

"Yes, they just came back. They can't beat Prince Char, but Prince Char can't kill them either. It's still possible to get back unharmed."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Then you should have asked me to help, maybe you can kill Prince Char."

Yao Mengjie smiled, "It's useless, Prince Charles won't go desperately with you, if he wants to leave, you won't be able to keep him, so I asked two saints to stop him, we can withdraw first .”

When the matter came to this point, Ye Shaoyang almost fully understood, and immediately asked the last question: "Where is your brother, Prince Leon? Why didn't he show up, and only Prince Charles was sent to show up?"

Yao Mengjie said: "I got a clue, he returned to France."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned.

"Just going back temporarily. Although he is a vampire, he is also active in human society. He has also been here for a while and needs to inquire about something. As far as I know, he will not come back until three days later."

"So...since Leon is not here, why did Prince Charles attack you?"

Yao Mengjie paused for a moment and said, "I think he was just watching me. He didn't expect that I would really go out, and you were not around. I felt that this opportunity must be missed, so I gave it a go."


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