Urban Witcher

Chapter 1922 Chapter 1930 The Amazing Truth 3

Finally, when the dust settled, Ye Shaoyang found the entrance and was about to jump down when someone patted his shoulder suddenly. When he looked up, it was Guagua. He froze for a moment, then suddenly remembered that he was also down there before, and grabbed his clothes, Hissed and roared: "Tell me quickly, what happened to them!"

Guagua's mouth squirmed, but Ye Shaoyang didn't hear a word for a long time, but there was only a buzzing sound in his ears, so he pulled Guagua in front of him and asked loudly: "How is it?"

"It's okay, it's okay, they were all rescued by Biantou... I'm afraid that something will happen to you, I'll come and have a look..." Guagua approached his ear and shouted loudly.

What else did he say later, Ye Shaoyang only heard the word "it's all right", his heart was completely relieved, and he hurriedly asked: "Are you all right?"

"It's all right!" Guagua yelled, "Only your precious apprentice got scratched on his arm, it's all right!!"

After Guagua finished speaking, he began to fight back against the evil creatures that rushed over to attack Ye Shaoyang. These evil creatures are strictly speaking monsters, and they all have physical entities. The previous explosion also caused a lot of impact on them, and most of them were also As soon as they got up from the ground, they looked around for targets, and some of them focused on Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang didn't see these enemies in his eyes, he was still immersed in the joy that Guagua brought him. None of them were fine, even though it was the seven-tailed centipede who saved them, it was luck.

The previous madness immediately faded away, Ye Shaoyang regained his senses, wiped the ashes on his face vigorously, turned his head to look, most of the dust and smoke had fallen, and his vision was not affected.

After the explosion, a new round of fighting started again on the roof of the sloping building.

"Shaoyang, are you okay!" Rui Lengyu was also looking for Ye Shaoyang everywhere, ran over and held Ye Shaoyang's face.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "It's all right, everyone is all right."

Immediately, he found Guagua who had transformed into his real body and was killing the enemy, rushed up, swung the seductress, smashed the head of a vampire as if venting his anger, and told Guagua to go downstairs to take care of everyone, and told them that he was fine.

Guagua flew downstairs in response.

Ye Shaoyang and Rui Lengyu fought side by side, constantly beheading the evil creatures nearby.

As the number of evil things was killed less and less, the pressure on the friends was also much less, and they went to besiege Prince Charles.

Prince Charles had already fallen into madness, his whole body was covered in blood, and he looked like a ball of fire. Under the siege of several people, he rushed left and right, but he still showed signs of defeat.

"Catherine, where is Catherine!!"

Prince Charles hissed and turned to Leon and shouted: "Catherine is not coming, destroy the badge!!"

At this time, Leon and Nangongying entered into a strange fight. The two stood facing each other, motionless. Nangongying controlled countless blood drops and kept besieging Leon. Leon resisted with black light, and looked calm. Fighting, but every time the black light and the blood drop collide, there will be a terrifying impact, and the aftermath will spread to Ye Shaoyang and Rui Lengyu. Just by sensing the intensity of the aftermath, you can judge how fierce the battle between the two is .

Leon resisted the attack with one hand, took out a shiny object from his shirt with the other hand, and held it up high.

"I'm here."

A figure came clearly.

At this time, the tinnitus of Ye Shaoyang and Rui Lengyu basically subsided. When they heard the sound, they immediately turned their heads to see that Yao Mengjie came up from the entrance of the stairs on the roof.

Followed by the witch Eva. Ye Shaoyang thought that there would be some nuns behind Eva, but the Four Treasures followed. Lin Sansheng flew up directly with Guagua from the other side.

Sibao and Ye Shaoyang looked at each other, nodded at him, and said: "The explosion was on the second floor. Yuqing has already asked for reinforcements. I told them to stay away and don't come here. Mr. Guo and the others are with her." .”

Ye Shaoyang nodded his head, and moved his eyes to Yao Mengjie's face, but Yao Mengjie didn't look at him or anyone, and walked straight towards Leon.

When Prince Char saw Yao Mengjie, his eyes immediately burst into red, "Catherine, you traitor!!"

Yao Mengjie ignored him, and said coldly to Leon, "Give me the badge!"

Leon smiled at her.

Yao Mengjie took a deep breath and murmured, "Leon, you forced me!"

Then, she performed a behavior that shocked everyone: she ran at an accelerated speed, stepped on the ground hard, and jumped up to a height of more than three meters in one step. Her whole body was wrapped up like a ball of fire, and she slammed into Leon.

This scene stunned everyone on the Ghostbusters Alliance.

"Fuck..." Sibao couldn't close his mouth in shock, and hurriedly said a few times of Amitabha to suppress his shock.

Ye Shaoyang and Rui Lengyu looked at each other and sighed.

Yao Mengjie's attack was intended for Leon at first, but when she passed by Nangongying's side, Nangongying suddenly removed some of the blood droplets, flew in the opposite direction, and hit Yao Mengjie.

Yao Mengjie didn't expect that Ye Shaoyang's friend would attack her at all, she was not prepared enough, she hurriedly closed her momentum, collided with the blood droplet, the blood droplet was smashed to pieces, Yao Mengjie was also shocked back, her arms opened wide Open, landed on the ground, wanted to continue to attack, but hesitated for a while, and shouted at Nangong Ying: "Who are you helping?"

"I won't help anyone." Nangong Ying said, "When I'm fighting, I hate other people's meddling. You're not bad either. When I finish him off, I can fight with you."

Yao Mengjie was stunned, and turned to look at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "Don't look at me, he's not my friend at all, but you... need to explain to me, what the hell are you... an evil thing?"

Yao Mengjie sighed, and said: "Is this very important, Ye Shaoyang, you helped me get the badge, and I will give you twice the reward."

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand and said: "It's useless to give me eight times. I don't like being used as a gunman. If I don't know why I want to help you, I won't do it." Bai Yigan shouted: "Temporarily call it a day!"

Xiaoqing and Xiaobai had completely gained the upper hand in the siege against Prince Char. When they suddenly heard that work was over, they all looked at Ye Shaoyang in surprise.

"You don't know who the enemy is, what to fight, come here first."

Everyone heard that he was not joking, without any hesitation, they all withdrew their offensive and retreated to Ye Shaoyang's side.

For them, it doesn't matter who the opponent is, as long as Ye Shaoyang gives the order, even if they are asked to go to the third division and six divisions of the Yin Division, they will not blink their eyes. Since Ye Shaoyang really asked them to call it a day, let them call it a day.


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