Urban Witcher

Chapter 1942 Chapter 1950 Promise 1

Heiwuchang rolled his eyes and said, "I didn't say I couldn't perceive it, it's just that there's not much difference between whether you have it or not. It's just a waste of effort for us to catch up all the way!"

Not to be outdone, the Second Dharma King glared and said, "What can we do? He has the seal of mountains and seas in his hands. As long as he travels through time and space, even the bodhi leaf can't lock his position!"

Hei Wuchang said: "That's why I said that the things of this Buddhist school are unreliable, causing my brother to run non-stop, he is a step slower, and he can't even touch the shadow. If you want me to say, I have to go to Mr. Cui Fu, Ask him for the book of life and death..."

Before he could speak, Er Dharma King almost shouted, "What the hell are you dreaming!!"

"Damn, what are you doing so loudly! Fuck you!" Hei Wuchang cursed angrily. Although they have been Yin gods for thousands of years, because the ghosts in the Yin Division all go to the human world, those who died in the present age, those who talked The habits are the same as before. The ghosts of the three divisions and six divisions—especially black and white impermanence, have dealt with these ghosts for a long time, and have learned a lot of human speaking habits. They just usually care about face, in front of subordinates and ordinary living souls, They are still serious and dignified, and those who are almost at the same level get together, and they speak without scruples and have no morals at all.

The Erfa King said angrily: "If you have the ability to get the book of life and death, why are you messing with me here? You go, why don't you go!"

Bai Wuchang has always been good-tempered, and he frowned and said: "It's okay, okay, okay, don't quarrel, my brain hurts from all the noise you have made me all the way!"

The Three Dharma Kings also persuaded: "Yes, they are all here on business, don't have any position, the dispute between Taoism and Buddhism is a matter of higher levels, what does it have to do with you!"

The Erfa King and Hei Wuchang had no conflicts at first, and after listening to their persuasion, they stopped arguing.

The king of Erfa asked, "What should we do now?"

"Continue to stare at your bodhi leaf, watch it here, as soon as it appears, we will chase after it, didn't the above say, even if you can't find him, don't let him gain a foothold in the world! Avoid him from contacting the little celestial master! "

Hei Wuchang said: "If you are worried about him contacting the little celestial master, you just need to guard the little celestial master. Why do you have to work so hard to be led away by Xu Fu?"

King of the Three Laws said: "Xu Fu wants to get in touch with the little celestial master, and it is not necessary to meet him directly. Some things are the same through talking to his friends."

The Second Dharma King sighed: "I really don't know what Xu Fu wants to do with the little celestial master. Could it be to harm him?"

Bai Wuchang waved his hand, causing the soldiers behind him to scatter, and then the four gathered together to discuss Xu Fu's purpose of finding Ye Shaoyang...

At that time, Lin Sansheng felt his eyes light up again. Looking left and right, he finally returned to the human world, but the surrounding grass was full of weeds, and there seemed to be a village in the distance, with some low houses and dim lights. Xu Fu was standing there. Opposite myself, looking into the distance.

Lin Sansheng raised his arms, looked down at his feet and surroundings, and exclaimed: "Dare to ask Patriarch, what is this place? I feel like I haven't moved... Why did I come here suddenly?"

Xu Fu said, "You didn't move at all."

"I didn't move at all... so what brought me here?"

"You didn't move at all, this is still the original place!"

Lin Sansheng was stunned, not understanding what this sentence meant.

Xu Fu grabbed his shoulders and flew towards those places with lights. Lin Sansheng quickly saw clearly that these small houses were very simple in shape and looked like an ancient small village. However, when he was playing around in the world, he also saw similar places, like some film and television cities, and some well-preserved small towns from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

But... the shape of these houses in front of me is too old, especially the windows, which are still the kind that are lifted up with sticks, and the lights inside are flickering, looking like candles.

Lin Sansheng looked at Xu Fu suspiciously.

"Go in and have a look." Xu Fu said.

"Trespassing someone's house, isn't it right..." Before Lin Sansheng could finish his sentence, Xu Fu pushed him forcefully and entered through the wall of a house.

It is a young couple, both of them are wearing ancient costumes, the styles and colors are very simple, the man is lying on the table, drinking with pickles such as dried radish and peanuts, whether it is a dish or a tableware for drinking They are all made of rough porcelain. Lin Sansheng thought that the candles were lit in the house, but they were not candles, but oil lamps.

Lin Sansheng had never seen a loom before, but it looked very outdated, with a wooden frame, and it was definitely not a modern thing.

Looking at the furnishings in the room, it didn't look modern at all. Most importantly, even the ground under his feet was muddy.

Lin Sansheng was stunned on the spot: no matter how poor a modern family is, it is impossible to be so poor, right?

While drinking, the man chatted with his daughter-in-law casually. He spoke Chinese, and his tone was not Mandarin, but he could barely understand:

"I heard that there is going to be another war. You should spend all your money to buy rice tomorrow. If there is a war, the money will be useless."

silver? ?

Lin Sansheng was dumbfounded.

While weaving, the daughter-in-law said without raising her head: "Where is there any silver left, just a few pennies. Alas, why are we going to war again?"

"Who knows, it hasn't been a day or two since the war was in turmoil. I heard from Butcher Zhang, the head of the village, that this time the men of General Shi from the south are coming."

"General Shi..."

"Shh..." The man raised his fingers and glanced out of the window vigilantly.

It was only then that Lin Sansheng noticed that this man had a yin and yang head with a money mouse tail...

Xu Fu pulled Lin Sansheng out, and walked in the same direction as he came and went.

"Patriarch, are we...back to the Qing Dynasty?"

Xu Fu said: "Yes."

The corner of Lin Sansheng's mouth twitched, time travel... really time travel.

It took a long time to suppress the calm emotions, looked around, and said: "Then what is this place?"

"It's still where you came from."

Stone City... Lin Sansheng immediately understood that this was Stone City hundreds of years ago. He looked in the direction he came from, there were two mounds, the sky was full of grass, and there was nothing.

Thinking back to the appearance of row upon row of high-rise buildings here in the contemporary era, it really is a vicissitudes of life. For hundreds of years, everything has changed.

Lin Sansheng suddenly remembered something, rushed to the front of Xu Fu, arched his hands, and begged: "I have seen the supernatural powers of the ancestors, please send me to the Ming Dynasty!"

Xu Fu twirled his beard with his hands and said, "I brought you here not to show off the supernatural powers of Shan Hai Yin, but just now there were people chasing you and it was difficult for you to speak... It's not difficult for me to help you return to Daming, you just need to help me do it." one thing."

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