Urban Witcher

Chapter 1917 Chapter 1925 Device 1

Ye Shaoyang took a look, everyone was present except Cheng Zi. Guagua came up to explain that Chengzi had official duties and couldn't leave for the time being, but he tried to come when they started to act.

Ye Shaoyang looked at everyone, and everyone also stared at him.

Ye Shaoyang cleared his throat, and wanted to say some inspiring and bold words, but after a long time of deliberation, he realized that he was really not this material, and he was a little embarrassed, he turned to Lin Sansheng and said, "Come on, military commander, and say something. "

Lin Sansheng's speech is very simple: "Action today, only success is not allowed!"

This group of yin and yang divisions are all restless guys, all of them are full of excitement, eager to fight.

"Ahem, the military adviser summed it up very well, concisely." Ye Shaoyang said, "One more thing, no one is allowed to have any accidents."

Ye Shaoyang took them into the room and told them about his plan, and everyone naturally had no objections.

"Tianshi Ye..."

Ye Shaoyang heard a soft voice, turned his head and saw Fengxi, she now lives in the Onmyoji Division, and for the convenience of walking, she has also suspended a post, naturally she will also participate in the operations of the Onmyoji Division.

"Oh, what do you want to say?" Ye Shaoyang nodded, he was more polite to Feng Xi.

Feng Xi lowered her head slightly, and said, "I have nothing to say, but... I heard from the military advisor that you saw Xu Fu..."

Ye Shaoyang immediately understood that her purpose of staying in the Yin Yang Division was to find Xu Fu and ask him about the whereabouts of her lover. Hearing Xu Fu's news, she naturally couldn't hold back.

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "I understand how you feel, but I'm not sure it's Xu Fu, even if it's true, he hasn't really had any contact with me, if there is a chance to contact him, I will definitely ask him for you, or come to you Ask yourself."

Feng Xi bit her lip and nodded.

Ye Shaoyang came out of the room, greeted Rui Lengyu and Sibao, and went to Lao Guo's house together.

Yao Mengjie looked into his bedroom and asked curiously, "Where are your... those subordinates?"

"Come out when it's time to come out." Ye Shaoyang smiled mysteriously.

Yao Mengjie was curious in every possible way, but she didn't ask any more questions.

Yao Mengjie followed them and drove to Lao Guo's coffin shop. On the way, Ye Shaoyang called Zhang Xiaorui and Ye Xiaomeng and asked them to meet at Lao Guo's shop.

On the way, Rui Lengyu suddenly thought of something, and said, "By the way, Shaoyang, why didn't you find your little Jiu?"

My Xiaojiu...Ye Shaoyang smiled, "Well, she recently helped me collect information in the Qingming Realm. It seems that she is very busy. Before I really plan to take action, I will ask Guagua to call her, um... If necessary if."

Rui Lengyu said: "Actually, I think we have enough manpower now. Xiaojiu will handle other things for you and Daofeng in Qingming Realm, so don't let her come over."

After hearing this, Ye Shaoyang murmured in his heart, and said casually, "Why do you say there are enough people?"

Rui Lengyu looked a little uncomfortable, and said: "Last night, Nangong Ying came to see me."

"Looking for you? Last night?" Ye Shaoyang almost jumped up from his seat.

"Well, it may be that Daofeng gave him our position, so he came here."

"Then why did you not find me, and it was still night." Ye Shaoyang blurted out.

Seeing his reaction, Rui Lengyu couldn't help laughing, "He said, he went to find you first, but you were already asleep. He didn't want to wake you up, so he wandered around the house, and then happened to meet me gone."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned. Although he was really sleepy and slept very deeply last night, he also made some arrangements in the room. Once an evil thing came in, there was no reason not to find it. For a while, suppress the reaction of the magic weapon. If it is true, then this question is really worth pondering, but Ye Shaoyang is more concerned about what Nan Gongying said, so he immediately asked Rui Lengyu.

"He didn't say anything, just gave me a spirit bead, let us crush it when we arrive at the place, so that he can sense our location and come to help. Oh, he said that you don't have to remember his situation , he didn't come here to help you."

"To help you?"

Rui Lengyu glared at him, "What are you talking about? He said he heard what Daofeng said, and wanted to meet that vampire prince... He doesn't know what a vampire is, but he is interested in anyone who is strong. A battle."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, although Nangong Ying didn't have much contact with him, but through a few examples, he could guess a general idea of ​​what he was like.

This guy is simply a martial idiot like Rishido Ouyang Feng - he is not interested in anything, and probably has no concept of good and evil. He just likes to fight and challenge any opponent he can fancy. Finding Daofeng to fight, and then fighting Daoyuan for a round, from the human world to the ghost domain...

That battle also shocked the world, but it was funny to talk about the motivation. These two people didn't have any conflicts at all, and they didn't even know each other at all. The fight was just to fight for breath.

Thinking about it this way, it was only natural that he was interested in Prince Leon.

"He just said that, and then left." Rui Lengyu looked at Ye Shaoyang and emphasized it.

Ye Shaoyang said a little annoyed: "It's not appropriate, it's really rude to run into a girl's room in the middle of the night."

Rui Lengyu pouted at him, but didn't bother to say anything.

Ye Shaoyang analyzed the strength of the enemy and us in the depths of his heart. If Nangong Ying can hold Prince Leon, as long as there is a tie, then the battle will undoubtedly be won. Thinking of this, the sense of urgency in his heart suddenly weakened a lot.

When I came to Lao Guo's coffin shop, after waiting for a while, Ye Xiaomeng and Zhang Xiaorui also arrived. Hearing that Ye Shaoyang said that today is the day of the duel, I asked them to help. The two girls were very excited and kept asking for details tasks for them.

Ye Shaoyang took a pair of pesticide sprayers from Lao Guo, handed them to Zhang Xiaorui, and helped her carry them on her back, holding two water guns in her hands. The scene seemed full of joy, and everyone couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing .

Zhang Xiaorui didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said speechlessly: "Master, why do I feel like an astronaut? Is this a rocket vehicle?"

Sibao laughed loudly, "If you press and hold the trigger, it will fly!"

Lao Guo went up to Zhang Xiaorui and explained the function and working principle of the thing. After Zhang Xiaorui heard it, he was disappointed and couldn't do it. Playing the female man's style, he grabbed Ye Shaoyang by the collar and shouted: "Master, I'm so excited!" If you run over from the ground, you just let me do this, it’s like farming.”


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